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Donald runs a shooting gallery. His nephews come by and he offers them a free shot, but when the first one hits all the targets, the notoriously cheap Donald switches a cheap prize for the correct one. He then gives the other two boys gimmicked guns; the last one is empty, but the targets break anyway because one boy is hitting them from behind. Donald chases them off; they use the mystic's booth next door to get revenge.
Donald Duck runs a shooting gallery at the local carnival. His nephews come by wearing military cadet uniforms, and Donald insists they play. Huey shows remarkable skill in hitting every target, but when it comes time for his prize, Donald reaches past the large displayed candy boxes to hand Huey a tiny hidden box. Donald insists Huey repeat the performance, but reaches under the counter to hand him a gimmicked gun. With the gimmicked gun, all of Huey's shots miss.

Donald insists Huey try yet again, but this time hands him an empty gun. Donald prepares to make Huey think he is actually hitting targets with the empty gun by creating a glass breaking sound with extra light bulbs, but is shocked when the target actually breaks. Donald moves to the back of the game to find Louie positioned with a hammer to break the glass targets. Louie makes his way down the row of targets with his hammer, ultimately giving a blow to Donald's hand. The boys attempt to abscond with Donald's prizes, but he uses his cane to catch them, take the candy back, then club them away from his booth.

The boys spot the nearby "Mystic Medium" booth, and hastily disguise themselves as a comely female medium to attract Donald. Donald runs over with a gift of candy and attempts to engage a physically romantic relationship with the female medium. Just as Donald makes his move, the nephews engage the mechanism to start the effects of the coming of a mummified Ramesses VI. Donald is initially fooled, handing monetary donations to the mummy, but then notices that the "king" is merely the three nephews. A chase ensues that ends up back at Donald's shooting gallery. After tripping and hitting his head on one of the motorized shooting target racks, Donald ends up stuck on it, becoming a shooting gallery target himself. The boys walk off with Donald's boxes of candy, singing their cadet song.
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