• 2 days ago
Usai bertemu dengan Presiden Prabowo Subianto dan sejumlah anggota Kabinet Merah Putih di Jakarta pada Selasa 4 Februari, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Bahlil Lahadalia menjelaskan kembali kebijakan pelarangan penjualan gas Liqufied Petroleum Gas (LPG) ukuran 3 kilogram di tingkat pengecer. Kebijakan tersebut, bertujuan untuk menekan permainan harga di tingkat pengecer, yang menjadikan harga gas LPG 3 kilogram lebih tinggi dari harga maksimal Rp20 ribu per tabung.

Namun belakangan keputusan tersebut direvisi. Kementerian ESDM memutuskan kembali bahwa pengecer bisa menjual LPG 3 kilogram, dengan syarat status pengecer tersebut dinaikkan menjadi subpangkalan. Dengan cara ini, pengecer akan mendapatkan fasilitas yang sama dengan pangkalan, dan harga jual gas LPG bisa dikontrol melalui sistem yang berbasis teknologi.

Bahlil mengakui, selama ini PT Pertamina (Persero) kesulitan dalam mengontrol penyaluran gas LPG dari pangkalan ke pengecer. Celah tersebut pun dimanfaatkan oleh sejumlah pihak untuk menaikkan harga jual, bahkan mencapai harga Rp 30.000 per tabung dan bahkan terjadi tindak pengoplosan.

Karena itu, Presiden Prabowo meminta Kementerian ESDM untuk menjaga harga gas LPG 3 kilogram tetap stabil.


00:00The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Bahli, has insisted that the government still prohibits the distribution of LPG gas in subsidies of 3 kg through the tariff.
00:23In order to distribute LPG gas in subsidies, the government has to increase the status of LPG gas as a LPG base.
00:35The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Bahli, has insisted that the government still prohibits the distribution of LPG gas in subsidies of 3 kg through the tariff of LPG gas.
00:44Bahli stated that after meeting with President Prabowo Subianto at Jakarta Presidential Palace on Tuesday.
00:52According to Bahli, the revitalization of the LPG gas business needs to be done because it has been found that the price of LPG 3 kg in a number of areas fluctuates to exceed the ideal price limit or reach more than Rp 25,000 per barrel, exceeding the maximum price of Rp 20,000 per barrel.
01:11Therefore, it is hoped that the people will get the cheapest price.
01:22But the regulation says that the price of LPG gas is Rp 25,000 per barrel.
01:32Our calculation should be at least Rp 20,000 per barrel, Rp 18,000 or Rp 19,000 per barrel.
01:40Now it is Rp 25,000 per barrel, Rp 30,000 per barrel.
01:46Not only that, there are also those who compromise.
01:49Bahli said that the regulation makes the government reorganize the mechanism of LPG gas distribution in subsidies in order to be more accurate.
01:56That is, by banning the sale of LPG 3 kg at the level of LPG from February 1, 2025.
02:03However, the decision was revised and LPG can redistribute LPG 3 kg gas again.
02:09However, in order to be able to sell LPG 3 kg gas again, LPG must change its status to substation.
02:15Bahli explained that the change in the status of LPG distributor to substation is done to facilitate the monitoring of the LPG distribution of LPG 3 kg.
02:23Because the distributor will get the same facility as the substation.
02:27In addition, the monitoring of distribution will be done with a technology-based mechanism.
02:31Jakarta, IDX Channel
03:01Mr. Yayan Satyakti, Energy Economics Observer from Pajajaran University.
03:07Hello, Mr. Yayan. How are you?
03:09I'm fine, thank God.
03:11Thank you for your time.
03:13Mr. Yayan, before we discuss further, we will first review your view on the mechanism of LPG gas distribution in subsidies of 3 kg.
03:23How is it? Is it accurate? Or as Mr. Bahli said, there are still leaks in the field.
03:31Okay, if we use financial data from the Ministry of Finance since 2015 to 2025,
03:46the government is relatively difficult to predict how much capital or realization is wanted to be established, especially for LPG subsidies.
04:03Here, every year, it always misses in the range of 10 to 20 percent, even up to 40 percent.
04:16So, if we look here since 2015, the number is very fluctuating.
04:23And this is the largest relative in 2018, if I'm not mistaken, around Rp103 trillion.
04:33Then in 2022, it was around Rp134.8 trillion.
04:39And for 2025, it will be Rp87.6 trillion for the current financial notes.
04:46So, if we look here from the number side, compared to 2024, it is around Rp85.6 trillion.
04:55So, if we look here, there is a slight increase, but if we compare it to the recovery period since COVID-19 in 2022, the figure is extraordinary.
05:08It's big, it's around Rp134.8 trillion.
05:12Then, if we look at it from the side of subsidies, if we use IMF data, there is a fossil fuel subsidy, including LPG.
05:32Here, based on the same data, the same period, 2015 to 2025, there is an amount of explicit subsidies and implicit subsidies.
05:44What is called implicit subsidies?
05:46Implicit subsidies are the amount of subsidies that seem to be issued by the government to pay, for example, explicit subsidies.
05:56So, for example, if the government gives subsidies, let's say up to Rp17,000 and so on,
06:07for up to Rp17,000, the government must issue additional checks from the distribution side and so on.
06:16If I'm not mistaken, this can be up to three to four times.
06:21So, if we look at it here, what makes it difficult is from the side of implicit subsidies compared to explicit subsidies.
06:30So, for example, there are distribution costs, then there are other prices, such as production costs, then there are import costs, and so on.
06:43This is what makes the country feel heavy when, for example, to always provide this subsidy economically.
06:57Now, if we look at the effectiveness of the subsidy, it seems that the government is still unable to increase its effectiveness.
07:13Why? Because of data problems.
07:14So, if we look at it here, why does the government always miss every year?
07:21First, the government does not know or the prediction is a bit difficult because of ineffectiveness.
07:34Then we also see that the number always changes, it is always open.
07:39So, there are several things related to implicit subsidies, then the effectiveness that needs to be examined.
07:55That's from your point of view.
07:56Now, let's hear from YLKI about the review.
08:00YLKI, what do you think of the LPG gas trade?
08:04Is there an implicit subsidy that becomes a concern from Mr. Yayat?
08:11Then there is also an effectiveness that must be underlined, at least not.
08:17Yes, as mentioned earlier, Indonesia has already made a lot of subsidies to LPG itself.
08:25And the minister also said that more or less 80 trillion.
08:29And the so-called trading partners also accept or take advantage of around 50 million NIC.
08:36So actually there are a lot of rules.
08:39Actually, there are several problems with the rules.
08:42And that's what we caught in YLKI.
08:43There are several issues about the high price.
08:48And it has also been said that at least up to 30,000.
08:51And also the quality, the quality of LPG is also a lot of 2+.
08:55Finally, it also endangers the consumer, explodes, and also the quantity is decreasing.
08:59That's what we often hear, that 3 kilograms all this time, it turns out that the weight doesn't reach like that.
09:04Well, things like that have to be fixed.
09:08We agree on the management, for the best.
09:11But how to manage it, it also needs a transition.
09:14What is happening right now is that the transition is not going well.
09:17Socialization is also not going well.
09:20More or less, this is very frustrating, I think.
09:23The infrastructure below is not ready, the traders are not ready, the investors are not ready to go up.
09:27According to the existing rules, but the government has done it.
09:31What is the result? Indeed, the public and investors are confused.
09:34Gas is also difficult, the public also finds it difficult.
09:39There are many things that need to be evaluated in this management.
09:43Well, we agree on how to manage it well.
09:46But good management must also be prepared first, the infrastructure, so everything must be ready.
09:51So that there are no incidents like what we want right now.
09:56That the public finds it a bit difficult to get.
09:59Then also the investors, not the consumers, but the investors are also a bit difficult.
10:02Meanwhile, in about a month, we will face the fasting month.
10:07That's what needs to be taken care of.
10:09There is a package, the minister or the SDM said that there is a package.
10:13But the subsidy or distribution path is open or closed, so it can be controlled.
10:20From that subsidy or distribution path, we can also see that up to the price of Rp. 30,000, there is a long distribution.
10:28So that the consumer can get a higher price than the highest price.
10:32That's what we need to follow up together.
10:34Well, the government should also encourage monitoring.
10:38Well, how to move forward, it's not a policy to follow up again.
10:44If it's already a policy like this, just implement it, just monitor it.
10:48How can the outlaws be moved, how can those who play with things be moved.
10:52It means that we don't need to bring the law to be just one mouse.
10:57It's just how we give a firm sanction to them, and this can't be done again.
11:05And we also monitor our brothers and sisters outside Java Island, who have a long access.
11:09It's also difficult to get a subsidy.
11:12Well, this is how it is in Jakarta, it's a bit difficult.
11:16Especially our brothers and sisters outside Jakarta.
11:18Well, things like that have to be taken care of.
11:20Then also how the MSMEs, how the sellers who are in charge.
11:24Well, maybe they will also close, because it will be difficult to get gas.
11:29Well, things like that have to be evaluated.
11:32So that the process from socialization to transition is done well.
11:36And there is no longer a situation like this where it is difficult to get gas, queues, etc.
11:43Things like that need to be evaluated and improved.
11:46Public communication must be good.
11:47That's it, revitalization.
11:49The problem for the subsidized LPG 3 kg gas industry will continue.
11:54So what is the correct and ideal mechanism?
11:57Remembering some of the components that have been mentioned earlier from the LKI.
12:01Then the PAYAN itself.
12:03There is implicit subsidy, then there is effectiveness.
12:06Then on the one hand, evaluation and also monitoring that needs to be strengthened.
12:11We will discuss later in the next segment.
12:13We will pause for a moment with the audience.
12:15We will be right back after this break.
12:47Mr. Yayan, talking about some points.
12:50It's interesting if we look at it, that revitalization will still continue.
12:54Like LPG 3 kg.
12:57How do you see with some points earlier?
13:00There is an evaluation that must continue to be done.
13:02Monitoring must also be strengthened.
13:04So that the gaps in the field, the leaks that need to be looked at, the different prices,
13:09the quality of gas that is also worried because there is inflation there,
13:13and the quantity that is not suitable.
13:14How do you see it later when we talk about revitalization?
13:20If we talk about it, I think that
13:25maybe we should also look at
13:31especially the vision and mission of Prabowo Gibran, Astacita.
13:36That is the main indicator and the indicator is very simple in my opinion.
13:40Although the implications are a bit heavy.
13:46Based on the vision of Prabowo Gibran,
13:51it is said that it pushes the independence of the nation through food, energy, water,
13:58creative economy, green economy, and blue economy.
14:01If we talk about energy resources,
14:05based on the concept of economy, there are only two.
14:11The first is affordability.
14:13What is affordability?
14:15So that this price can be provided by the people.
14:18And then there is accessibility.
14:20Accessibility means how the country is able to provide easy access
14:26so that the people are able to pay.
14:29If, for example, yesterday, because Prabowo acted quickly,
14:37so it immediately canceled the policies that were done before,
14:44it was immediately a red flag.
14:46Why? Because it is not in accordance with the concept of the energy bridge,
14:56which is accessibility.
14:58So, if we look at how to measure it,
15:04as I said earlier, when the people are able to access
15:10and then provide...
15:12If the concept of economy, if the price is cheap,
15:18it means there must be a lot of supply.
15:20If there is a lot of supply, it means there must be a lot of distributors.
15:23It means, if for example now the base is far away,
15:27and then there is also a market proximity in the area,
15:32it means that this network must be increased.
15:35If for example this network must be increased,
15:37for what? To ease the balance in each area.
15:43So maybe what is now said on several scales,
15:48for example in the area of ​​retailers,
15:50maybe it can be taken with the conditions,
15:55first, if for example we see there must be a deficit, deposit, and so on,
15:59maybe it must be reduced.
16:02Why? Because the important thing is, for example,
16:04the important thing is that there are only two energies,
16:07what is the problem? The problem of safety,
16:09then also security,
16:11and then also the problem of accessibility,
16:15because this is a public item, a subsidy,
16:18what does it mean?
16:20It means that what is distributed by the country,
16:22let's say the amount of volume X must be the same,
16:25and then the price must remain.
16:28So if it must remain, it means there is a certain amount of price
16:31that must be transferred to the community
16:34with the same welfare that can be given to the community.
16:40So with that indicator,
16:43I think the government should be able to manage it well,
16:47collect data,
16:49then also measure some of the ability of the government
16:53to do,
16:55in our country, there is what is called the equilibrium price,
17:00then what will the quantity be like,
17:02the willingness to pay from the community will be like,
17:05I think it can be described in several areas,
17:08and if we look at the willingness to pay from the community
17:11to pay for this gas,
17:13I think it's pretty good,
17:14because if we look at some of the prices in the market,
17:19it's more than the subsidy price.
17:22So maybe it can be fixed without having to make a significant structural change.
17:29Why? Because between the price of economics and the price,
17:33maybe now it's just a matter of how the government is able to avoid
17:38the economic chain,
17:40for example, there is accumulation,
17:41there is a fraud,
17:43then also doing one price,
17:47for example, for LPG,
17:49so that this price can be directly received by the community,
17:55so there is a direct benefit or welfare benefit
17:58that is received by the community directly,
18:02so it does not experience such a long economic chain.
18:06So I think in the economy it is very,
18:08very simple,
18:10it doesn't have to be like what,
18:13for example, there is a political problem and so on,
18:16if it can be achieved well and can be measured by the government,
18:20why not?
18:22Okay, Mr. Yayan,
18:24this is interesting if we look at the information that has been conveyed to you,
18:30related to some points that need to be discussed from the ideal side,
18:33if YLKI itself sees how,
18:35the formulation of the ideal policy,
18:38so that the 3 kg gas transmission can be targeted,
18:42it is also beneficial to the community,
18:45as Mr. Yayan said,
18:47there are many more conclusions that prevent that.
18:51Please, Mr. Ria.
18:53If we look at the basic rules,
18:55the transmission rules are actually in FairPrice 104 in 2007,
19:00that LPG is actually produced by households,
19:03household, micro,
19:05and also household.
19:08Well, all this time,
19:10if it turns out that there is a violation,
19:12actually there is no or there is no law
19:15if it is used by poor people and so on,
19:18but if it wants to be regulated,
19:20related to the future,
19:23related only to poor people,
19:25then this regulation must be revised first,
19:27in the future, related to the definition of household
19:30and also how poor people must also be revised first,
19:36so that it is clear that LPG is for poor people,
19:41who have NICs and so on,
19:43or those who are registered in Chemensource, for example.
19:45Well, it must be changed,
19:47so that the rule of law becomes strict.
19:50All this time, if there is a violation of households and so on,
19:53or wealthy households and so on,
19:56this does not violate the rules either,
19:58because the rules are like that in FairPrice.
20:00For households and micro businesses.
20:02Well, that's what needs to be arranged in the future,
20:05in the rule of law first.
20:07The second is how actually,
20:09if for poor people,
20:11then what about the data of poor people?
20:13Do they want to use Chemensource data,
20:15or use PEMDA data,
20:17and so on, who is responsible for this?
20:19So that between regulation and implementation,
20:22the path is also linear,
20:24so that in the future,
20:25in the future,
20:27about accessibility,
20:29affordability also becomes a concern.
20:31How affordable it is,
20:33about how to regulate,
20:35how many meters it must be,
20:37it can't be, for example, 500 meters,
20:39more than 500 meters,
20:41or it can't be more than one kilometer,
20:43so that the community is easy to get LPG.
20:46The second is about the price, actually.
20:48The highest price is already set.
20:50So, subsidies are actually things
20:52that must be controlled by the government.
20:54So that it doesn't exceed
20:56the highest price.
20:58Well, that's also a concern,
21:00so that the process from the production process
21:02to distribution to consumption
21:04is really in line with the expectations
21:06that are intended by the government.
21:08Because the target place,
21:10the price is correct,
21:12and also affordable,
21:14accessibility is also correct.
21:16Therefore, in the future,
21:18how do we also ask the community
21:20to protect this subsidy?
21:21The distribution must also be arranged
21:23in accordance and make it easier.
21:25Don't make it difficult for consumers
21:27to get LPG gas.
21:30So that this will be a new problem
21:33when the problem is not solved.
21:36Mas Ryo, then,
21:38if we talk about the law itself,
21:40do you think it's strong enough right now?
21:42Or maybe it needs a little more revision
21:45so that it is more assertive
21:47who has the right to use LPG,
21:493 kg subsidy, or what?
21:51Or is it only for the implementation
21:53that must be maintained?
21:55Yes, if from the RKI,
21:57we actually ask the government
21:59if there is no regulation,
22:01if it is intended for the poor community,
22:03then if it is to be legislated,
22:05then Progress 104 in 2007
22:07must be revised first.
22:09So far, it's for households
22:11and also micro businesses.
22:13Well, it's added to be approved
22:15for the poor community,
22:17so we don't have a regulation.
22:19So in the future,
22:21there will be a regulation
22:23like this,
22:25so there is also a certain rule
22:27that consumers also get
22:29full certainty,
22:31including those who do not receive their rights,
22:33those who should receive it,
22:35but do not receive it.
22:37We hope that in the future
22:39people can get
22:41easy accessibility
22:43in accessing LPG
22:45which is also about price
22:47and we hope that
22:49people can also get it
22:51in the future.
22:53Okay, that's it.
22:55Some points that need to be respected
22:57may be an evaluation material
22:59for the government
23:01in revitalization
23:03and also evaluation
23:05related to LPG 3 kg gas distribution
23:07in society,
23:09so that the target is correct,
23:11as Mr. Ian also said,
23:13there is no longer
23:15simply disturbing
23:17the distribution
23:18of LPG 3 kg gas.
23:49because the matter of the future
23:51must move forward.
23:53I am investor Saham,
23:55I am the Vice President of Wibowo
23:57and all the staff on duty.
23:59Thank you, see you.
