• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Vorremmo essere sempre più capaci ed efficaci nell’accoglienza e nella presa in carico dei bambini. Ripensarsi dopo 90 anni di storia è un’occasione per migliorare”. Lo ha detto il direttore generale Irccs pediatrico Giannina Gaslini di Genova, Renato Botti, intervenendo alla cerimonia di inaugurazione dei lavori, con la simbolica ‘posa della prima pietra’, primo passo nella ristrutturazione dell'ente ospedaliero pediatrico, eccellenza italiana. Si tratta del 'Padiglione zero", che insieme agli attuali padiglioni centrali concentrerà tutte le funzioni acute, liberando gli edifici sul fronte mare che verranno destinati a una serie di funzioni non ospedaliere.


00:00It is a historic moment for the institute because after having the opportunity, the opportunity,
00:11also the need, after 90 years of history, to rethink and rebuild and renew an extraordinary
00:20and beautiful hospital structure, but which was evidently designed almost a century ago,
00:26reached its limits now, it is a very special moment for the institute, for all its workers
00:33and we hope, of course, that with the new structure it will be, we believe that it will be a lot
00:39also for the patients and for all families.
00:41We would like to be more and more capable and effective in our welcome and in our taking
00:47care of the children.
00:48We are building a new house, while you build the house there are discomforts, difficulties,
00:54of course, then everything should be solved and satisfied by the new house, but at this
01:00moment, and all the operators of Gaslini are involved in this operator, you know that
01:06there are 2,700 people who work in this institute.
01:10The other message is that I believe that the institute has had the courage, that is, the
01:15Gaslini world as a whole has had the courage to face this operation, both in doing it here
01:20in the historical headquarters, because it is much easier sometimes to build a new hospital
01:24in another headquarters and then move in a single moment, than not to work in the same
01:29hospital and try to keep the activities as we are doing.
01:33The other element of courage, I think, is the tool.
01:37We have adopted a grant, a private public partnership, which is a very interesting tool,
01:45but which obviously requires knowledge, skills and also a very important collaboration
01:50with the actors who are helping us, therefore the CMB concessionaire, the cooperative
01:55Muratori e Braccianti di Carpi, with the support also from us, from IRINA, which helps us
01:59in the activities of project management and work direction.
