• 2 months ago
ALLEGORIA is a call to all good people in the world. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” It's a quote routinely attributed to Edmund Burke.

The world is now witnessing the sad and horrific truth from this saying.

Palestinian people are being slaughtered LIVE on streaming in direct in some cases and governments are standing still in fear of retribution from an empire that has repeatedly engaged in genocidal actions for hundreds of years.

SI QUIERES VER ALLEGORIA EN CASTELLANO PINCHA AQUÍ: https://nobilisbellator.com/films-3/

allegory, from Latin allegoria
a story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for ideas about human life or for a political or historical situation
1: the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence; also : an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression
2: a symbolic representation : emblem

Photography, Cinematography
Nobilis Bellator

Text by
Noufel Bouzeboudja

Narration by
Conrad F Harvey
Like him at

Music by
Drab Bamboocha

Filming Assistant and behind the scenes photographer
Nenad Novaković

Graphic Design work for Nobilis Bellator Logo by
Darko Dimitrijević


First and foremost, Nenad Novaković without whom this film would not have been possible. Nenad worked with me for two full months every day. We must have been out on all night shootings at least 30 nights. The rest of the time we would start the day between 4:00hrs and 5:00AM and shoot all day outdoors and indoors during that two month period.

Juanjo Herrera

Thank you Juanjo Herrera for telling me about the Ice House in Gravalos and taking me there to show me this impressive historical construction and location that is the site of the Ice House built over 300 years ago. It’s purpose was to accumulate layers of snow and hay at the bottom during the winter months and that snow would compact itself into ice which allowed the villagers to store their meat to help preserve it throughout the warm summer months. Ice houses such as this were built in all this region of La Rioja and many villages had more than one and they were all covered with a roof.

More thanks to these friends that contributed with their help on the shooting of some scenes.
Juanjo Herrera
Jiri Hruza
Jose Antonio Perez Ochoa
Nacho Fernandez Bermejo (Nalfer Electricidad)
Felix Morales

Shot on location in La Rioja, Spain
