• 2 months ago
Agents yarded 1338 steers and heifers at the Yea Saleyards.
00:00We had about 1,400 odd cattle here today at Yey, which steers from up to 575 odd kilos,
00:05ranging down to about sort of the high 400s, and then you get into the calves.
00:09The heavier cattle, between lot cattle, they were sort of probably making similar sort of
00:14rates to what's been happening around the traps. They've sort of eased off a bit, so
00:18you know, your 340s and things like that. Then we got into the calves. The lead of the calves
00:24had a feature of consignment, or Bergmann Pastoral, and they've made, you know,
00:29touched on the $4 a kilo. A few pens, you know, under 300 kilos more than just
00:34go over the $4, so that was pretty pleasing. You know, it's getting very dry, there's everywhere,
00:40and we know the store job has eased off a bit, but I thought it was a pretty solid sale through
00:46the steers. Over to the heifers. Well, we had a few processors and feeder blokes here too,
00:52and you know, the heifers were quite sold well, you know, over $3, $3.20,
00:59and as they got lighter, well, you know, they sort of came back to $3 and under.
