• 2 months ago
It was down to Shrewsbury market hall where a Rotarian was braving the shave for charity.
00:00So we're here at Riston's Barbershop in the Market Hall, Shrewsbury. Snuggling lads.
00:04And who've we got? Go on, introduce yourselves. Peter Love. Matt Bather.
00:11So Matt, you're the barber. You're the Rotarian. Exactly. What's going on? Why are we here, Peter?
00:18It's an annual trip for you, isn't it? Go on, what's that mean? Well, it's an annual
00:21event, yes. Previously we'd only had a Rotary meeting, but we thought for a
00:27change we would come to Riston's and see Matt on his own ground and we would try
00:34and raise some money for charity. And how are you gonna do that? It involves that
00:37lovely beard of yours, doesn't it? It does, indeed. Which won't be here soon.
00:42But it comes to a point where it has to go, so. And if we want some money, it's a necessity to get it shaven.
00:50So it's a charity beard shave then? A charity beard shave. When's the actual date of the shave then?
00:55Today. Oh, you're actually having it lopped off today? I am indeed. Couldn't have chosen a colder day.
01:00I'm gonna say, yeah, you're gonna feel the chill after this, aren't you? For sure, yeah, yeah. Absolutely.
01:04Cool. And you always help out, don't you, with them? Yeah, yeah. Probably about 10 years or more now, yeah.
01:09Yeah, yeah. Think of all that beard hair you've left on this floor.
01:14What is it? Do you have any community spirit then? Is that just kind of why you want to get involved?
01:19I always help out, Peter, help out. They ring me up every September, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:24It's more than I can take, yeah. Cool. And it's Rotary Club Shrewsbury 7? Shrewsbury 7, yeah.
01:30Right, cool. We'll let the trimming commence.
01:34I'm kidding, you've got a lot of locks headed.
01:38Your head is slumped into the left, isn't it?
01:41That's not my watch, I'm sorry.
01:43You're gonna miss this beard then, Peter. Sorry? You're gonna miss this beard then.
01:46Is it always a bit strange when you first have it locked off?
01:49I shall miss it, but I should be more comfortable with that, should I say.
01:54It might be colder, but more comfortable. Yeah, yeah.
01:59And what do you do? Do you have to put special shampoos and that on it when you've got a cut?
02:02Yeah, well, I do have to shampoo it every day, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
02:08Remember the last time you were clean shaved, Matt?
02:11About 35 years ago when I was born, Matt.
02:15I'd say probably when I was probably about 16.
02:18Oh, right, no way.
02:19I'd be about...
02:21An earlier doctor of the beard then?
02:23Yeah, yeah.
02:25I'd touch him.
02:26So what do you do with yours then, Matt?
02:28Like, you know, do you have to kind of...
02:30Because you can get special beard oil and all this kind of stuff, can't you?
02:33Yeah. Probably with all that.
02:34I tend to put a bit of balm in it those days.
02:38I do shampoo it occasionally, like most weeks.
02:44Then use a bit of oil in it as well. Sometimes I go dry as well, because it's a bit wild.
02:48Yeah, yeah.
02:49Because I've got nothing on top, so I've got to make sure I've got...
02:52Look after what you've got.
02:59Going, going.
03:01Pretty much gone.
03:09So who is it you'll be raising money for again, Pete? Just remind us.
03:13I haven't chosen a charity, Steve.
03:16What happens is that I'm putting out in the field two charities who think that they would like to have a three-figure sum,
03:30if it could be of benefit to them.
03:32And then in return, what we're asking is that they give us some of their time
03:39at one of our forthcoming fundraising events.
03:44Perhaps one of the ones at Christmas, where we're out at the supermarkets.
03:47Yeah. Got you.
03:49To support us, basically, because we're a bit short on manpower when it comes to
03:56having the sleigh over the month of December. It's a big commitment.
04:01So if there's a worthy cause out there, how do they get in touch with you then?
04:05I've got a contact address for you, Steve, which is...
04:11It's in my pubic hair. I've got to look it up. It's gdmw at popmail.co.uk.
04:20Perfect. Thank you, sir.
04:21I'm pretty sure it's gdmw. I will double-check on that for you at popmail.co.uk.
