• last month
La expresidenta argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, y el actual presidente, Javier Milei, mantienen una pugna en torno a la jubilación de privilegio y el plus por zona fría que Fernández venía cobrando. Tras una denuncia penal contra la exmandataria por este motivo, ella ha iniciado un reclamo ante la ANSES para recuperar su pensión. El gobierno sostiene que Fernández cobraba el plus de zona austral mientras residía en Buenos Aires, mientras que ella argumenta que legalmente se toma en cuenta el domicilio registrado en su documento de identidad.


00:00The fight between the ex-president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and the president Javier Milley continues
00:06regarding the retirement of privilege and also regarding the plus for the cold zone
00:15that the ex-president Cristina Fernández and ex-vice president Cristina Fernández had been charging.
00:20Well, about this, Cristina Fernández uploaded this tweet to her Kiss account
00:27where she says, Chemi Lay, now you too, like Mauricio Macri, you denounce me in Comodoro Pi
00:32and you send the donkey, he says, that he makes you reiki and he takes the food out of the poor
00:37and another donkey that you put in the Anses, just arrived from his holidays in Mexico,
00:42to make the beretada and say that my home is not in Santa Cruz.
00:46Well, from there, a sort of thread is opened in which the ex-vice president realizes, for example,
00:55that his home has always been in Santa Cruz.
00:58Let's remember that this happens on the pretext that she receives an extra for the cold zone,
01:05that plus that we just mentioned for her residence there in the Argentine south
01:11and well, this judicial point regarding the forecasting events that has been going on for some time.
01:16Martín Angulo is with us online to give more details regarding this tension that continues
01:23and that continues online too. Martín, good morning.
01:25How are you, Lu? Good morning.
01:27And that it will have its judicial chapter.
01:29I would tell you to double because, on the one hand, the government yesterday filed a criminal complaint against Cristina Kirchner
01:36for charging this plus for the cold zone or the southern zone for her residence in Río Gallegos.
01:44But on the other hand, there will surely also be a dispute that will start the ex-president of the nation
01:51because in the face of the decision that the government made to remove her retirement of privilege
01:56and her pension for the retirement of Néstor Kirchner,
02:00the first thing Cristina Kirchner did was make the complaint in advance.
02:06Of course, she made the appeal that was denied.
02:08Exactly. And with that, she is now able to present a cause at the Social Security Forum,
02:15which is the forum that deals with retirements, to make the claim for the withdrawal of that retirement.
02:23Therefore, you will have the criminal complaint of the government for this section of the southern zone of the retirement of Cristina Kirchner
02:33and for the other judicial claim of the ex-president for the withdrawal of her retirement.
02:40Well, this is surely what is going to come.
02:44Cristina's tweet is really very extensive.
02:48I would like to refresh some specific concepts.
02:52One of them was precisely that she had always lived in Santa Cruz
02:56and that since she moved from La Plata to the south, she had always maintained a home there.
03:02And then, based on that, how is this request to withdraw the plus for the cold zone sustained?
03:10Does it have to do with the fact that she also lived for a time in the city of Buenos Aires?
03:14What the government says is that Cristina Kirchner was charging the plus for the southern zone
03:20when it was public that she lived in the city of Buenos Aires, in the home of Barrio Recoleta.
03:27What Cristina Kirchner posted yesterday in that tweet is that, from the legal point of view,
03:34the zone is taken according to what appears in the identity document.
03:40And in her identity document, the home is that of Río Gallegos.
03:45What the government raises is that what has to be taken into account is the real residence.
03:51Beyond what the ID says.
03:54Exactly. It will be a judicial discussion whether this is or not a crime.
04:00And ultimately, which of the two is right.
04:03That plus for the southern zone is established in several salaries,
04:09taking into account that certain areas of the south of the country have, due to their conditions,
04:15A more adverse situation.
04:18Yes, and an increase in prices for quality of life.
04:22The quality of life of living there is more expensive.
04:25And therefore, in several positions, the charge of that plus is established.
04:30Plus that extends to retirement, in the case of Cristina Kirchner, for her residence in Río Gallegos.
04:38Good. Martín, thank you very much.
04:40A hug.
04:41See you.
