• 先月
Hello, my name is Yuki Yasuda, and I started attending a piano school in Japan at the age of 30. I take lessons twice a month.

This video is part of an eight-episode series documenting my 2024 challenge as an adult piano beginner attempting to complete a full piece using an intermediate-level score.

To prepare for this seemingly impossible challenge, I focused on building a solid foundation and completed all four books of Piano Adventures 2A and 2B by August. I have shared my progress on YouTube along the way.

Starting in September, I began practicing the piece in earnest. This video presents an uncut recording of my very first piano lesson for Arigatou by Ikimono Gakari. I hope it gives you a genuine feel for what a real lesson is like.

Will I be able to play the assigned section by the next lesson? Please follow along and watch my progress!
If you're interested, don't forget to subscribe!

Ikimono Gakari - Arigatou Music Video

Past Piano Lesson Videos

#IkimonoGakari #Arigatou #Piano #PianoLessons #PianoSchool #KotaNoguchi #KotaNoguchiPianoSchool #YukiYasuda #PianoTeacher #MusicSchool #ShigeruKawai #AdultPiano #PianoBeginner #PianoPractice #HobbyPiano #Japan #AdultPianoLessons #PianoPerformance #PianoVideo
