Female Bodybuilders are using Deca

  • 15 years ago
Deca stays in your body for about 18 months. http://www.free-self-hypnosis.org Deca or Nandrolone Decanoate is very anabolic and slightly androgenic. A very prominent positive nitrogen balance is realized with administration of this product. deca promotes nitrogen storage, growth and repair in hard-trained muscles and reported to be great for joint pains. Aromatizatiion is fairly low and so does not normally cause gynocomastia. Deca is detectable for up to a year and a half after administration, so drug tested athletes could get banned.
Deca is a progestin and so it stimulates the progesterone receptors as well as progesterone itself and this causes many possible unwanted side effects such as water retention, and acne This also may be the major reason that Deca is such a suppressive drug when it comes to your natural testosterone levels. ... a simgle 100mg injection of Deca causes a total (100%) reduction of natural testosterone levels, for over a month, this means small balls are inevitable. Water retention is often reported
