• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Oggi è una giornata molto speciale perché lanciamo una nuova campagna di sensibilizzazione sull’obesità. Nostro obiettivo è aumentare la consapevolezza dell’opinione pubblica su una patologia multifattoriale e per questo molto complessa”. Sono le parole di Elias Khalil, presidente e amministratore delegato Italy Hub Lilly, in occasione del lancio della campagna “Perdere peso non dipende solo da te. Il tuo corpo può fare resistenza”, promossa da Lilly e realizzata con il patrocinio dell’associazione pazienti Amici Obesi Onlus. L’iniziativa è stata accompagnata dall’inaugurazione di un’installazione unica, “The Impossible Gym”, nella rinnovata piazza dei Cinquecento (Stazione Termini), una palestra simbolica aperta fino al 4 febbraio e che rappresenta visivamente le sfide quotidiane affrontate da chi vive con l’obesità.


00:00Today is a very special day for us because we are starting this campaign to raise the awareness of the Italian public on the disease of obesity.
00:13Obesity is a very complex chronic disease that is impacted by various aspects.
00:20And we want this message of losing weight does not depend only on you.
00:25We want to start targeting the message to the public to make it aware of the Italian public.
00:37We have already launched the website www.patologiaobesita.it where there is information on the disease of obesity.
00:47And today with this installation of Impossible Gym where there are tools that are not usable,
00:53because as you can see there are these yellow bands that make the resistance for someone who wants to use them,
01:00so the body can also resist the loss of weight.
01:05And so we want to once again target this message to the public to say that we must not put the load on the patients
01:12because these patients have a disease that must be recognized.
01:16During the week there will be dietitians who will do the measurement of the BMI,
01:21but there will also be specialists who will also do a type of masterclass for the public to share with them aspects of the disease of obesity.
01:33And once again Lely is trying to raise the awareness of the public on another disease that affects more than 6 million Italians.
01:43This initiative was born from the fact that we want to share with the Italian public that obesity is a chronic, very complex disease
01:55and the loss of weight does not depend on the patients, it is not their fault, it is not a lack of will.
02:03For this we have created this campaign where there is the website www.patologiaobesita.it
02:10where the public can find information, but there is also this installation of the Impossible Gym
02:16because we are always telling patients to go to the gym and eat less,
02:23but it is not their fault because the body can resist the weight loss
02:28and so with these tools that are not usable because there are these yellow stripes,
02:33this also represents this resistance to weight loss.
02:37This is the key message of the campaign.
