• 2 days ago
Salut les génies ! Êtes-vous prêts à enfiler vos chapeaux de logique et de réflexion et à faire travailler vos méninges ? Nous avons ici quelques énigmes qui mettront votre cerveau en ébullition comme lors d'une interro surprise ! Des puzzles logiques et des jeux de mots : des défis pour chaque type de penseur. Alors préparez-vou un goûter, installez-vous confortablement et mettez votre intellect à l'épreuve ! Montrez-nous ce dont vous êtes capables - pouvez-vous résoudre tous ces casse-têtes et prouver que vous êtes un vrai génie ? Animation créée par Sympa. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com Pour ne rien perdre de Sympa, abonnez-vous!: https://goo.gl/6E4Xna​ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nos réseaux sociaux : Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sympasympacom/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sympa.officiel/ Stock de fichiers (photos, vidéos et autres): https://www.depositphotos.com https://www.shutterstock.com https://www.eastnews.ru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Si tu en veux encore plus, fais un tour ici: http://sympa-sympa.com


00:00Sarah is a doctoral student at the university.
00:04She lives in a big house with four other students from her program.
00:08One Friday evening, she goes out for a coffee,
00:11and when she gets home, she notices that her precious laptop has disappeared.
00:16It contains all her research.
00:19She suspects one of her roommates to be the thief.
00:22So, she decides to investigate.
00:27Alex, the oldest of all, says that he worked in his room all day,
00:32and that he focused so much on his work that he didn't see or hear anything unusual.
00:38Ben, who is one of Sarah's best friends,
00:41says that he watched TV in the living room while she was outside,
00:45and that he didn't see anyone come in or out of the house.
00:49And Chloé, Sarah's apprentice,
00:51says that she went out shopping around the time Sarah went out for a coffee.
00:57After listening to them all, Sarah immediately knows who stole her laptop.
01:02Can you guess it too?
01:14It's Chloé. She said that she went out shopping.
01:18Ben was in the living room, and he didn't see anyone leave the house.
01:22She probably stole the laptop to read Sarah's secret work.
01:31It's a rainy morning in New York,
01:33and three influencers are waiting for a taxi in the rain.
01:37One of them is in Brooklyn Heights,
01:39the other is in Chelsea,
01:41and the last one is in Bushwick.
01:43Take a look at the image.
01:45Who do you think will be wet first?
01:57It's definitely the one in Bushwick.
02:00Do you see the rain coming after her?
02:03This umbrella is not going to help her much.
02:08A group of friends were traveling throughout Europe during the summer.
02:12During the last week of their trip, they decided to go to Italy.
02:17They spent the morning visiting the ruins,
02:20and at lunchtime, they wanted to eat pasta.
02:24They settled in a restaurant and ate delicious Italian dishes.
02:28But when it was time to pay the bill,
02:30they noticed that their wallet had disappeared.
02:34Since they had no money to pay for their meal,
02:37the restaurant owner called the police.
02:40When the police arrived, they interrogated each traveler.
02:44I remember seeing Alice with her wallet before we left the inn, said Emily.
02:50I had my wallet with me,
02:52but it may have slipped during the last Uber ride we took to get here, said Alice.
02:58I'm sure I had my wallet with me when I got to the restaurant,
03:02but I can't find it, said Jake.
03:06My wallet was in my bag,
03:08but I just noticed that someone opened it and didn't close it, said Lily.
03:15The police officer doesn't know if the group of friends is telling the truth,
03:19so he asks to see the security footage of the restaurant.
03:32Take a look at the footage.
03:34Is the group of friends lying or telling the truth?
03:39They are telling the truth.
03:41Look at this suspicious guy who entered the restaurant.
03:44He pretended to be a waiter to get close to their table,
03:48and he stole all the travelers' wallets.
03:51Oops! A genius pickpocket!
03:55A small town has only three inspectors.
03:58Since they all claim to be the best inspector in town,
04:01the mayor decided to challenge them
04:04to determine once and for all who is the best.
04:08During the television announcement that night,
04:10the mayor declares,
04:11My mustache cat has disappeared today,
04:14and I need the best inspector to find him in 24 hours.
04:18The city's inspectors, Toby, Yuan and Chloe,
04:22get to work immediately.
04:24Each of them adopted a different investigation method.
04:28Toby thought it was better to question the mayor's neighbors
04:31to find out when they last saw Mustache.
04:34Yuan looked in the city's main public spaces,
04:37such as parks and playgrounds,
04:40and Chloe decided to follow the cat fur trail
04:43and paw prints from the mayor's house.
04:47Can you guess who found Mustache first?
04:50It's Chloe!
04:51By following the cat's tracks,
04:53she found Mustache a few kilometers away from the house,
04:57and she won the title of the best inspector in town.
05:03Liam was a famous engineer who worked at TechGenCorp.
05:07He had recently won a prize for having a great sense of humor.
05:11He was the first person in the world to win a prize
05:15for having a great sense of humor.
05:18He had recently won a prize for having invented
05:21a robotic assistant piloted by the IAEA.
05:24One day, he arrived at work and discovered
05:27that the very secure door of his laboratory was open
05:30and that his robot had disappeared.
05:32His laboratory was protected by high-tech security devices,
05:36so he knew that the person who had entered inside
05:39knew what she was doing.
05:41By accessing his computer's diary,
05:43he found a sequence of numbers that seemed strange to him.
05:47The numbers were 12, 9, 6, 5.
05:51At the bottom of the page,
05:53a box with four spaces appeared, asking for a key.
05:56He tried to type the numbers, but it didn't work.
06:00He thought for a moment and realized
06:02that the numbers were hiding a encrypted message.
06:05This message was a unique word.
06:07Can you guess what this word was?
06:18Liam understood that each of the numbers
06:21referred to a letter in the alphabet.
06:24The 12th letter is the letter L,
06:27and the 9th letter is the letter I.
06:30Thus, the sequence formed the word L, I, F, E.
06:37He inserted the word L, I, F, E
06:39into the box at the bottom of his computer
06:42and four videos opened on his screen.
06:46Each of the videos showed a different place.
06:49The first video showed a park
06:51right next to Liam's office building.
06:54The second video showed an electric car store.
06:57The third video showed Liam's living room.
07:00And the last video showed an amusement park.
07:03Liam guessed that these images were a clue
07:06of where his robot could be.
07:09Can you help him choose the most likely place
07:11where the robot could be?
07:15If you look closely, you will see the robot's legs
07:18in the first video.
07:20Liam was heading towards the park,
07:23hoping to find his robot there.
07:26As soon as he arrived,
07:28he saw it sitting alone on the bench in the park.
07:31Liam looked extremely confused.
07:34He approached the robot and asked it
07:36how it had managed to escape the lab.
07:39The robot replied,
07:41He approached the robot and asked it
07:43how it had managed to escape the lab.
07:46The robot replied,
07:53Can you help Liam?
08:04This robot is really smart.
08:07The hidden phrase in this image is
08:09I have my own life.
08:11I guess this robot just wanted
08:13us to recognize its existence a little.
08:17The robot finally admitted
08:19that it had escaped the lab by itself.
08:22Liam was shocked because it was not programmed at all.
08:26When he tried to enter a command
08:28for his assistant to enter the lab with him,
08:31the robot multiplied into two other virtual robots.
08:35Liam was distracted.
08:37Which one was the original robot?
08:39Which one do you think?
08:52It's the third one on the right.
08:54See how the sun reflects on its metal,
08:56but not on the others.
09:02It was Johnny's 7th birthday
09:04and his family had decided to organize
09:06a picnic in the park.
09:09The whole family was present,
09:11including the two dogs,
09:13Luke and Obi-Wan.
09:15During a game, Luke disappeared.
09:18The family searched in the woods
09:20but failed to find the animal.
09:23That's when they decided to call the police.
09:26The agents listened carefully
09:28to the story of each member of the family.
09:30The father said he had seen Luke
09:32chasing a squirrel in the woods.
09:35The mother said she had heard Luke
09:37barking near the river bank.
09:39Emma, Johnny's sister,
09:41said she had heard Luke barking in the meadow.
09:45Ethan, Johnny's older brother,
09:47said he had seen Luke heading
09:49towards the old bridge of the park.
09:51After listening to all these testimonies,
09:54where should the police officer
09:56look for the dog first?
10:08He must start with the old bridge.
10:10Ethan is the only one to have given
10:12precise information about the place
10:14where the dog could be.
10:16So, that's probably where the police
10:18should go first.
10:20But look, here's Luke.
10:22The family is happy.
