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Donald has a date with Daisy, but no money. He raids his nephews' piggy bank, but his guilty conscience catches up with him.

One evening, while eagerly awaiting a date with Daisy, Donald realizes he is short of money. He catches sight of Huey, Dewey, and Louie's piggy bank, and following a brief battle with his conscience, he takes it. After sending his nephews to bed, Donald breaks the piggy bank open, takes the money, and goes on to have a wonderful time with Daisy at a local nightclub.

Later that evening, Donald drops Daisy off at her house and starts to walk home. He feels prideful at first, but then his conscience returns and calls him a gangster, reminding him that bank robbery is a federal crime. Donald starts to imagine that federal agents are chasing him and he starts to run.

As the film continues, his visions become more nightmarish and desperate. At last, Donald corners himself in a dark alley and believes he is in prison. He frantically grabs the bars of a door window and shakes it. A sign falls off and hits him in the head. It's a 'help wanted' sign, and Donald discovers the door is the service entrance of an all night cafe.

Donald works through the night and earns enough money to pay back his nephews, except when he returns the money to the piggy bank, he accidentally returns $1.30 of the original $1.25. When the nephews wake up, they see Donald trying to take a nickel from the piggy bank and begin to complain. Donald's conscience reminds him, "You see, chum? Crime doesn't pay."
#Best Cartoon


