• 2 days ago
Lean Supply Chain Management is an approach aimed at optimizing efficiency by reducing waste and improving the flow of goods and services throughout the supply chain.

So, what is lean supply chain? It involves streamlining processes, cutting unnecessary steps, and continuously seeking ways to add value while minimizing costs.

Lean supply chain practices often focus on better forecasting, just-in-time inventory, and supplier collaboration.

A few lean supply chain examples include companies like Toyota, which uses lean principles to maintain low inventory levels while meeting demand efficiently, and Dell,

which synchronizes production with customer orders to reduce excess stock.

If you're interested in learn management supply chain, understanding lean methods can significantly enhance overall performance and responsiveness in the supply chain.

For complete lecture on Lean Supply Chain Management, and for more lectures on Supply Chain and Logistics visit: https://aims.education/lean-supply-chain-management/

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Certified Supply and Logistics Professional (CSLP)
Certified Supply Chain Expert (CSCE)
Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Online MBA in Supply Chain Management
PhD in Supply Chain Management
