• last week
En un acto de valentía, una mujer resistió el robo de su celular en la intersección de Alcorta y Colombres en Haedo. El delincuente, que se encontraba en un auto como si fuera un chofer de aplicación, intentó arrebatarle el dispositivo. La mujer luchó cuerpo a cuerpo con él e incluso intentó arrojar el celular hacia una propiedad cercana. Tras una intensa lucha, el delincuente finalmente devolvió el celular y huyó del lugar.


00:00And once again, the violent action of the criminals happened in Aedo, Alcorta and Colombres, a woman who begins to fight body to body with a thief to resist the theft of her cell phone.
00:21Notice what happened, we are going to repeat the sequence because the woman is walking down the sidewalk, stops the criminal in a car, as if he were an application driver, approaches her and at first she even tries to throw the cell phone into a property, with such bad luck that it bounces off the fence.
00:43And from there, a body-to-body fight takes place.
00:50He gives it back to her.
00:52There you have it, accompanied by an insult, as if saying, don't bother me anymore, I gave it back to you.
01:02And from there, the criminal tells the woman that he played with her and resisted the theft of her cell phone.
01:09Notice once again in the sequence, he tries to throw it into a house, into the garden, it bounces off the fence, falls on the sidewalk, the criminal takes it, he wants to escape in this vehicle, and the woman fights with him.
01:27The criminal, tired of so much resistance and also surely surprised, throws it into the sidewalk and tells her, there you have it, and insults her.
01:41Finally, the woman manages to pick it up from the sidewalk, leaves and asks the neighbors for help.
