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Imagine a predator so stealthy, so unstoppable, that you wouldn’t even know it was there—until it’s too late. No running, no hiding, no escape. This hunter moves in ways you’d never expect, striking before you can react. What is it? And how does it manage to be so deadly? Watch now to uncover the terrifying truth about this unseen predator! Credit:
River Monsters™️ / YouTube
Wild Planet / YouTube
Underwater World by Eunjae Im / YouTube
Shearwater Victoria Falls / YouTube
4nts / Reddit
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00:00You have an hour before you take your last breath, even though just a second ago, you
00:05were perfectly healthy, and nothing posed any danger to your life.
00:09Well, the good news is, your life can still be saved.
00:13Effective anti-venoms are available, but if you choose to neglect the sting, you'll
00:18bite the dust for sure.
00:20This camouflage artist is the world's most lethal fish.
00:23In total, there are around 1,200 venomous fish on our planet, but the stonefish is the
00:29toughest one.
00:30They've got 13 dorsal fins that can inject extremely poisonous venom.
00:35Remember I mentioned camouflage skills?
00:37It's the main twist to this story.
00:39You see, unlike sharks or any other predator fish, the stonefish won't attack you.
00:44It's not a predator, it's prey.
00:47So to stay safe, it needs to somehow protect itself.
00:50Thus, it developed a super skill of turning into a stone, sort of.
00:55So if you ever get stung by this guy, it's not because it's aggressive, it's because
01:00of an unfortunate course of events.
01:03Most people had this unpleasant experience just because they accidentally stepped on
01:06a stonefish while it was pretending to be a stone or coral on the bottom.
01:11As you might've guessed, something that can easily pretend to be a stone doesn't
01:15exactly look cute.
01:17These guys are scaleless, their skin is covered in multiple warts, and they are multicolored.
01:22You can see shades of gray, brown, and patches of orange, red, and yellow.
01:27Sometimes they can even be covered in algae.
01:30They occupy quite a large territory in the Indo-Pacific Ocean, which means they're
01:35everywhere, from Mauritius to Queensland in Australia.
01:39Okay, we're gonna need a disclaimer here.
01:42This fact is very sensitive, but if you want to live your life long and healthy, I suggest
01:48you don't skip it.
01:50This is a fly.
01:51Pretty harmless and definitely way less powerful than you, a human being, are.
01:56Yet chances are that this gentle buddy can destroy your body.
02:00Here's how the story goes.
02:02Some time ago, a lady from the UK decided to go on a cool trip to South America.
02:07Sounds exotic and not banal at all.
02:09Rochelle, who was 27 back then, went to Peru with her boyfriend.
02:14When she got back to her home country, she started having severe headaches.
02:19She couldn't understand what was going on.
02:21Then half of her face felt terrible discomfort and suddenly some weird sound in her head
02:26started haunting her.
02:28One day, she went to bed, only to wake up the next morning to see that her pillow was
02:32soaking wet with some weird liquid.
02:35Not blood, not water, just some substance.
02:38She rushed to the hospital, where doctors said she had an ear infection.
02:43But when doctors looked closer, they saw a hole in her ear canal.
02:47It was around half an inch big, but it was swarming with maggots.
02:51Yeah, ew.
02:53Rochelle was lucky.
02:54The emergency brain scan showed no major damage whatsoever.
02:58The eardrum, blood vessels, facial nerves, they were alright.
03:02The big question was how to make the maggots leave poor Rochelle's ear.
03:06We all get it, it's pretty tight inside the ears.
03:08And even small forceps weren't very helpful.
03:11So to save the lady, the doctors decided to use olive oil.
03:15They expected the maggots to drown, and indeed, two maggots did.
03:19Yet there were eight more.
03:21The most horrifying thing was that the lab analysis showed that a New World Screwworm
03:26– that's the official name of the fly that interfered with Rochelle's health – had
03:30laid eggs in the ear canal that the maggots were chewing.
03:34But how on Earth did this happen?
03:36Well, while she was on vacay in Peru, she once walked through a swarm of flies.
03:41One of them got into her ear.
03:43She shooed it away, but it had more than enough time to lay eggs inside.
03:48Doctors helped Rochelle evict the unwanted guest, and luckily, there won't be any long-term
03:55But we all get it that it could've been much worse.
03:58Now I don't need to tell you that caving is extremely dangerous, do I?
04:03Back in June 1990, a man called Gary Lutz took his sons, Buddy and Tim, on a spelunking
04:09adventure to West Virginia's New Trout Cave.
04:13He packed food, water, and spare headlamps.
04:15But here's where he messed up.
04:17He left the pack behind when they reached The Maze, a tight spot with jagged rocks.
04:22He figured they'd grab the supplies before their headlamps ran out of charge.
04:26Oops, bad move.
04:28The boys' headlamps went dark soon after, and their attempts to backtrack got them lost.
04:34Then Lutz's headlamp ran out of charge too, plunging them into total darkness.
04:39For 5 horrific days, they had no food, no water, and no light.
04:44They started coughing up cave dust and hallucinating from dehydration.
04:49Luckily, someone noticed that their car had been parked for days and called the authorities.
04:54The rescue team pointed out that the family had broken the cardinal rules of caving.
04:58Always carry 3 sources of light each, and always tell someone where you're going and
05:03when you'll be back.
05:06Sadly, some tourists never go back from vacation.
05:09They become statistics.
05:12And some people sometimes have a narrow escape from the Grim Reaper without even knowing
05:17Just an example here.
05:18A tourist in Australia filmed themselves handling a super dangerous creature and uploaded the
05:24footage to Reddit.
05:25In the video, the tourist is holding a blue-ringed octopus, with Mandarin writing on the screen
05:31saying, such a beautiful octopus.
05:34After filming, they shake the octopus off their hand and luckily put it back into the
05:38water before it could sting them.
05:40The thing is, the blue-ringed octopus is one of the world's most dangerous marine animals.
05:46It packs enough venom to make 26 adults kick their buckets.
05:50The tourist had no clue how dangerous it was.
05:54People on Reddit were freaking out.
05:56One person commented, do they even know how lucky they are to be alive after doing something
06:01that monumentally stupid?
06:03A woman from New Hampshire got some nasty burns after veering off the trail in Yellowstone
06:08National Park and falling into scalding water near the Old Faithful geyser.
06:13The 60-year-old, along with her husband and their dog, had left the safety of the boardwalk
06:19and was walking off the designated trail near Mallard Lake Trailhead when she broke through
06:24the thin crust over the water.
06:26She ended up with second- and third-degree burns on her lower leg.
06:29Luckily, her husband and the dog were fine, but the lady was rushed to a hospital for
06:35Park officials are reminding everyone to stick to the boardwalks and trails in hydrothermal
06:40areas and be super cautious.
06:42The ground there is fragile and thin, with scalding hot water just below the surface.
06:48Pets are allowed in some developed areas of Yellowstone, but they're not permitted on
06:52boardwalks, hiking trails, in the backcountry, or in thermal areas.
06:57Hot springs in Yellowstone have injured and made people meet their early demise more than
07:01any other natural feature.
07:03At least 22 people have passed away from hot spring-related injuries since 1890.
07:08Hey, what's cookin'?
07:10Oh, it's you!
07:13Jumping off a bridge into a river filled with crocodiles.
07:16What could possibly go wrong?
07:18Turns out, a lot.
07:20One New Year's Eve, Australian tourist Aaron Langworthy decided to try bungee jumping off
07:25a bridge that connects Zimbabwe and Zambia, right near Victoria Falls.
07:31It's a 360-foot drop of pure adrenaline.
07:34But for Langworthy, things went sideways when her bungee cord snapped, sending her plunging
07:39into the Zambezi River, which is known to be home to plenty of crocodiles.
07:45Aaron herself says it was a miracle she survived.
07:48When she fell, she blacked out on impact and felt like she'd been slapped all over, but
07:53the cold water shocked her back to consciousness.
07:56It's easy to judge tourists for taking risks like this, but bungee jumping has been a thing
08:02at this spot for over a decade, drawing more than 50,000 tourists each year and bringing
08:07in much-needed revenue for both Zimbabwe and Zambia.
08:11The authorities claim bungee jumping is safe.
08:13The probability of an accident like Aaron had is 1 in 500,000 jumps.
08:19So I think Aaron should go buy a lottery ticket!
08:23That's it for today!
08:27So hey, if you pacified your curiosity, then give the video a like and share it with your
08:32Or if you want more, just click on these videos and stay on the Bright Side!
