• 2 months ago
Rose, this 15-year-old wild bear, dens at this person?s place during the winter. The person was feeding her when she allowed them to check on her cubs, who were 18 days old. After feeding Rose, they carefully checked the three cubs and identified their genders - two boys and a girl.
00:00Alright, here I am out here with Rose.
00:04I just brought her a snack.
00:08I'm going to see if she lets me play with the babies.
00:12How are the babies, Rose? How are the babies?
00:17How are the babies, Rose?
00:20Here are the little babies.
00:30Let's see if we can see what sex they are.
00:39That's a little boy.
00:40That's a little boy.
00:41And that's a little girl.
00:42I think, anyway, I'm pretty sure we've got two boys and a girl.
01:09Look at those little guys.
01:13Can you believe it?
01:15Can you believe it?
01:17Can you believe it?
01:19Alright, here we are.
