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Supply Chain Risk Management involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks that could disrupt the flow of goods and services within a supply chain.

For complete lecture on Supply Chain Management , and for more lectures on Logistics and Supply Chain Management visit: https://aims.education/top-7-supply-chain-risk-management-factors/

It starts with supply chain risk analysis, which helps organizations pinpoint vulnerabilities and potential threats. Through supply chain risk assessment, companies evaluate the likelihood and impact of these risks, allowing them to prioritize their response strategies.

Effective risk management in the supply chain ensures that businesses can reduce disruptions, enhance resilience, and maintain continuity in operations despite unforeseen challenges.

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Certified Supply and Logistics Professional (CSLP)
Certified Supply Chain Expert (CSCE)
Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Online MBA in Supply Chain Management
PhD in Supply Chain Management
