• 3 days ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Silver Age The Joker Figure


00:00When it comes to comedy, sometimes you just can't beat the classics. Here's a
00:04look at McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse DC Silver Age The Joker.
00:09The Joker possesses what arguably could be the most dangerous criminal mind on the planet,
00:32with no moral compass to speak of, and a sick sense of humor that derives joy in witnessing
00:37the pain of others. The notorious clown prince of crime is the smiling foil to Batman's grim
00:41and serious demeanor, with a reputation as infamous as what that of the Dark Knight and
00:46the Joker has become, a one-man movement in the city of Gotham City, attracting a sea
00:50of followers as he proceeds to indulge in unthinkable crimes that would get even the
00:55cruelest career criminal pause. I couldn't even tell you what would come out of that
00:59mouth of madness, but I can tell you though that I ended up picking up the Silver Age
01:02Joker here from Entertainment Earth. Ordered it about four weeks ago and this guy finally
01:07showed up. No fault necessarily Entertainment Earth, but more just the strike that was going
01:11on currently here in Canada. Like all my mail has been backlogged, but I did want to have
01:15a look at this guy sooner rather than later. Let's take though the tape measure and see
01:18how tall Silver Age Smiles here stands. The Joker though is going to be seven inches in
01:23heights or working out though to be a figure that's about 17 and a half centimeters tall.
01:28Body wise, he's actually using at least the lower half from the Infinite Frontier
01:32Joker. In fact, he's actually even using the exact same hand. The Infinite Frontier
01:36Joker, if you remember, had the little eyeball in between his fingers. They removed that
01:39obviously here for the Silver Age release. Let's bring in some other versions of classic
01:43characters here, starting first with the Clock King. Here's also what he looks like with
01:47the more classic colored Oswald Cobblepot, or if you prefer to call him Penguin. And
01:52here's also what he looks like still with one of my favorite Riddlers, even though like
01:55the Riddler is overly muscular. He still is going to work quite well with the Silver
01:58Age Joker and all the other figures. Here's also what he looks like with the Nightfall
02:02version of Batman. If you're going to have a Batman, you need to clearly have a Robin.
02:06And here's what he looks like with him as well. I guess we'll get this out of the way
02:09first. Silver Age Joker does come included with the McFarlane Toys digital redemption
02:12card. The redemption card works the following way. You go to www.mtd.gg and put in the following
02:20redemption code I'm about to scratch off. You get yourself a couple of savings there.
02:24Then you just go to download the McFarlane Toys digital viewer app on your Mac or PC,
02:28scratch again the above soon to be revealed, and then you can then use that one-time code.
02:33So let's go ahead and just grab the knife off to the side here. Don't need to have a
02:37blade out necessarily. I'm just going to be only scratching this off. Scratch away, scratch
02:40away. You don't have to admit down below if you are the one that's redeeming this code,
02:47but if you are the first one to grab this, like I said, it's on me. There you go. Oh,
02:52you get all that? Scratch the corner there. There we go. All right, let's move that off
02:56to the side. Joker comes also included with a Silver Age card. Love, first of all, the image
03:02that they chose to have on the front of the card here. That's a classic looking Joker. High cheek,
03:06bones, of course, really long, elongated chin there. Reminds me of a death in the family.
03:11On the back, though, of the card, it has the same image of the Clown Prince of Crime. His
03:15debut was Batman Volume 1, Spring 1940. The paragraph that you're following along with right
03:24now is actually the same paragraph I read at the beginning of this review, so you don't even have
03:27to read this if you don't want to. Cool looking card, though. Very cool card. Let's put that off
03:31to the side. That Joker also does come included with McFarlane Toys digital display stand. It
03:36really isn't no different than the regular display stands, other than the fact that they just placed
03:39on top of it the following prints, McFarlane Toys, and of course you've got the outlined,
03:43hexagonal, pentagon, pentagon shape. I don't know. How many sides is that? One, two, three,
03:49four, five. Hexagonal, hexagonal shape. Who cares? It does have the McFarlane logo, needless to say,
03:55on the inside of that. It's a little bit different, obviously, than the regular standard variety DC
03:58multiverse stands. Same mold, just different printing on the top. Joker does also come
04:04included with some swappable hands. Now, really, out of the packaging, one thing he did already
04:09have is a hand that's holding cards. Don't worry about trying to fight these cards out. They're
04:13actually permanently molded to the fingers, which I think was already a smart idea. Instead of having
04:17to worry about something like this, fitting them inside his hand, and then, you know, that the
04:21cards get lost, misplaced, even if they just fall out from his grip, this is just so much more
04:26easier. Honestly, though, I kind of wish that the cards had something going for them, and not
04:30simply just... I don't want to say, like, colored the same, because obviously, clearly, that the
04:34glove is a different color than the cards, but, I mean, come on, go in there. Just paint this a
04:39little bit of red, something. I don't expect, actually, the faces of the cards being on the
04:43inside, but at the very least, had they only painted the cards maybe even red, they would
04:47stand a little bit more than what they're doing right now. The hands themselves can easily so be
04:51so easily be swapped out. The figure also does come included with the cane holding hand. Now,
04:55the thing that's interesting about the Joker, and kind of a little disappointing, too, is that,
04:59first of all, he comes included with a cane. I wouldn't say that that's necessarily a disappointing
05:03aspect. They have decided, though, to cast this in green plastic. I mean, I guess it's in the sense
05:08of Joker. He likes purple, right? He likes green. I mean, those are two of his favorite colors. Why
05:14not have the cane in those colors? But I think maybe doing it in gold would have worked a little
05:18bit better. Now, you can see that it has the Joker face there on the top. It's got this weird sort of
05:22bow tie there on the top, as well. It just doesn't seem like something that Joker would really have
05:26on his cane. I feel like that should have just been left off altogether, and just given a regular cane.
05:30What's weird, though, about this Joker, if we want to kind of stick with the idea of Silver Age,
05:35and even to that extent, if you want to think about, like, the Super Powers Joker, for that
05:38matter, what did Super Powers Joker have as part of his accessories? The long-nosed mallet. Now,
05:46before you start thinking yourself, well, they're not gonna make a cast mold of the mallet from
05:50scratch. That's gonna add some unnecessary cost. You know, that's all about the money. They have
05:54already done that, so they would have saved the money. I just happen to bring in the one here
05:58that we got. This was the DC vs. Vampires Joker, if memory serves me correctly, and that was a
06:04perfect Joker. It may have even been said in the review of that figure that, had they ever down
06:09the road released a version of Joker that would be similar to, like, the DC Super Powers, most
06:14definitely include that mallet. And yet, here we are. How many years later? Maybe one year,
06:20maybe two years. Needless to say, time has progressed, and yet, though, the one accessory
06:24that they already had as part of their inventory, they chose not to include with this Joker. I mean,
06:29I probably would have even just traded the cane altogether, and if you took, say, the colors here
06:32of the green and added it to the colors here of the mallet. Imagine a bright green mallet with
06:38the J there on the front, J on the side, and, of course, the long-nosed face on the inside of the
06:44mallet. How cool would that have been as an accessory for the Joker? Well, needless to say,
06:48the person behind the camera is gonna be ultimately using this, though, although I do wish the coloring
06:53of the green was just a little bit brighter. Other than that, though, I'm definitely gonna be using
06:56it for this figure. If you did want to, though, take the cane and put it into his hands, he does
07:01already have a gripping hand, technically, on this side, too, but he also comes with this hand that
07:05has a little bit of pizzazz to it. We're just gonna kind of pry the fingers a little bit away
07:08from the palm. You can take, then, the cane and just slide it in between his grip, and you can
07:12hold the cane kind of cool like this. Or, again, like, you can also put it in this gripping hand,
07:16too. The figure, on top of the playing card hand and on top of the hand for holding the cane,
07:21the figure does also come included with the laughing fish or clownfish version hand, which,
07:26again, doesn't have a removable fish. It's permanently molded in there. Unfortunately,
07:30though, it does leave a little bit of stain behind where they had to kind of go in there and paint
07:34the fish, but, unfortunately, it did mean that a little bit of the yellow found its way inside of
07:38the clown Prince of Crimes palm. The face, though, looks good. It's just a laughing-looking fish.
07:43That's so super cool. I would have added maybe a little bit of red around the lips, for example,
07:47but other than that, like, just a laughing fish is a cool accessory for Joker to have.
07:50This whole time, I'm obviously talking about this. If you did want to change out the hands,
07:54simply just attach it from the rest of the peg. Again, when he came out of the packaging,
07:58he had the playing card hand, so if you want to have him displayed with that, there you go,
08:02you can do that. Or, again, if you want to have him displayed with the fish, just pop that off.
08:06So far, you'll see a trend is that all the hands are on this side of the figure's body. The trend
08:11also does continue if you want to have him with the cane. So, again, we're just going to remove
08:14that, put the cane then in his hand, and again, we'll just kind of put it onto the peg there.
08:20There we go, and now the Joker has the cane. I mean, the cane, again, is okay, but come on,
08:25like, face mallet would have worked so much nicer. Let's go ahead and just remove all those
08:30accessories. Actually, we'll just take that off completely. Pop that back in place. Getting,
08:35though, a closer look at classic Joker, or Silver Age Joker, if you prefer. Short of one issue,
08:40and the issue is kind of more my fault than anything else, the classic face looks quite
08:44good on him. One thing, though, I've noticed is that the face looks a lot better when you get the
08:48figure loosened out of the packaging. When I had it in the packaging, I was kind of looking at it
08:51and thinking, oh, I don't know. It's close, but it feels like it lacks something. I think, though,
08:57more that I've had it out and exposed out of the packaging, and the more time I've sort of had the
09:02chance to kind of look at the figure in hand, I think I actually have warmed up to the face a
09:05whole lot more. I don't know really what wasn't working for me before. Maybe it's just the fact
09:09that his hair is so outrageous, but, I mean, if you kind of look to the Joker in the old classic
09:13Silver Age pages, this is sort of the way that that Joker does look. The face and the mouth are
09:18sculpted really well. I've seen some images, though, online where someone had done close-up
09:23shots of the Joker, and it sort of had, like, almost like a dot matrix dotted effect where
09:28they've painted the face. It doesn't look, though, at all like that when you get this figure in hand.
09:32I don't know why those photos online looked the way that they did, but Joker certainly looks a
09:37lot more appealing in hand than he did online. What's rather interesting also about this Joker
09:43is that the ball joints on the head can be, I don't want to say universal. I don't want to be, like,
09:48signing my name to the idea that you can universally use other heads for this Joker,
09:52but I did want to actually test the waters earlier, so I brought in, like, the White Knight's Joker.
09:58Was it the Gotham Knight's Joker? Now, obviously, this suit doesn't look at all like the Joker, but
10:02the face is pretty good. It's definitely one of the better ones we've gotten. If, for example, you
10:06did want to use this head, you can just pop it off the ball joint, and I'm sure you probably could
10:10use this with other Joker heads, too. Just pop the new head in place just to kind of give you guys
10:14an idea of what that would look like had you used this face instead. Yeah, he's a little smeared
10:19down below on the lipstick, but other than that, I mean, like, that's a pretty good looking head, too.
10:24The neck coloring isn't quite really the same coloring as his face, but, you know, again,
10:28it does the job still pretty good. Just pop that off, and again, I'm not going to go through all
10:33the different Joker heads. In the end, though, the Silver Age head works really quite well. Let's
10:37just make sure it's all the way on there, though. For the rest of his body, I know I've already
10:41mentioned this at the beginning of this review, that his body, not though his top half, but
10:45certainly his lower half, shares from the same sculpting that we got from the DC Infinite Frontier
10:50Joker, right down to the fact, and actually, look, if you look at his hand, the hand that he had is,
10:56in fact, the same hand that was for the Infinite Frontier Joker. The only thing that they left off
11:00was the gumball eyeball that he had in between his fingers. So, if you did want to, I suppose you
11:05probably could also use these hands for this Joker, but, I mean, I really do like the coloring
11:08of the purple that they used. Speaking of purple, while I do think the purple that they chose for
11:13this Joker looks really good, I have to kind of bring in the other Joker that we got here. This
11:17was the one of the three Jokers from the Three Jokers line. I think the coloring of the purple
11:21worked really well for the lower half of his pants, had they only just used that same purple
11:26for the body here of the Joker. Now, again, that's just my own personal preference. I think more, a
11:30little more of a reddish purple may have worked a little bit better than the purple that we got
11:33for this figure. Still, though, for the rest of him, though, he's got his little flower lapel there
11:38to the side, the little rope tie that he has there on the front, vest underneath. The vest and the
11:44jacket are all one piece, so you can't separate the two. Of course, he's got the long tail jacket
11:48there on the back. That's softer plastic. The sculpting on the wrinkles is always quite good
11:52on the figures. Again, like, the jacket is, though, a separate piece. I mean, so, like, obviously,
11:57if you lift up his arms, you can kind of see there's a gap space. Always seems to be the case
12:00whenever you have a jacketed character, though. Lower half of his pants. Again, he doesn't have
12:05any panel lining. You know, pinstriped pants would have worked really well for the Joker.
12:10Unfortunately, he doesn't have it here. Of course, he also does have his spats. That is still one
12:14thing that gets carried over from the original Infinite Frontier Joker. Although his spats were
12:18gray, the new Joker here from Silver Age release is done using the spats in white. For the figure's
12:23articulation, though, going back to his head sculpt, Silver Age Joker does, in fact, have a ball joint,
12:28but it always seems to be the case, and I know I'm responsible for this. Since, though, I've changed
12:32out the heads. There we go. I want to make sure it's all the way on there. I always find, like, I end up
12:35popping the head back off again, but the head's on a ball joint, so it does allow rotation all the way
12:39around. Even though he's got this Jay Leno chin going on here, you can still get a full rotation
12:44on Joker's face. The head looks down and looks up, and you can also move it back and forth. Oh, oh, I
12:50know, I think, why I had this a little bit higher up. If you want a little bit more mileage to the
12:54head, you can actually just slightly detach it from the ball joint. Just lift it up a little bit
12:58higher, and you might get a little bit more reach for the Joker's face. The upper torso is going to
13:03be, again, on that ball joint. The arms do, of course, rotate all the way around. You can get a full T
13:07pose going on for Silver Age. In fact, you can even go higher than that. Jumping jacks, perhaps, may not
13:12be in his future, but at the very least, you can certainly get the figure in that pose. He does have
13:16a swivel there on the top of his bicep, a double hinge on his elbow, and hands rotate all the way
13:20around. I did say, though, earlier that his lower half of his body is the infinite frontier. For that
13:25matter, as well, he's also using the exact same arms, too. Not the same hand on this side, but certainly,
13:30again, like the same hand on this side. Legs go forward. They do. They also go back. Sure, he has a
13:36swivel there at the top of the thigh, only just a little bit. Double hinge on the knee. Oh, that
13:40sounded like somebody just broke their back. The figure does also have an ankle pivot, an ankle
13:45rocker, and, again, the toe articulation, as well. It's to be assumed that, obviously, if we're
13:50going to be getting any incarnation, any new incarnation of the Joker, that, at some sense,
13:55they're going to try to use the same molds that we've gotten from previous figures. Having, though,
13:59used some of the mold elements, the only thing that's different here, obviously, is the torso.
14:03I like that they actually chose to use the infinite frontier Joker as the building block for
14:07the body of the Silver Age release. And, again, speaking of Silver Ages, let's bring in some of the
14:12more classic colored versions of, again, like the Penguin and the Riddler. I don't need to bring in
14:19the Clock King. The only thing I still would say, though, is while I do appreciate the fact they
14:23included many accessories with the Silver Age release, I'm not jiving, though, with the choice
14:28of cane that they gave them. The head sculpt is okay, though, for the top of the cane, but the
14:32rest of the cane, I just feel, first of all, didn't need to be this green, didn't need to have the
14:36lacing there in purple. I think, if anything, go back to the well again. I mean, we already had
14:41ourselves a perfect-looking mallet, whoop, a perfect-looking mallet that had already been released
14:46for the DC Vampires Joker. Why wouldn't they have not just dusted that off, colored it a little bit
14:51different, and included it with this release of the Joker? I think there's been enough clowns released
14:55by McFarlane Toys to cater to collectors that have a sort of definitive idea in their mind of
15:01what the Joker should look like. For me, I could go back to the days, like the 1990s, when I was
15:05collecting comics heavily, especially Batman and Detective Comics, Death in the Family, even
15:10predating that, the DC Superpowers, and the way the Joker looked in that. All that media around
15:15that time frame is, for me at least, what I would want a figure of the Joker to look like now.
15:20Of course, what we get here for the Silver Age release is pretty close to that, from the head
15:24sculpt, to the outfit that he has, to the fact that he has a cane, a laughing fish, and even some
15:28cards in his hands. He unfortunately, though, doesn't come in clear with the long-nosed mallet face,
15:33which again, I think, like, to go back and look at that review again, and I probably don't recommend
15:38that you guys go back and watch that review of mine again, but I'm sure I said in that review,
15:43if they ever released a classic Joker down the road, this would be the best accessory that you
15:48could include, and yet, though, no one at McFarlane Toys would have thought the same. I mean, if
15:53anything, I would probably have ditched the green cane that he has now in favor of the mallet, which
15:58I think would have worked a lot better, not only for a better looking, cooler accessory, but one
16:02again that goes back to, like, the DC superpowers days. Still, though, I like the head sculpt. I think,
16:08though, the head looks a lot better, honestly, out of packaging than it did in the packaging.
16:12Sometimes when you get these figures, it's really the kind of best to let them breathe, let them
16:16loose, and be able to see them from all the sides. What do you guys, though, think of Silver Age Joker?
16:21An instant pickup, or one that you could probably see yourselves passing? Maybe even a better
16:25question to be asking, if you guys are collecting DC multiverse figures, what would you say right now,
16:30based at least on what we've gotten, is the best Joker we've gotten from Todd and his team? If you
16:35guys, though, are interested to get this one for yourself, Entertainment Earth is the place where I
16:39ordered this, although, to be fair, I ordered it, like, four or five weeks ago. They shipped it right away,
16:44but with the strike of what was going on here in Canada, it delayed everything by a good four or
16:49five weeks. So, of course, there is a good hefty amount of things still going to be coming up to
16:54this channel. There's a lot of reviews that I have, like, a stack of stuff here, just based on everything
16:59that's now started, that finally hit my post office. Definitely going to be a lot more videos coming
17:03away, but if you guys, in the meantime, for this video, did enjoy the review, just finished watching,
17:07you can certainly do it a solid by hitting a like, and if you guys did want to stick around for more,
17:11so, I hope so, you can hit the subscribe, you can turn on that bell, and, of course, you can come back.
17:17As always, thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
