• 2 months ago
We meet the staff at Oldbury Grange Nursing Home which has been rated a good home, an improvement from where they were before.
00:00So we're here in Bridgnorth at Oldbury Grange Nursing Home, that's right isn't it ladies?
00:06And introduce yourselves, who've we got?
00:08So I'm Jodie, I'm the Registered Manager.
00:10And I'm Mandy, I'm the Apprentice.
00:12And I'm Valerie Cox.
00:14Valerie Cox.
00:16Is that you Valerie?
00:18Valerie supervising on our little interview there.
00:21Thank you Valerie.
00:23That's one of the residents there isn't it Valerie?
00:26And colourful character, who we've met when we do our picture.
00:30So you've had a recent inspection ladies, what was the inspection you've had?
00:34CQC, the Care Quality Commission.
00:36And what have they said about your home then?
00:38So we got rated an overall good.
00:40Yep, and what do you have to do to get to good then?
00:43What is it they kind of liked about your home here then?
00:46So you have five domains, you're safe, effective, well led, caring, effective.
00:54So prior to that was requires improvement.
00:56And now we've got a good.
00:58So it's really steps, yeah you've been putting the graft in.
01:02So when I come into the home, because not everyone will have the privilege like I have of visiting these places.
01:07It's a building, it's full of character from the outside and the inside isn't it?
01:11Yeah definitely, we've got a great team with a great atmosphere.
01:14Years ago it used to be a home for the blind.
01:16Oh wow, okay.
01:18Yeah and we had one resident here who owned it when it was a home for the blind.
01:26And she was, well she was a resident here for many years.
01:29No way.
01:30And so what kind of activities and so on do you put on for the residents?
01:35Table tennis.
01:37Table tennis 800 metres, there you go.
01:41800 metres?
01:43Not quite.
01:45We do a range of activities, it just depends on each individual.
01:51So we have a residence meeting, bi-monthly and we ask the residents what they'd like to do.
01:57We also do like big events like you know, summer fairs, afternoons.
02:01Afternoon tea.
02:02Afternoon tea, yeah.
02:03We also do a lot of events.
02:05So every 6 to 8 weeks we have to have an event for the residents so they've got something to look forward to.
02:09Oh wow.
02:10And the next one is Valentine's Day.
02:11Okay, so a bit of a, be a bit of smoochy music maybe.
02:15I love a party here.
02:16I tell you what, Valerie you looking forward to Valentine's Day?
02:19Wait, when?
02:20You looking forward to the Valentine's Day?
02:22I am.
02:25But what's your dancing like for a nice slow dance?
02:27You any good?
02:28I don't.
02:29There we go.
02:31Valerie's psyched for the Valentine's Day.
02:34So it must be, when you get that report, I mean it must be very stressful when you have an inspection.
02:40But when you get that through and it's, you know, it says you've improved and you're right up there with the good now.
02:45It must feel great for all the staff really, just that acknowledgement of the hard work you've been putting in.
02:49Definitely and the staff morale.
02:51Come on, cheers.
02:53It helps the staff to obviously work harder and to be appreciated.
02:58And what they've achieved and the hard work it is appreciated.
03:01Great stuff.
03:02Well thank you guys and thank you, Valerie.
