• 2 months ago
Being full of life and experiencing new adventures and experiences might be a thing of the past as new research suggests Brits lose their sense of adventure at the mere age of just 36. In fact, the average Gen Z believes they lose their adventurous spark at around the age of 13, before they’ve even made it to adulthood. To tackle the issue British Explorer and Adventurer Bonita Norris, who is 36-years-old herself and preparing for her next big challenge, is using her experience to encourage others to give something new a go in 2025. Bonita, who was the youngest Brit to reach the summit of Everest in May 2010 believes an adventure is often perceived as having to undertake a grand expedition, but it’s just trying something new.


00:00And your time really. I feel like we've only got a short time on planet Earth and for me
00:08like being in the mountains or doing something that challenges me but also excites me is
00:15just like the best way to spend my time. So even though I've been climbing and going on
00:19adventures for 15, 20 years, I still find it even more thrilling with everyone because
00:26they are getting more and more rare nowadays with commitments like children and things
00:31like that. So when I do get out to do something, it's just so refreshing. It makes me feel
00:36so present really and living in the moment that you don't get with everyday life and
00:41I think that's what adventure gives you. Have you personally noticed any shifts in your
00:45own sense of adventure over the years or is it something you actively work to maintain?
00:49I saw a real shift hit when I got to my 30s and I had my kids and work takes over and
00:56all the responsibilities that we have as we get older just mean that it is harder to make
01:02the time to do something for yourself and that's what adventure is really. It's something
01:07that you don't have to do but when you do it you realise how important it is, how it
01:11makes you feel. And is that something you think might be the key to the sense of adventure
01:17is finding that thing that you love doing, whether it's climbing a mountain or if it's
01:20going for a hike or whatever it is. You know, especially since having children, I really
01:26do believe that the best adventures are the ones when you just feel that sense of wonder,
01:32you feel that sense of being in the present moment, like you're totally absorbed in what
01:36you're doing. The people who are saying they're in their 30s and 40s, maybe a bit older than
01:40that and they've lost that spark as well, do you think that sort of challenging yourself
01:44might be part of that as well?
01:45Absolutely. I always use this metaphor for myself in life, having spent so much time
01:51in the mountains, I just say to myself, get out the tent, which essentially means stop
01:57thinking about it and just do it.
