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Will HC Mike Vrabel give the #Patriots a "wake up call"? #NFL Does Ty agree with Vince Wilfork?
00:00Ty Law, good morning guys. How you doing?
00:03Beautiful morning today beautiful morning
00:05I don't know if you're able to are you it sounds like you're driving so you're probably not able to watch the show, but
00:12Take you back
00:13to 23 years ago yesterday
00:17and this guy was
00:19Uh, he looks like the coolest guy
00:22Uh in the nfl ty law doing a little press in advance of that first super bowl win
00:28And uh, does it seem like it was 23 years or does it seem like it was just yesterday ty law
00:34You know what?
00:36It it does seem like yesterday, especially this time of year because you can remember so vividly. Uh when you were there
00:42So I think I know the picture you're talking about because I am driving on the way to new york
00:46But uh, you're talking about with the hat on backroom the shades looking clean. Yeah
00:50Yeah, the visor I the yeah. Yeah, that's what i'm saying, man
00:54That's that's before the bucket hat before the bucket hat. So yeah, I remember those days and just being a a part of that
01:01It comes back it comes back. But damn damn i'm old. Yeah, that was 23 years ago, bro
01:07Yeah, that was actually the the one that you beat wiggy. Yeah, that was super 38. Yeah, well 36 was
01:13Yeah, that's that's what when you thought he was gonna go to another team and get him another one
01:22Yeah, I know I know believe me I know that but ty when you look at this week, um
01:28Like what was the biggest thing that like stood out for you?
01:33You know this week leading up into the super bowl just preparing yourself mentally
01:40The commitment that you have
01:42For the media, I mean you get you know parade it around and you know, you're there just
01:47You know, you want to play football you want to you know, you want to get to the game
01:50But you have all these other obligations
01:52So the the schedule and the time it kind of it throws you off a little bit
01:57It is definitely taking you off your normal routine and you try to keep it as normal as possible
02:01But it's not it's the super bowl all eyes are on you. I mean during the game as long as hell
02:07If a time as soon as you get momentum here comes the time on the commercial break to have time as long as hell
02:12So, I mean, it's not one of those
02:14Uh type of games that you you know what it means, but it's also a business. So and it throws you off
02:21So I it's like I just want to play, you know
02:23I mean, so I didn't like all the other things leading up to it because your mind was focused on that
02:28But you have to try to find a way to enjoy the moment because this is a super bowl the last two teams standing
02:34And you want to come away with a win and I remember being on the other side coming away with a loss and it sucked
02:40Ty vince will fork was talking to media from new orleans yesterday and karen gregion has a long article about it
02:46And he basically said that it's going to be a wake-up call
02:50For the players for the patriots to have mike vrabel as their head coach that he's going to demand that they love football
02:55That they need to put their cell phones down and work. Do you echo what will fork had to say?
03:00Absolutely, I mean he knows he has to come in there
03:03And change the culture or bring the culture back to what it once was so something is missing. So what?
03:09What better to have a guy like mike rabel who?
03:13One is the coach. He has the respect from the players who's been on championship teams
03:18So, you know, he's he's playing with the goat
03:21So he's coming up with a with a different mentality even then gerard, you know, gerard was a great, uh, you know a player
03:27But when you're talking about the beginning the patriot way the culture that was established
03:32That was mike rabel and he knows about that
03:35So I think that you know
03:37He's gonna have to put his foot down because it was so it was so different. I I even heard bill got a little
03:42Softer back in the day, you know when I left they say it wasn't the same because he you know
03:47He took his his foot off your neck
03:49But now mike rabel was coming to step on your neck. So you go you got to be ready, you know
03:53Ty I I find it interesting just looking back to the team that you guys were on and how difficult it was for you to break
04:00through into the dynasty conversation
04:02And how many wins you had and how everybody said you have to do x y and z
04:07You would do that and then they would say well, you're still not this
04:10Whereas the chiefs it's like they began as a dynasty and it's like let's just wait and have them show us how
04:23Yeah, well we always had that thing with the page I don't know what it was even uh
04:28When it came to pro bowls and things like that for some reason people
04:32You know
04:33Love to hate the patriots, you know
04:35I mean you think you got the greatest quarterback all the time one of the greatest, uh
04:39or the greatest coach of all time and so many great players you would think there'd be a lot more love and
04:44admiration for but for whatever reason it was
04:47It was a total opposite and I can't put my finger on that one either, you know what I mean?
04:51But like the chiefs do seem like they get somewhat of a pass. You got some chiefs haters out there
04:57you know as well don't get me wrong, but
05:00We had a lot harder time as far as the public
05:03Opinion when it came to how good we were. Are we a real dynasty? Is it just about tom brady?
05:08we had so many things that uh
05:11Wasn't to our favor when it came to the public
05:14You're we loved it though and we but we love that shit god, we love it
05:19We have to dump out of that and that's 100 bucks to the swear jar but you love that s yes, I yes
05:25You're you are you're going to be biased and I understand that curtis's lead this morning
05:30was about the tom brady patrick mahomes conversation and
05:35his suggestion
05:36That patrick mahomes has yet to do much that gets him even in that conversation when it comes to the goat. Do you agree?
05:46I mean
05:47No, he ain't in the conversation yet, but he's working on it. He's damn sure working on it
05:52He's building his resume, but I think it's still way too premature
05:55To talk about patrick mahomes being the goat. I mean hell you got four we've seen that before i've said it so many times we've seen
06:03Four superbowls
06:05We've seen it. We ain't ever seen seven
06:07So you get there first and i'm not saying that, you know, he's not better than uh, terry bradshaw
06:13But you got your montana got four
06:15Let's get there first. Now you get three in a row. That's going to make your argument, you know a little bit more but you're still
06:22Behind you're still three behind tom brady
06:25The guy that beat you in the superbowl was a 50 90 year old tom brady, you know what I mean?
06:32Yeah, I don't I don't I don't get how people just make up these analogies
06:36And saying that okay, he's the goat. He is great
06:39He is the best thing playing right now, but to say the greatest of all time
06:44Uh too soon too soon because remember in when tom was in new england to go to the superbowl beat him
06:51They got to go head to head in the superbowl. And like I said tom
06:57Like I said 100 years old beating so you can't bring those back. So until you get to seven or at least six
07:06It's no conversation
07:08Ty you're you're like one of the you know few guys that can talk about this the philadelphia philadelphia eagles
07:15They're back in the superbowl, but they're coming off a superbowl loss
07:18We obviously know the kansas city chiefs back in the superbowl, but coming off a win
07:22Which one has more pressure because you and 96 were back in the superbowl coming off a loss
07:28But you also were in a superbowl where you came off a win
07:31What what do you feel like has the most pressure? I know they both have a lot of pressure
07:38I think philly has the more the pressure, uh, kansas city. They already are champions
07:42So they they already hold that title no matter what happens. That's not going to change the fact that kansas city
07:48uh has uh
07:49done something special
07:51when you're philly
07:52You got to get one first. This is like another
07:55This is like another home game for kansas city as many times as they've been in this situation now and going to seven
08:01Uh, uh afc, uh championship games all the pressure is on philly
08:06But I do think philly has the better overall roster from top to bottom. It's just that
08:12one guy
08:14Not saying that he's the whole team, but when you got patrick holmes over there, you always got a chance
08:18So I think they're gonna have to win a win convincingly because if they get a tight game
08:23You gotta lean towards patrick mahomes. I mean, he's just he's been there done that have you ever seen anybody as cool and calm as tom brady?
08:31In in those situations outside of patrick mahomes because he's been there before he's already a champion
08:38There's no pressure when you're already a champion. We just got to go
08:41Don't finish the job
08:42Philly has everything on the table
08:45Since you think that philly has a better team top to bottom
08:49You don't think that kansas city just needs to figure out how to wrap up saquon barkley and they're good to go
08:54I just think from a defensive standpoint, uh
08:58the offensive weapon saquon barley is definitely the uh, uh x-factor and you have to stop him but this overall roster
09:06I think philly has a better roster. I I really do but can they go out there and execute?
09:12Are they gonna have a great game plan when it come to coaches? I think that uh,
09:16Um, kansas city has an edge for the coaches
09:19And in their quarterback
09:22But from a team standpoint, can you go out there and stop those guys on on the big one on philly's defense?
09:29I really think they can do that. I think I think they can if they do so
09:32They win the game
09:34Was it surprising? We had some tough ones. They had some tough. Uh, I mean close wins
09:40And they didn't look always look great, but they always did something great when it mattered
09:45But they didn't always look great throughout the game this year
09:49Ty was it surprising to you this week that cam newton said he would not give up the mvp trophy for
09:57For the lombardi for a super bowl win
10:01I didn't hear him say that but uh now that I do know he
10:05Damn crazy. I don't know what cam talking about with that one, man. Come on now
10:09I mean it but and that's the mvp and like I said, that's something to be proud of but I think most of us when we play
10:17When we go into a season and you go in there as a team sport
10:22You're trying to win a championship
10:24That's going to go a long time. I don't know if they got a uh,
10:28A ring for for mvp. I've never been one of those so I mean I wouldn't know
10:33You know, uh, I am a hall of famer
10:35So would you say you know, fortunately I got three rings and a hall of fame ring
10:39but it's a lot of questions where would you
10:42Turn in your you know your hall of fame jacket for your super bowl ring
10:47We played the game to get championships and be a part of championship teams if you can get everything great
10:53but to say
10:54You know that as a quarterback
10:56You are your your legacy is more
11:00Seem minute as a player if you get a championship at the quarterback position
11:03So I don't know what cam is talking about right now. I don't I mean that's his thought. I mean
11:09If you ask any other quarterback, they was like give me the championship
11:12Well, he's talking about he's talking about he's talking about his favorite topic himself
11:20Hey, I mean that doesn't sound like the quarterback like that i've been around though it was about it was about championships
11:25you know what I mean, so I like I was
11:27Spent a long time with the gold and he was all about winning, you know, the stats and all the accolades they came
11:33You know along with that, but I think any great quarterback and you talk about hall of famers
11:39They won the championship, you know, I happen to be the great dan marino, you know, he's won mvps all that
11:44But if you ask dan, he won't he won't that championship, but then I think that's quarterback position tie
11:50then the conversation morphed into
11:53like because we were trying to to
11:55Because we were trying to to decipher if he meant because cam thought he was going to be a hall of famer one day it morphed
12:01Into would you rather be?
12:03like a uh, um
12:06Uh, brad johnson who won a superbowl and had a good career
12:11Or dan marino who was a hall of famer that never won a superbowl because that kind of took went into the ladanian
12:18Conversation, uh tomlinson conversation. So for you would be like a malcolm butler career
12:24Versus your career with no chips
12:29You know what
12:32That's the quarterback position you want to lead your team to a championship so I mean I don't
12:40Man, I I call cap on that man, you know what I mean?
12:43Because the talk to talk to the the champion quarter, but that's how you be remembered for a long time because good
12:49No one could deny, you know cam newton's, uh ability
12:53Yes, he very well may be in a pro football hall of fame. Absolutely
12:59But did you lead your team?
13:02You know that goes back to where you know how he say are you a game?
13:05Are your game change or your game manager?
13:08You know, he you know, he was talking about that and not getting his point where he's coming from he was absolutely, you know
13:16Phenomenal, you know a physical specimen. He could do everything, you know national championship, but there's one thing that's missing
13:23And that is a superbowl
13:24And so and to say you would rather have that and like I said, that's a personal thing
13:28I can't and that's what he said
13:30I know that I wanted it all but it wouldn't have been the same without these championship rings
13:36I probably wouldn't have been in the hall of fame without you know being part of a championship team
13:42He could do it all except jump on a fumble
13:45Uh, all right
13:49Well any big anything big going on with corvus for the game on sunday
13:54Oh, yeah. Hey, yeah
13:55You know what guys if you're available and letting everybody out there know we'll be doing a watch party at the brook casino
14:02In new hampshire corvus is going to be flowing that's the only thing that's going to be flowing
14:06But we're going to have us a damn good time. So come to the brook casino
14:09I'm not even going to new orleans man
14:11I'm staying right up here and the best seat in the house is going to be at the brook casino, man
14:15So come on to the sports book. We're going to be there having a good time play a little blackjack drink a little corvus
14:21Watch a little football
14:23Okay, and I think this wraps up another season with ty long. Oh, I hate that. I know
14:29I know. Yeah, but you know what man, but guys, I appreciate you always, you know, welcome me into y'all family
14:35Y'all built something special. I'm happy to be a part of it, man
14:37So looking forward to next year if you guys have me and man, we're gonna we're gonna keep this thing going bro
14:42But I appreciate it man
14:44It's really, you know, it's up to ken laird. It'll it'll be another another hard-fought negotiation between the two of you. I mean
14:54It's what the people want they can
14:57Yeah, hey we got to talk kid i'm trying hey
15:01I want to be a part of the family on tuesdays, you know
15:04Distant cousins on tuesdays. What kind of a what kind of what kind of a bump are you looking for?
15:09What's the uh, is it like I mean cost of living increased three percent or?
15:14Oh, yeah, I mean low low cost of living. It ain't much man because it's family, you know, you do the family discount you do the family discount
15:32Hey, what you guys doing I gotta ask you guys before we go what you guys do those two both
15:37Y'all go to new orleans. Y'all staying up here. Y'all gonna come to the brook
15:40Ty once told me he doesn't get out of bed for less than 25 000
15:46No, I think that was greg hill
15:49Greg I call that hell. No, I call great
15:52Uh, ty, hey, how much you charge greg? He said I don't get out of bed for x amount of dollars
15:57I ain't gonna put it out there
15:58But he told me he don't get out of bed
16:01Actually greg said he was looking for a place to go and he would love to go to the seabrook. So
16:05The brook he'll be there on sunday
16:09You know what come on greg because i'm still waiting for him to show up guys i'm still waiting
16:14It's been a couple years now
16:16All y'all to show the only one that show up is wiki
16:18No, I think you know, I support, you know, I got paid for that event. I've been on the events
16:23I think we had if I think we had plans on saturday
16:28Say what did we not have plans this past saturday?
16:33Do we have plans? Oh, I was I was out working. Yeah
16:36We had plans plenty of time so it don't make a difference that that's exempt greg
16:40That shit don't even count you talking about you ain't showed up once
16:43That was another drop already, thank you
16:47But it's for the day
16:48Coco, i'm gonna call santo because I know coco ain't gonna show so i'm just gonna have to call santo
16:54Curtis don't drink but you can still come out and hang. Yep
16:58I don't know. I mean you got the invite to yeah, come on man jackson back there
17:02You call me every time you're on show, but you can't even come up jackson. Come on, man
17:06You're gonna regret that one
17:10Bring an extra case
17:12All right, ty law. We'll talk to you next. We'll see you sooner than that though. All right
17:17That's pretty good. That is the great tie law
