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👉 La comunidad LGBT+, gremios y organizaciones se movilizan tras los dichos del presidente Javier Milei en su discurso en Foro Económico de Davos.

📺 #AmericaNoticias
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00You can see it in the images of our drone of Americanoticia.ca24.
00:04It is really the massiveness of this march, there in front of the obelisk,
00:10we made images of the obelisk before, now in front of the Cabildo,
00:15the huge number of people who have congregated, who have gathered,
00:19and this is the point of arrival, the Plaza de Mayo,
00:23that place so symbolic, politically speaking, of our Argentina.
00:29There you can see the cathedral, the cathedral that has been vallayed.
00:32Yes, but beware, there is discomfort from the Archbishop of Buenos Aires for this,
00:35and they said that they did not want to vallay.
00:37They did not make the request, of course.
00:38They did not make the request, that they had no intention,
00:40but of course, as there were paintings in other places, it is impressive.
00:44It is impressive.
00:45The executive director is on the floor saying,
00:47it is impressive, and I agree.
00:48It is really impressive.
00:50Jardina manifests it, and we hear it, and it is like that.
00:53And there we see, look to the right of the screen,
00:56we see the image of this drone that shows precisely that,
01:00that sort of mobile platform that is so classic of the marches of the LGTBI pride.
01:08Look at the gas station with the red cross.
01:11That gas station is for health care, I imagine.
01:14I don't see chemical baths around.
01:16That is another issue.
01:17I don't know how they will solve the issue when they have to do it.
01:20Their need is so many people.
01:22In that sense, it seems to me that there is a flaw.
01:25I don't see chemical baths.
01:26They will correct me there after I open Prosperity.
01:28But the drone is spinning 360.
01:31This is now.
01:33This image is live.
01:35This is what is happening now in the center of the city of Buenos Aires.
01:38This is what is being experienced at this time.
01:41After almost four hours, three and a half hours have passed.
01:45It is 7.37 p.m.
01:47After the departure from 4 p.m.
01:51This is the moment when it began to march from the Plaza del Congreso to Plaza de Mayo.
02:02There is the exclusive image of this drone of A24
02:06that is showing you how this historic day is experienced in the city of Buenos Aires.
02:14It is not the only point of the country.
02:16That is why we talk about a federal march for the rights.
02:22Yes, the federal march.
02:24The antifascist and antiracist pride.
02:26That is how they have baptized it.
02:28I think we can talk about a real crowd that has concentrated.
02:33This is the image that Gabriel Prosperity provides us again.
02:36Where we see the closure.
02:38The closure of the march.
02:39Look, there are people who are even inside the fountain.
02:41A girl, yes.
02:42That is not good.
02:43But hey, security reasons.
02:45But look at how the young man is vanishing.
02:48Very hot.
02:49But this leaves evidence.
02:50After having walked more than 20 blocks.
02:52I think they are from the Plaza del Congreso.
02:54We will have to see on the map.
02:56To Plaza de Mayo.
02:57It culminates in this way.
02:59Everyone resting.
03:03In a peaceful way.
03:05And leaving in evidence the discomfort that exists for the statements made in his speech in Davos.
03:11The President of the Nation.
03:13But on the other hand, ratifying the rights acquired.
03:15As you explained well.
03:17We have seen for 33 years that this type of mobilization has been taking place.
03:21And that marks a very important portion of the Argentine citizenry.
03:25Yes, it is transversal.
03:26I also think this.
03:27Of course, there is a good part of the LGBT community that is marching.
03:31We see it.
03:32We see it on the flag of pride.
03:34This idea of going to the streets as a political response to social shame.
03:39But it is also transversal to families and people who have decided to join this collective claim.
03:49If you want.
03:51Against the speech of President Javier Milei.
03:53In relation to his gaze.
03:57Precisely that people who have decided, as we said, to turn to the streets today.
04:02And that it is not only the people of the community.
04:05Although many people belong to the community.
04:08Also people who may not be part of that community in everyday practice.
04:13But if they have decided to join in support of the people who have decided.
04:20That is, who has called, rather.
04:23And that it is transversal in the sense that it is not only this community.
04:26But there are also members of the feminist movement.
04:32There are people who have to do with the anti-racial struggle.
04:36Families also have to do with the struggle.
04:39Yes, with all issues related to human rights.
04:42I believe that with rights, no.
04:44It seems to me that it comes from that side.
04:46In the sense that what has been acquired.
04:48And with so much effort.
04:50Over decades.
04:52Since democracy was restored.
04:54Back in 1983.
04:57Do not lose it.
04:59That is, look forward.
05:01That is, do not go back.
05:03Look forward.
05:04It has been fought a lot.
05:05It was decades.
05:06We already know each other as Argentines.
05:08There is no naivety in this regard.
05:10And the intention, it seems to me, of this mobilization.
05:12It is to tell the political power also.
05:14Let's look forward.
05:15What we already won.
05:16You have to keep it.
05:18Do not collide or confront with what was obtained.
05:21Depoliticize this logic.
05:23They are rights acquired by the citizens.
05:25Where, obviously, the Congress has to intervene.
05:27But it was already won.
05:28These battles won.
05:29Mark a new beginning.
05:32But forward.
05:33Do not fall back.
05:34It seems to me that this is the message of all these people who are.
05:36In a peaceful way.
05:37And I want to return to this postcard.
05:39The people on the grass.
05:40In front of the government house.
05:42We do not see that they are in the testimonies that we have collected.
05:44Without discomfort towards the national executive.
05:46But without insults in their majority.
05:48Ratifying what has been obtained in terms of collective rights.
05:53And on the other hand, this other image.
05:55In front of a cathedral.
05:56That looks vallada.
05:57But not attacked.
05:58Like other opportunities.
06:00With a truck.
06:02On the route.
06:03Where the anti-picket protocol was not applied.
06:05For obvious reasons.
06:06That is a lot.
06:07It would be unfeasible, of course.
06:09And with the police personnel.
06:11By the images they have sent me.
06:12From the city government.
06:13Which is very short.
06:14With the 20,000 people who told me there were.
06:16Very short.
06:17They are extremely short.
06:18But it is the official information they provided.
06:20From the city police.
06:21They are monitoring.
06:23At a distance.
06:25Through cameras.
06:26That is.
06:28The port security minister.
06:29Waldo Wolf.
06:30At this time.
06:31In this center of operations.
06:33Through cameras.
06:34And all the police personnel.
06:35In the vicinity.
06:36But at a distance.
06:37That is.
06:38Not in contact with the protesters.
06:39And that is something that Gaby Prospery also told us.
06:40That he observed.
06:41It is an evolution.
06:42It is an evolution.
06:43It is a potable evolution.
06:44It seems to me.
06:45That marks.
06:46A mature manifestation.
06:49That has grown over the years.
06:50And that marks.
06:53And that has grown over the years.
06:54And that marks.
06:56The meaning of what is meant to be expressed.
06:57On February 1st.
06:58In the middle of the summer.
06:59Yes, with very high temperatures.
07:00Despite that, people went out to march.
07:01People went out to give their opinion.
07:02To express themselves.
07:03And we are going to see these images very soon.
07:04Because it is very important to us all.
07:05It is very important.
07:06To all who are here.
07:07Because it is very important.
07:08This is.
07:09Very important.
07:10And we are going to see.
07:11Very soon.
07:12And we are going to see.
07:13Very soon.
07:15Very soon.
