• 2 days ago
Website: christyhovercraft.com
E-mail: info@christyhovercraft.com

Note: in all our videos you can see different driving styles - from the simplest to aggressive, since different pilots are behind the wheel of the hovercraft.
This is not an advertising video, but a real video report on the factory road tests for our Customers.
Skeertuig حوامة Съд на въздушна възглавница Aerolliscador Vznášedlo Luftkissenfahrzeug Αερόστρωμνο Aerodeslizador Aeroglita boato 호버크래프트 Aéroglisseur Kapal bantalan udara רחפת Lochtkussenvoertuug ホバークラフト Luftputefartøy Poduszkowiec Pernopter Vznášadlo Hoverkraft Лебдјелица Svävare மெத்தைகாற்று உந்து เรือโฮเวอร์คราฟต์ Судно на повітряній подушці حوامہ 氣墊船 Hovercraft air-cushion vehicle ACV Судно (катер) на воздушной подушке СВП Ховеркрафт,Christyhovercraft, Rescue hovercraft, Best Hovercraft, Sale hovercraft


