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Prêt à vous creuser les méninges ? Nous avons plus de 15 casse-tête qui vont sans aucun doute faire bouillonner votre esprit et révéler votre génie intérieur. Ce ne sont pas juste des énigmes banales, mais celles qui vous feront gratter la tête un moment pour ensuite crier « Aha ! » la seconde d'après. Que vous cherchiez à vous mettre au défi ou simplement à vous amuser, cette vidéo est remplie de rebondissements et de surprises. Alors, installez-vous confortablement et préparez-vous à faire travailler vos méninges — vous pourriez bien vous étonner de votre ingéniosité ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00Veronica works in an aquatic park. She turns on the employee's laptop to write down some tasks.
00:07But unfortunately, her new colleague Frank changed the password.
00:11How can Veronica discover the new password without asking Frank?
00:24Look at this note next to the computer. It's a clue.
00:27She mentions a red fish, an elephant, a shark, a dolphin and a jellyfish.
00:32One of these words is different from the others. The correct password is therefore elephant.
00:38It is the only creature that does not live underwater.
00:42Veronica receives a message from Frank. He got lost in the water park.
00:47He sends his current position to Veronica, then his phone goes out.
00:51Veronica's watch offers him three itineraries to join Frank.
00:55But his device does not work properly.
00:57One of these itineraries will lead her to Frank.
01:00Can you help her find the right way?
01:11Route B seems rather tortuous, but that's where she has to go.
01:16Veronica finds Frank in a dump full of buoys and surfboards.
01:21There is something really strange about this place.
01:24Can you tell me why?
01:34There is a shark hidden among the surfboards.
01:37There is one foot missing from the chair.
01:39There is a starry night behind the right window and a sunny day behind the left window.
01:46Veronica wants to challenge Frank's intelligence.
01:49So she asks him to decide which of these two triangles is the smallest.
01:53Can you help him?
02:03In fact, the two triangles are identical in size.
02:06But because of their different colors, it's hard to see.
02:10And these two buoys?
02:12Which one has a lighter color?
02:23This one.
02:25And what can you tell me about these two pink flames?
02:37They are absolutely identical.
02:41Veronica goes to the central pool to check if everything is fine.
02:44Can you help her spot three strange things?
02:55There is a fried chicken floating in the pool among people.
02:59The swimming master of the pool turns into a werewolf.
03:02Look at his feet up close.
03:04And this buoy is torn, but it does not deflate.
03:09Veronica comes home from work and approaches her building.
03:12Suddenly, an old television crashes on the car of her neighbor Josh.
03:16It looks like someone did it on purpose.
03:18They call the police and a detective questions three people living in the building.
03:24Sally says, I just got home.
03:27Why would I destroy Josh's car?
03:29It's my little friend.
03:30Tyler says, the apartment I live in is not above Josh's car.
03:35And on top of that, my right hand is broken.
03:37How could I have done that?
03:39And Josh says, it's a new car.
03:41I bought it a week ago.
03:43But it will be fine.
03:44I have insurance.
03:45I'm not worried.
03:46The detective immediately discovers who did it.
03:50And you?
03:52If Tyler's right hand is really broken,
03:55how does he drink and eat with that same hand?
03:58His fork and his cup are both on the right side.
04:04Veronica lives alone.
04:05She sees something that scares her very much and she shouts.
04:08Why did she react this way, according to you?
04:12Look out the window.
04:13It's closed.
04:14Yet the curtains are moving.
04:17Veronica goes to her kitchen and discovers another mystery.
04:20Can you guess what's ringing here?
04:27It's a bell.
04:28It's a bell.
04:29It's a bell.
04:30It's a bell.
04:31It's a bell.
04:32It's a bell.
04:33It's a bell.
04:34It's a bell.
04:35It's a bell.
04:36It's a bell.
04:37It's a bell.
04:38It's a bell.
04:39It's a bell.
04:46The clock on the wall shows 6 pm
04:48and the microwave's clock shows 9 am,
04:52but through the window,
04:53you can see it's night time.
04:56Returning to her bedroom,
04:58she's very scared again.
04:59Someone wrote these scary words on the wall on the floor.
05:02What do you think it means?
05:10To solve this riddle, we must replace each of the letters by the one that precedes it in the alphabet, and we will get LIBRARY.
05:21The next day, Veronica goes to the library in the hope of learning more about the paranormal activity in her house.
05:28She immediately sees a ghost among the customers. Can you find it too?
05:33It's this lady here. She is unable to grab a book.
05:47Veronica discovers a secret passage in the library and decides to explore it. But she ends up getting lost.
05:54Now, Veronica must choose one of these three doors to escape.
05:58There are thousands of venomous scorpions behind the first door.
06:02Behind the second door, there are extremely dangerous magic potions.
06:06Injected, they are immediately fatal to any human being.
06:09And there is a pool with a family of crocodiles behind the third door.
06:13Which door should Veronica choose?
06:24She must go through the second door. Potions are only dangerous by injection.
06:31Veronica once again says to Tom, the day before New Year's Eve,
06:34I want a promotion, otherwise I resign.
06:37Tom replies, you will have a promotion if you solve my riddle.
06:41Veronica agrees.
06:43Cut this thread in half. But be careful, the ball must not fall and you must not touch it.
06:49In a minute, Veronica got her promotion because she managed to do what Tom asked.
06:54How did she cut the thread in half?
07:05Veronica first made a knot in the middle, then she cut the thread this way.
07:11Veronica changes a three-letter password on the desk door.
07:14Now, she is the only one to know the new code.
07:18She leaves this little clue for her colleagues.
07:20Can you guess the password?
07:30The number of flowers indicates which letter you must remove from the word flower.
07:34Thus, the new code is EUL.
07:38Veronica receives a complaint from the customers of the water park.
07:41Someone covered the paint bubbles.
07:44And now, all those who used them have stains everywhere.
07:48Veronica interrogates four witnesses among the bathers.
07:51They all declare to be innocent.
07:53But Veronica is certainly the one who made this bad joke.
07:56And you?
08:06It's the third guy.
08:07The four witnesses are all stained with paint.
08:10But this guy only has it on his hands.
08:12Which means he didn't ride on the buoys.
08:14Unlike the others.
08:17The park owner comes for a surprise visit.
08:20He decides to test the employees.
08:22Do they know the history of the park?
08:25Veronica knows that the employees are not ready.
08:27And secretly offers them a clever plan.
08:30When the owner asks these questions, all the employees will raise their hand.
08:35Veronica will then choose the person who will have to answer.
08:39Once the test is over, the boss is very impressed.
08:42Everyone in the office raised their hand to each question.
08:45Even if they didn't know the answer.
08:47But the person chosen by Veronica answered correctly each time.
08:52How is this possible?
09:02Veronica had asked the employees to raise their right hand if they knew the answer.
09:06And to raise their left hand if they didn't know it.
09:08All she had to do was choose the one who raised his right hand.
09:13Veronica downloads a dating app hoping to meet someone special.
09:18Here are several pictures of cute guys.
09:21But one of them lives with his wife.
09:23Can you guess which one?
09:33It's the second man.
09:34There are two pairs of slippers on the floor behind him.
09:37And this pair is obviously too small for his feet.
09:41A violent storm hit the city and there is a power outage.
09:45It's a total failure.
09:46So, Veronica is stuck at work alone, late in the evening.
09:50She filled a suitcase with tickets.
09:52She wants to bring them to the bank the next day.
09:54After going to the bathroom, Veronica returns to the office and checks the contents of the suitcase.
10:00But everything was stolen.
10:03At dawn, the police interrogate three people who knew that this money was there.
10:07Frank says, there was no electricity yesterday.
10:10So I went to bed.
10:11You can check my surveillance videos.
10:14I spent all this time sleeping.
10:17Tom says, I have a dog.
10:19She was terrified because of the darkness.
10:21I sang songs to distract her.
10:23And Nina says, I lit a candle to read a book.
10:27And I immediately fell asleep in my armchair.
10:30After four hours, your call woke me up.
10:33Who is lying?
10:42In fact, we have two liars here.
10:44At Frank's, there can't be any new surveillance videos.
10:47Because there was no electricity.
10:49And if Nina was really sleeping, the candle should have gone out after four hours.
