• 2 months ago
Amor Amargo Capitulo 63 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 63 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 63 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 63 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 63 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 63 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 63 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 63 Completo HD
00:00You started a war having a lot of people to step on you.
00:06Now you're going to have to turn around.
00:09This woman is to blame for your mother's death.
00:14Her husband was the one who came into your house years ago to steal
00:18and killed your mother.
00:21In a way, you are also the murderer.
00:30I already knew that.
00:36I don't understand.
00:42I'm so sorry, Tomas.
00:45When I found out that my husband had killed your mother that night,
00:50I told Jaime, your father, right away.
00:54I wanted to die.
00:58I couldn't face you or Andres.
01:01You were so little, Tomas.
01:07Why didn't my father tell us anything?
01:11He did it for me.
01:14He decided to keep quiet because of the danger he was waiting for.
01:21And because of the immense love I have for you.
01:26He was my friend.
01:29And he understood that I had nothing to do with it.
01:36Forgive me, Tomas.
01:41Forgive me too.
01:57Dolores is not responsible for what her husband did.
02:00Now I want you to explain your relationship with Julio to me.
02:09Mom, give me strength.
02:13I have to do something.
02:26Tomas, I already told you.
02:28That man has been extorting me.
02:30Not good.
02:31Well, maybe because he has some proof of what you did to Jaime.
02:35Magdalena, this is not a game.
02:37What happened to my dad?
02:39Did you have anything to do with his death?
02:41Speak at once because sooner or later I will come to the truth
02:44and the person responsible will pay for what he did.
02:46So speak.
02:47Speak now, Magdalena.
02:50Say you didn't love Jaime.
02:52And let's see, tell us.
02:53Tell us why you ended up relating to Julio.
02:56Because you are not going to deny that you were talking to him several times
03:00and in secret.
03:01Magdalena, I heard you very well say that you wanted my dead dad.
03:04And then Eva heard you say to Candela that you were happy about his death.
03:08You can't deny that.
03:10That's the problem.
03:12In my tongue.
03:14I didn't say it once, or twice, or three.
03:18I said it many times.
03:21And I said it to Jaime in his face.
03:24Desperate for the situation we were living in.
03:29When you feel that they don't love you.
03:33When you feel that they despise you.
03:37You want that person to be dead.
03:41That has happened to all of us.
03:44You had my dad killed.
03:46Is that true? Was it you?
03:49Surely those people heard something from me.
03:52He knew about our problems as a family.
03:56And they took advantage of that to say that I had killed him.
04:00What people are you talking about?
04:02That horrible guy.
04:05And the man he works for.
04:09Enrique Olivares.
04:12That man had reasons to kill him.
04:15His mind is perverse.
04:17And when he found out that Jaime came back.
04:21He became a very serious obstacle between him and Beatriz.
04:27Now they want to wash their hands blaming me.
04:31And women like this.
04:33That hate me.
04:35They take advantage to make everyone think that it's true.
04:46Dr. Hernandez.
04:48Don't think that I forgot about the file you asked for.
04:51I'm still looking for it.
04:53Thank you, Eulalia.
04:55It's very important to find it.
04:57And we're going to find it.
04:59But it seems so strange to me that it's buried.
05:02Has it happened to you that you come to look for papers from 20 or 30 years ago and there it is?
05:08But it's a file, isn't it?
05:10But don't worry.
05:12It's a matter of time.
05:14Excuse me, doctor.
05:23Hello, how are you?
05:35We're going to look for that man, Magdalena.
05:37I want you to tell me in his face what you're telling me now.
05:44Of course.
05:46Nothing will give me more peace than to face it with you.
05:50You can't imagine the money he took from me.
05:53And because of fear and because of the bad relationship I had with you, I had to pay him.
05:58Of course he took money from you because he knows things about you.
06:01Because surely he was the one who helped you kill Jaime.
06:05That's not true.
06:07It's true that I didn't love Jaime.
06:09But he didn't love me either.
06:10And don't tell me I was the only unfaithful one because he died with his lover.
06:16Let me talk.
06:18Or is it that men can be unfaithful and women can't?
06:21He died with his lover.
06:23They buried him in the same pantheon with her.
06:26He didn't love me and I didn't love him.
06:29And yes, I was angry.
06:33Many times I wanted to see him dead.
06:36Many times I wanted to see him dead.
06:39But I didn't kill him.
06:41You killed him!
06:43No, I didn't kill him.
06:45Of course you killed him.
06:47Hey, hey, hey, stop, stop, both of you, calm down, stop.
06:58The head is very serious, Mr. Ernesto.
07:02Mr. Ernesto, more spirit, please.
07:05The arms.
07:08Then we're going to dance.
07:10A little turn, everyone.
07:12Let's see, a little turn.
07:16Allow me a moment, I'll be right back.
07:21How can you be here?
07:23In the middle of this smell and this human misery.
07:27Don't refer to these people like that.
07:29They are older adults.
07:30If you came to this, better go, because I'm busy.
07:33No, I came because I care about your life.
07:36My life? My life is better than ever.
07:39I feel useful, I feel valuable.
07:42Oh, please.
07:44If with what they pay you here, you won't even have enough for tortillas.
07:46I've been here for a short time.
07:48And it has been a wonderful experience.
07:50We're all going to get to that age, Vera.
07:53Besides, for me it was the first step to get out of my uncle's house.
07:57To not be afraid of life.
07:58To get away from you, your selfishness, your rage against the world.
08:02Hey, shut up.
08:04And you're not going to convince me of your silly ideas.
08:06If you don't want to grow up, Catalina, you're going to die like a miserable whore.
08:10I don't care.
08:12I prefer that, to become an accomplice to your crimes.
08:16You're going to regret it, Catalina.
08:18But you know what?
08:20I will always be here for you.
08:22For when you decide to react.
08:24The time has come.
08:25The time is going to teach you that that speech of morality and kindness
08:28doesn't take away your hunger.
08:30Well, I'd rather be waiting for my uncle to die.
08:35That seems terrible to me.
08:45Where were we?
08:47Oh, let's see.
08:49We were dancing.
08:51Let's see.
08:52We were dancing.
08:54Let's dance.
08:56Let's go around.
09:03Simón, Simón, what's wrong?
09:05Why are you crying?
09:07Because I'm a fool.
09:09And don't listen to anything I tell you.
09:12Because everything is going to go wrong.
09:14But what are you talking about, Simón?
09:16Why do you say that?
09:20You listen to me.
09:22The world is a very ugly place.
09:24People are very ugly.
09:26The only good waves are you,
09:29and my daughter Celita,
09:31and Mr. Mercedes.
09:38Simón, what's wrong?
09:41It's just that
09:43Godfather Andrés told me
09:46that he was going to leave.
09:48He's leaving with Eva.
09:50And they're going to leave me alone.
09:52You're not going to be alone
09:54because I'm with you, Simón.
09:55I'm with you, Simón.
10:21Touch the sky, Simón.
10:26You must smile harder.
10:35Thank you for coming to face this guy with me, Tomás.
10:38I don't understand how my dad and you could live together.
10:42Why did you make such a big deal out of it?
10:45I don't know.
10:47I don't know.
10:49I don't know.
10:51I don't know.
10:53I don't know.
10:55Why did you hurt yourself so much?
10:57Why did you stay with a man who didn't love you?
11:00Hatred sometimes unites people.
11:03We hated each other so much that...
11:06I never thought about this.
11:09But I think that hatred united us to make life impossible for us.
11:13It can't be.
11:15There he comes.
11:28Don't move.
11:30Don't move.
11:32What's wrong with you?
11:34You're going to start talking.
11:36I didn't do anything.
11:38You're going to tell me what you know about my dad's death.
11:41Come on, talk.
11:43Talk, Julio.
11:45No, wait. Don't you dare.
11:48You know what he's asking you, Tomás.
11:50Why are you and your people so colluded to cover up the real murderer of Jaime and that woman?
11:56I'm a miserable woman, ma'am.
11:58Did you really think I was going to keep quiet and not investigate?
12:02Why were you extorting me?
12:05Blaming me for my husband's death.
12:08You know he hired me to kill him, ma'am.
12:11Don't get close. Don't get close.
12:13Don't listen to him, Tomás.
12:15Show Tomás the evidence.
12:17Right now. Show him the evidence.
12:18Let's go.
12:20Where are the evidence? Where are they?
12:22I don't have them.
12:23What do you mean you don't have them?
12:24I don't have them, but they stole my cell phone.
12:26I had them there and someone broke into my house and stole them.
12:28But you know, ma'am, that I'm telling the truth.
12:30No, all I know is that you're a criminal.
12:34What's the point? I lost my cell phone.
12:37Tell me who you work for.
12:39You're lost.
12:41I tried to help you.
12:43I freed you from being locked up.
12:45You promised to give me information and you never kept your word.
12:49Of course I told him.
12:51I told him where my cousin was in danger.
12:53He's the one who does the dirty work for Don.
12:55For Enrique Olivares.
12:58I swear I didn't kill anyone.
13:00Then why did you want to blame me and take my money?
13:16Gabriela took everything.
13:21Why did you let her take the things and leave me?
13:24She only took what was hers.
13:26The clothes she didn't take the other day.
13:28Her personal belongings.
13:30She put them in the car along with Eva's things.
13:37Then she asked the workers to help her.
13:40She asked them to help her.
13:42Then she asked the workers to tear down the whole room
13:45and put her in the cellar.
13:51But no.
13:53My daughters are gone forever.
13:58My daughter Beatriz.
14:01My daughter Gaby.
14:03My daughter Eva.
14:05What madness is this?
14:07What madness is this?
14:11She's desperate, Leonor.
14:16She's still not leaving.
14:18She's behind the house.
14:31You should go to jail.
14:33Magdalena, enough.
14:35This bastard has had enough with his life.
14:38You're right.
14:40I've done a lot of bad things in my life, Don,
14:43but I swear on my mother
14:45that I didn't kill his father.
14:48If he wants to find his father's murderer,
14:50he won't find him here.
14:52Because it wasn't me.
14:57Neither was I.
15:24Don't come any closer.
15:26What do you want?
15:28I'm sorry about the argument we had.
15:30I'm just asking you not to tell my uncle anything.
15:32All I want is to feel useful.
15:38Go and give yourself away there,
15:40if you don't see any other option.
15:42No, I'm not going to tell him anything.
15:44Then I'll count on you if I need you.
15:47You are my sister
15:49and you will always count on my love and my care,
15:53even if I don't agree with your way of getting things.
16:16Tomas, it has also been important for me to know
16:19what happened with your father.
16:21Because we did treat each other badly.
16:26I was unfaithful
16:28and I regret it.
16:32I didn't know what I was doing.
16:35But even if at times of anger
16:38I would have felt the desire to hurt him,
16:41I didn't.
16:44In this town, everyone is a liar.
16:47Everyone is an accomplice to each other.
16:49Not everyone.
16:53There is someone who is waiting for the opportunity to speak.
17:00These are the last weeks of bitter love.
17:03Don't miss it.
17:26I don't want to know anything else about you either.
17:31I'm sorry, father-in-law,
17:33but I still have to get Amar out of this house.
17:35You're not going to play with Camila.
17:37I swear you'll regret it.
17:39I don't know what I have to do,
17:41but this is not going to be my end.
17:45This will be the worst time to start the diet.
17:48What did you bring?
17:50Tripe tacos.
17:52I became a vegan.
17:53Come on, Cami, Charlie.
17:55You're fasting, don't believe the bad things.
17:57Hashtag, a taquito all day.
17:59Hashtag, it gives you health and joy.
18:01My dear inheritance, we know how to make you laugh.
18:03This Thursday at the end of the Noti.
18:05Daniel thinks he has found the love of his life
18:08in the new accountant of the company.
18:10But in reality, Rosalía is a zoologist.
18:12And to watch over Daniel,
18:14she will install a geolocator,
18:16violating his privacy
18:18and showing him that she is
18:20a fake princess,
18:21Rosalía Rosa de Guadalupe.
18:23Wednesday with the stars.
18:25They are already in the Super Bowl.
18:27The best team of the American conference
18:29faces the national champion.
18:33L.A. Hurts seeks revenge against Mahomes,
18:36who seeks to consecrate himself with the tri-championship.
18:39Philadelphia against Kansas City.
18:41Sunday, February 9.
18:43At five, for five.
18:45More than 25 years ago,
18:47the Pérez Soler killed his mother
18:49and threw us out on the street.
18:51He was born evil.
18:53He will pay dearly.
18:55He deceived me.
18:57My father made many mistakes
18:59and it is time to face them.
19:01Beyond hatred.
19:03Today I dare to love you.
19:05And would you dare?
19:07It starts Monday, February 24,
19:096.30 in the afternoon,
19:11for the stars.
19:13VIX arrives, a successful series more.
19:15Intimate Enemy.
19:17That woman is dangerous.
19:19With Fernanda Castillo and Raúl Mendes.
19:21Completely without commercials.
19:52And you resist.
19:55The best for all parties
19:57is that I interrupt my pregnancy.
19:59If you're not here in half an hour,
20:01I'm going straight to a clinic
20:03where I do it legally.
20:05On the first hours of the day,
20:07you will have all the information
20:09in the news.
20:11What matters in Mexico
20:13and also beyond our borders.
20:15In a space with the stories
20:17that must be known
20:19quickly and clearly.
20:23For the stars.
20:52What a good time to show off your canas.
20:54And at the end,
20:56notes, reports, kitchen
20:58and everything about the famous in
21:00Cuéntamelo Ya.
21:02The beautiful thing is that you can find
21:04a mariachi anywhere in the world.
21:06From Monday to Friday with the stars.
21:08If you're drowning in a glass of water,
21:10he always has the solution.
21:14Which finger?
21:16Vito will know.
21:18Healthy mind.
21:19We know how to make you laugh
21:21with El Chavo.
21:23Monday to Friday with the stars.
21:25More than 25 years ago,
21:27the Pérez Soler killed his father
21:29and threw us out on the street.
21:31That bastard's son
21:33is going to pay dearly.
21:35My father made many mistakes
21:37and it's time to face them.
21:39Beyond hatred,
21:41today I dare to love you.
21:43And would you dare?
21:45They are already in the Super Bowl.
21:47The best team in the conference
21:49will face the champion
21:51of the national team.
21:53L.A. Hurts seeks revenge
21:55against Mahomes,
21:57who seeks to consecrate himself
21:59with the tri-championship.
22:01Philadelphia against Kansas City.
22:03Sunday, February 9.
22:05At 5 o'clock.
22:07The sea forges character.
22:09Women can do
22:11what we propose.
22:13And we are going to be the first fishermen
22:15and we are going to prove it to everyone.
22:17Let's go fishing!
22:20Love where love leaves its nets.
22:23Starts February 10, 8.30 at night.
22:25This guest will turn the neighborhood upside down.
22:28Tell me where he got in.
22:30Nicola, the boyfriend of Mexico.
22:32I discount?
22:34I wouldn't know how to pay you, judge.
22:36Don't worry, I do know how to eat.
22:38And who are you?
22:40In Bola de Loco, we know how to make you laugh.
22:42Friday at the end of the noti,
22:44for the stars.
22:46This will be the worst time to start the diet.
22:47What did you bring?
22:49Saquitos de tripa.
22:51What? I became vegan.
22:53Now you look like a cow, my Charlie.
22:55You're fasting, you didn't eat for the tamalote.
22:57Hashtag, a saquito a day.
22:59Hashtag, it gives you health and joy.
23:01In Mi Querida Herencia, we know how to make you laugh.
23:03This Thursday at the end of the noti.
23:05There is never too much good advice.
23:07And in El Bicho,
23:09you will also receive our help.
23:11You left without asking for help?
23:13Stop being proud, okay?
23:15You need a lot of strength.
23:17And a lot of will.
23:19I will never judge you.
23:21Count on my support.
23:23As El Bicho says,
23:25stories that connect with you.
23:27Wake up and know the most relevant information
23:29every morning.
23:31With the analysis of each news.
23:36Sport, climate and entertainment.
23:38We have the keys to start the day well
23:40and well informed.
23:42Wake up, Monday to Friday,
23:44seven to nine in the morning,
23:45if you are drowning in a glass of water,
23:47I'm here!
23:49He always has the solution.
23:51Beto, which Beto?
23:53Beto, you'll see.
23:55Mental health.
23:57Rana's bun.
23:59You have a privileged intelligence.
24:01We know how to make you laugh with El Chavo.
24:03Monday to Friday with the stars.
24:05In the game of love,
24:08I thought I was right.
24:12And that was my great mistake.
24:16The dreams sank into my hands
24:22and I could not take the step.
24:26Bitter love
24:29that remains in our history
24:34and how I regret it.
24:36Torture is a constant
24:40in my memory.
24:47bitter love.
24:50Revenge is not as sweet
24:54as I thought
24:57after all that love
25:00is worth nothing.
25:16Why are you leaving?
25:18To take off the blindfold
25:21and see things as they are.
25:24And how are they?
25:26You know better than me.
25:29I'm never going to do anything against you
25:31because I'm no one's judge.
25:33Listen to me, Gabriela.
25:38We can talk.
25:42You are my little girl,
25:43my blood.
25:47I would never do anything to hurt you
25:51or you
25:53or my other granddaughters.
25:56Let's talk.
25:59Are you going to tell me
26:01the truth about what happened to Grandpa?
26:04The truth?
26:06Only the truth?
26:09Are you going to tell me why you hated each other?
26:10Are you going to tell me what Jaime Jiménez did to you
26:13to get the worst out of you
26:15to end the relationship he had with my mother?
26:18Are you going to tell me all that?
26:22Because you've always lied to me.
26:27What did we do to make you like this?
26:31We all
26:33have a life, Gabriela.
26:36My life is a lie.
26:37We all have a life, Gabriela.
26:40The life we have to live
26:42and then we have to work,
26:46The life that has
26:48caused us pain.
26:52The life that maybe
26:54has broken our hearts
26:56a thousand times.
26:58And that gives you the right to live your life
27:00as if it were a revenge?
27:03To ruin the lives of others?
27:05You are ruining it in every possible way.
27:09How can you think
27:11that I want to ruin your life?
27:15Life is not just about working
27:18and fighting to keep a house,
27:20a farm,
27:22a factory,
27:23an image.
27:25Life is what we have here
27:28and my heart
27:31has been hurt
27:33by you.
27:36Even Miriam.
27:38She doesn't tell you because she's afraid of you.
27:47Think about what you're doing.
27:51I can't keep letting you lie to me,
27:53manipulate me
27:55and make you choose me
27:57as the man I should love.
28:00Enough, Grandma.
28:02Enough, please.
28:05I'm going to start from scratch.
28:10if one day you decide to let go of the past,
28:13maybe things will change.
28:23The only truth you like
28:25is your truth.
28:27The truth of others doesn't matter.
28:30I fell in love with you.
28:33And not with your money,
28:35because my family always had it.
28:40I fell in love with you.
28:42With your smile.
28:44With your look.
28:47With all the good things you had.
28:50But in me,
28:52you never saw what I expected you to see.
28:55A man who loved you.
28:58I don't realize
29:00you're looking for excuses
29:02to justify your infidelity
29:04with that woman.
29:06No, I'm not looking for any excuses.
29:09I'm just saying
29:11what I feel.
29:13My truth.
29:16But be careful, Leonor.
29:20Because when you live life
29:22as a continuous revenge,
29:25you end up
29:35And that,
29:39is what you're building
29:41with your life.
29:52She's the only one
29:54who can tell you the truth
29:56about who killed me
29:58and your father.
30:00What did she tell you?
30:02She's scared.
30:22Trust Vera, Tomas.
30:24Get close to her.
30:26Vera doesn't trust me.
30:28She's a good woman.
30:30A woman who's afraid, yes.
30:32Because she lives with a miserable man.
30:35But she knows
30:37all the secrets
30:39of Enrique Olivares.
30:41Have I told you any of his secrets?
30:44In a moment of despair,
30:47I got some audios
30:50where his uncle talks to the thug
30:52who works for him.
30:54Tomas, we stayed in this town
30:56to find out who killed Jaime.
30:58You have a chance to do it.
31:00Talk to Vera.
31:02Trust her.
31:04Let her help you.
31:06And you help her
31:08get rid of that monster
31:10who's Enrique Olivares.
31:12But if she knows so much about her uncle,
31:14why doesn't she report him?
31:16Because she's afraid of him,
31:18poor thing.
31:20That's why she doesn't dare to report him.
31:23You don't know what each family lives.
31:26But what Vera, her sister,
31:28and the woman
31:30that man lives with
31:33I don't know if it's easy for me
31:35to trust her. I don't know.
31:37I feel like they're all the same thing.
31:39They're the same trick, the same lie.
31:41The same thing.
31:43Who tells me that the one responsible
31:45for my father's death is Enrique?
31:47Why don't I honor him?
31:49She also wanted to get rid of him.
31:51Well, this time you have to trust her.
31:53Vera will help you find the truth.
31:55That's why you stayed in this town, right?
32:00she's the one who's going to be in charge
32:02of taking you to the truth.
32:04Never doubt it.
32:06She seriously suspects her uncle.
32:09Get close to her.
32:16You're going to be mine, Tomas.
32:19And no one else's.
32:37Shut up!
32:39Shut up!
32:57Who was going to say this was going to happen to us?
33:00That we were going to be homeless
33:02and that we were going to leave the hacienda.
33:06We didn't leave because it doesn't make sense to be there anymore.
33:09But there's no point in regretting it.
33:13We have to look ahead, okay?
33:15Like Mom used to say,
33:17look ahead and move forward.
33:20That's right.
33:22And we're going to get there.
33:24You'll see that one day we're going to have our own home
33:27and we're going to be where we want to be.
33:36What's going on?
33:40Hey, everything's going to be fine.
33:42It's just a move.
33:46Come closer.
33:50Whatever happens,
33:52I'm going to be with you.
33:59Tomás is already in your hands, Vera.
34:01He's going to look for you at any moment
34:03so you can tell him whatever you want about your uncle.
34:06I did my homework, girl.
34:11I'm sorry I didn't get you out with yours.
34:14It's all clear now, little witch.
34:16I proved my innocence.
34:18And by the way, you weren't telling the truth.
34:21Keep enjoying this moment, little girl.
34:24But you have to know
34:25that it's not going to last long.
34:35I can't trust Magdalena.
34:37And everything leads me to Enrique.
34:41I'm at the beginning.
34:43I don't have any more information.
34:45That man is out of his mind.
34:47What do you mean?
34:49He was in love with my mom.
34:51And his main obstacle was your dad.
34:52He never stopped being obsessed.
34:54But that's not love.
34:56Imagine what he felt
34:58when he found out that our parents
35:00were going to be together after so many years.
35:02That guy is sick.
35:04He's a psychopath.
35:45My daughter.
35:49I wish
35:51you'd come back.
35:54I wish you were here.
35:57Close to me.
36:02You left me alone.
36:11And now my granddaughters did too.
36:16What did I do?
36:17What is this?
36:20What is this curse on me?
36:25I'm dry.
36:36Isn't my grandmother coming to dinner?
36:39No, daughter.
36:41After what happened to Gabriela,
36:43she got very sick.
36:45What happened?
36:47Tell me.
36:49Oh, daughter.
36:52Your sister came to pick up
36:54what was left in her room.
36:56She left the room empty
36:58and she also took some things from Eva.
37:01She made it very clear
37:03that now she's gone forever.
37:05I'm sorry, my dear.
37:13Enjoy your meal.
37:22What if we leave this town?
37:24So far that nothing from the past can reach us.
37:27Memories and questions will chase us.
37:30And I don't want to ask myself all my life
37:32if your dad killed my mom.
37:35That really hurts me.
37:38That wasn't like that.
37:40That's what they want to make us believe,
37:42but that wasn't like that.
37:44Well, then we have to stay here
37:45because I need to know the truth.
37:48But I also want to be with you forever.
38:03And these are the last weeks of bitter love.
38:16You're not going to play with Camila.
38:18Or I swear you'll regret it.
38:20I don't know what I have to do,
38:22but this is not going to be my end.
38:28Did you manage to stop the wedding?
38:30I'm so sorry, Rafael.
38:32When I arrived, he was already married
38:34and he had already finished the ceremony.
38:38I know you're a married woman.
38:40And well married.
38:42You don't have to remind me.
38:46This will be the worst time to start the diet.
38:49What did you bring?
38:51Saquitos de tripa.
38:53What? I became vegan.
38:55Now you look low, my Charlie.
38:57You're fasting, you didn't eat tamalote.
38:59Hashtag, a taquito all day.
39:01Hashtag, it gives you health and joy.
39:03My dear inheritance, we know how to make you laugh.
39:05This Thursday at the end of the Noti.
39:07If you're drowning in a glass of water,
39:10he always has the solution.
39:12Beto, which Beto?
39:13Beto knows.
39:15Healthy mind.
39:17You have a privileged intelligence.
39:21We know how to make you laugh with El Chavo.
39:24Monday to Friday with the stars.
39:28We celebrate two years together with the Noticias en Punto.
39:31Two years at the conversation point.
39:33Connecting you with the characters that mark the news.
39:37Always where the news happens.
39:39En Punto.
39:41Committed to you every night.
39:43El Chavo.
39:45El Chavo.
40:13El Chavo.
40:15El Chavo.
40:17El Chavo.
40:19El Chavo.
40:21El Chavo.
40:23El Chavo.
40:25El Chavo.
40:27El Chavo.
40:29El Chavo.
40:31El Chavo.
40:33El Chavo.
40:35El Chavo.
40:37El Chavo.
40:39El Chavo.
40:41El Chavo.
40:43El Chavo.
40:45El Chavo.
40:47El Chavo.
40:49El Chavo.
40:51El Chavo.
40:53El Chavo.
40:55El Chavo.
40:57El Chavo.
40:59El Chavo.
41:01El Chavo.
41:03El Chavo.
41:05El Chavo.
41:07El Chavo.
41:09El Chavo.
41:11El Chavo.
41:13El Chavo.
41:15El Chavo.
41:17El Chavo.
41:19El Chavo.
41:21El Chavo.
41:23El Chavo.
41:25El Chavo.
41:27El Chavo.
41:29El Chavo.
41:31El Chavo.
41:33El Chavo.
41:35El Chavo.
41:37El Chavo.
41:39El Chavo.
41:41El Chavo.
41:43Friday at 11.30pm with Las Estrellas.
42:13Castillo and Raúl Méndez.
42:14You talk for the good, you talk for the bad.
42:17All episodes in one place.
42:19VIX. Intimate Enemy. Available completely without commercials.
42:43Friday at 11.30pm with Las Estrellas.
42:48We celebrate two years together with Las Noticias en Punto.
42:51Two years in the point of the conversation.
42:53Connecting you with the characters that mark the news.
42:58Always where the news happens.
43:00En Punto. Committed with you every night.
43:06They are already in the Super Bowl.
43:08The best team of the American Conference.
43:11Facing the national champion.
43:15L.A. Hurts seeks revenge against Mahomes.
43:17Who seeks to consecrate himself with the tri-championship.
43:20Philadelphia against Kansas City.
43:22Sunday, February 9th at 5pm on El Cinco.
43:26If you hate me so much, go away.
43:27I don't want to know anything else about you either.
43:32I'm sorry, father-in-law, but I still have to get Amar out of this house.
43:36You're not going to play with Camila.
43:37You're going to regret it.
43:39I don't know what I have to do, but this is not going to be my end.
43:44Monday to Friday, 9.30pm.
44:10My name is Mia.
44:11What a coincidence, right? I mean, you're Mia, and I'm yours.
44:14Who knows how?
44:15Yes, they had already told me.
44:17We want to be like candidates, I don't know, like governors or senators.
44:21We, the handsome ones, know how to make you laugh.
44:24This Sunday, 5.30pm.
44:26Get in touch with the hottest sports results.
44:34Exclusive interviews.
44:36We're here with Troy.
44:39Analysis and opinions.
44:40Sports contact.
44:42Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 11.30pm.
44:45With the stars.
44:46This will be the worst time to start the diet.
44:50What did you bring?
44:51Saquitos de tripa.
44:53I became vegan.
44:54Now you look like Baja, my Charlie.
44:56You're fasting, you didn't eat tamalote.
44:58Hashtag, a saquito all day.
45:00Hashtag, it gives you health and joy.
45:02In My Dear Heritage, we know how to make you laugh.
45:05This Thursday, at the end of the lottery.
45:17These are the last weeks of bitter love.
45:20Enjoy them.
45:33Have you thought that maybe there was a mistake?
45:38That someone made a mistake and that for killing Jaime,
45:41they also killed your daughter?
45:56I see blood on my hands.
46:03No, no, no, no, no.
46:04It can't be. Stop, stop, stop, stop.
46:06Stop, stop, stop, stop.
46:08Stop, stop, stop, stop.
46:22I didn't think I'd be able to take this step.
46:28Go after the woman I love.
46:33In fact, with Beatriz, I feel like I lacked the courage to go.
46:38And get to where I had to get.
46:41Because you've wanted to do things alone.
46:46You know you can count on me.
46:48I'm always there to support you.
46:52The truth...
46:56is that I can't...
46:59I can't trust anyone.
47:06Not you.
47:12It's very difficult for people to understand...
47:16when you fall in love.
47:22Hey, daughter.
47:27You, as a woman...
47:31what do you think I should do?
47:35I can't allow myself to fail with Gabriela.
47:40Well, first of all, I don't think there's a single woman in the world...
47:45who doesn't want to feel conquered.
47:48Unless you can resist a man like you.
47:53With your presence.
47:55Your power.
48:02You think?
48:04Of course I do.
48:07I mean, if it's a beautiful conquest.
48:09With details, affection.
48:13Something that makes you feel special.
48:18If you want, I can support you in that.
48:22It will make me very happy to see you conquer Gabriela.
48:28Who would have thought...
48:32that you and I would be the best allies?
48:37I think the same, uncle.
48:41What do you think?
48:43My uncle is very gallant.
48:45So from now on, you and I, Catalina,
48:47are going to give the best of us...
48:50to help him conquer the woman of his dreams.
48:53Gabriela San Jose.
48:55Excuse me?
48:57Gabriela broke up with Tomás?
49:00Gabriela is the woman my uncle deserves.
49:04So go ahead, uncle. You can count on us.
49:07Right, Catalina?
49:10Well, I've lost practice with starting a romance.
49:13Do you think...
49:15a goodnight message will please you?
49:19Of course, uncle.
49:21Of course.
49:26Go ahead, go.
49:27Yes, yes.
49:34Sit down.
49:42He's just a sick, ridiculous, and in love man.
49:47I told you, when he crashes into the world
49:49and has no strength to stand up.
49:51That will be our moment.
49:53No, Vera, please.
49:54But nothing.
49:56It will be our moment, Catalina.
50:18I brought you sugar-free Coca-Cola.
50:24This is for you.
50:31Thank you, brother.
50:36I really like being like this.
50:40It feels very nice.
50:42Like a new family.
50:45A new family.
50:46United and strong.
50:49Nothing and no one will separate us.
50:57Is everything okay?
50:59Don't tell me it's Grandma.
51:01No, everything is fine.
51:07I love you.
51:08I love you too.
51:14Grandma, are you okay?
51:18Yes, I'm fine. Why?
51:23I just found out what happened to Gabriela.
51:26Every day that passes, I get more beatings.
51:30From her.
51:31From Eva.
51:34But don't think that's going to weaken me.
51:38On the contrary.
51:40I'll be strong for when they become humiliated and regretful.
51:45Gabriela and Eva don't realize that
51:49they're betraying their own blood.
51:56Do me a favor and take that.
52:27Have you seen Israel?
52:29He left a while ago.
52:30Oh my God, that son of a bitch must be drunk.
52:35Poor woman.
52:56And you?
52:58What are you doing here?
53:00I've always been here.
53:03Invite him to a drink.
53:09How can I invite you to a drink?
53:13If you're dead.
53:15Yes, because you killed me.
53:18But I'm still alive in your mind.
53:21I won't let you.
53:23No, no.
53:26I won't let you.
53:28I won't let you, brother-in-law.
53:31Get out of here.
53:32Get out of here.
53:33Get out.
53:34Get out.
53:35What's wrong with you?
53:36Get out of here.
53:37Get out.
53:38I said get out.
53:39Get out of here.
53:40Get out of here.
53:42Get out.
53:43Don't touch me.
53:47What's wrong, daughter?
53:51It's you, grandma.
53:56Grandma, what a pleasure you gave me.
53:59Come here.
54:00I'll pay you.
54:02Let's shake hands.
54:04Let's shake hands.
54:21What happened, Israel?
54:25What's wrong with you?
54:28What's wrong with you?
54:29Who are you?
54:30What happened?
54:31Why are you so tormented?
54:32Who are you?
54:33Don't touch me.
54:34Don't touch me.
54:35I'm Pablo.
54:36Don't you recognize me?
54:38Let's go.
54:39I'll take you home.
54:40No, let me go.
54:49We don't know where those files are.
54:52We have to find someone who worked at that time.
54:57But is it really so urgent to find that file?
55:01Yes, it's very important, Eulalia.
55:03We have to find that file.
55:06It seems that everyone wants to erase the past,
55:10but it would be important not to do it.
55:13There is a large part of the history of this town.
55:23It was an excellent class.
55:27Let's take a break and continue later.
55:33Is everything okay, Mr. Lorenzo?
55:35No one believes me, but I was a very important man in this town.
55:41Really? Tell me.
55:45What do you want me to tell you?
55:47You were telling me that you were a very important man in this town.
55:51What did you do for a living?
55:53What did you do for a living?
55:55Do you remember what I did for a living?
56:06Hey, Gaby.
56:07Don't you think it's a risk to let that man make illusions with you?
56:11Tell Tomas that Enrique is sending you a message.
56:13I'm not a girl, Cid.
56:15I don't need you to defend me.
56:17I'm going to face that man myself.
56:20What do you have on your mind?
56:22How is it possible that you don't realize that you have no interest in him?
56:25That's precisely why.
56:27Because that man is out of his mind.
56:30The reality is that it is a danger to Tomas and to me.
56:46Enrique, no, please.
56:50How long will it take you to accept
56:53that I have no interest in having a romantic relationship with you?
57:01I don't understand you.
57:04Why have you spent your whole life rejecting me?
57:07I don't understand you.
57:09I've only been honest with you.
57:11You haven't understood what I'm saying.
57:14You haven't understood the love I feel for you.
57:17What you feel for me is not love, it's obsession.
57:22You've always been obsessed with me
57:24and you know that I have never given you the slightest hope
57:28of wanting to have something different with you, a friendship.
57:33Please leave.
57:37And give me the opportunity.
57:39The opportunity of what, Enrique?
57:42That love is born.
57:46That it grows in you.
57:50That it grows in me.
57:53If that were possible,
57:55I would have learned to love you after James left.
57:58No, don't mention it.
57:59Don't mention that damn bastard if he deceived you.
58:04See what's going on.
58:07He left you so hurt.
58:10You don't allow yourself the opportunity,
58:12nor do you give me the opportunity to be happy.
58:15You don't allow yourself to be happy with me.
58:20I'm not like him.
58:23No, you're not.
58:27Let me go.
58:29I loved Jaime a lot.
58:32But the one who left
58:34had nothing to do with you.
58:37Understand, I've always seen you as a friend.
58:39That's how it's going to be.
58:41You and I are never going to have anything.
58:43Understand that.
58:56You made the worst mistake of your life, Beatriz.
59:01But your daughter Gabriela
59:03is going to be mine.
59:12You don't have to be hiding.
59:14Enrique is the one who has to do it.
59:16He's to blame for this.
59:17That man has to be in jail.
59:19Gabriela agreed to talk to me.
59:23I have to see you.
59:24I want to know where Alicia is.
59:27We have to locate her.
59:29After we locate her,
59:31After what I told you,
59:34they died.
59:36You know?
59:38That wasn't an accident, Marina.
59:41It was a murder.