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(Adnkronos) - “Considero ‘Buon fine’ parte integrante della food policy di Milano. Questa capacità di creare un raccordo fra il sistema pubblico e il sistema privato si può concretizzare solo se c'è la capacità di essere quotidianamente al servizio di quelli che sono gli obiettivi più grandi”. Così, Anna Scavuzzo, vicesindaco e assessora all’istruzione del Comune di Milano, all’evento organizzato da Coop Lombardia per celebrare il 20esimo anno di Buon Fine, il progetto che si impegna nel recupero di generi alimentari invenduti donandoli ad associazioni ed enti caritativi sul territorio.


00:00I consider that Buonfine is an integral part of Milan's food policy, also because this ability to create a system and a link between the public system and the private system can only be realized if there is the ability to be daily at the service of those who are the biggest goals.
00:23And then the possibility to reach many families, to reach those who may not know these projects and has the possibility to be sensitized compared to many other behaviors to which it pays attention.
00:35So there is a concrete dimension in the collection, in the redistribution, but there is also a great educational value of communication that we need a lot today.
00:43A concrete example, as we are Milanese, but in reality with the ability to keep together also many goals, many realities and I also believe a vision of concern of what are also the social fallouts,
00:58correctly divided between those who have the possibility to intervene, those who have the duty to intervene and also of the projects with a very concrete social development.
