• last month
El expresidente Alberto Fernández ha presentado su declaración ante el juez Julián Ercolini en la causa que investiga acusaciones de violencia de género contra él. En un descargo publicado en sus redes sociales, Fernández niega las acusaciones y lanza graves señalamientos contra Fabiola Yañez, su ex pareja y madre de su hijo. Además, critica al fiscal Ramiro González y a los medios por lo que considera una operación de espionaje.


00:00Ex-president Alberto Fernández declared today in Comodoro Pía
00:04before Judge Julián Ercolini
00:05for the cause in which he is being investigated for gender violence.
00:08Let's remember, he is also being investigated
00:11for the business with insurance
00:14that the former head of ANSES, Giordano, discovered.
00:18Obviously, he did not make a statement,
00:21he did not accept questions from neither the judge nor the prosecutor,
00:26and later published on his social networks
00:29a dismissal that he presents here in this tutorial.
00:32I presented my dismissal in a cause that is a process fraud without precedents.
00:37After many months of silence, I want you to know what I have to say.
00:40I accompany my dismissal and say,
00:42I never exercised physical, psychological or economic violence
00:45against Fabiola Yáñez.
00:46And the truth is that if one reads the pages of the dismissal
00:49that Alberto Fernández presented,
00:51it seems to me that there are three issues.
00:53The first, an attack against the judge,
00:57Juliano Colina, who reminds him of the situation of Lago Escondido.
01:01Alberto Fernández used a national network to make that issue known,
01:05which the media did not want to deal with,
01:07basically because it was, at that time,
01:11most of the media, according to the Casa Rosada,
01:13it was a proof that he got,
01:16as it is called, the proof of the forbidden fruit.
01:20Those chats, those attacks,
01:22were the consequence of an operation,
01:25as investigated in Comoropi, of espionage.
01:27So, a cause could not be set up in this regard.
01:30I also chicane the prosecutor, Ramiro González,
01:36who is the one who instructs the cause,
01:38because he reminded him of a cause that has on gender violence
01:45and basically says,
01:47they are accusing me of something false,
01:49when they accused him of something real.
01:52Then, obviously, and here begins what I want to call
01:56the decalogue of throwing garbage at Fabiola.
02:00Why do I say this?
02:01Because the alcoholic accuser says that three abortions were performed,
02:06that he had not warned her.
02:08He talks about a...
02:12I came to do a...
02:16How to say it?
02:18And without it being ugly.
02:19What the doctors say Fabiola Yanis was suffering from.
02:27And he talks about something much worse,
02:30which is that after having Francisco,
02:32a series of plastic surgeries were performed,
02:37without consulting him, without warning him.
02:39In other words, what he basically does is
02:41throw a lot of dirt at Fabiola Yanis,
02:44dirty her, denounce that he tried to do an image-washing operation
02:48with a colleague from TN.
02:50Anyway, it is a writing, a decalogue in which he is defending himself,
02:52where he gives his version of the facts,
02:54obviously attacking his ex-partner, the mother of his son.
02:57And now we have to see how the cause continues.
