• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Guardarsi indietro e accorgersi che sono passati trent'anni: “fa un certo effetto per chi era a Fiuggi, come me e come Giorgia Meloni e aveva 18 anni. Grazie a quella svolta oggi siamo qui a raccontare un pezzo importante della storia politica del nostro Paese. Senza quella svolta, che diede all'Italia una destra di governo europea e democratica, il primo tentativo di costruire un partito conservatore di massa, non ci sarebbe oggi un presidente del Senato, seconda carica dello Stato, espressione di quel mondo che per anni era stato emarginato e  non ci sarebbe un presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, espressione di quella storia gloriosa di Alleanza Nazionale e di Azione Giovani di cui Giorgia Meloni fu presidente dei giovani di Alleanza Nazionale. Ecco, noi siamo diventati uomini e donne in Alleanza Nazionale e classe dirigente che oggi governa questo Paese”. Sono le parole di Fabrizio Tatarella, vicepresidente Fondazione Tatarella, in occasione del convegno “Alleanza Nazionale. A 30 anni dalla nascita della destra di governo”, organizzato dalla stessa Fondazione in collaborazione con la Fondazione Alleanza Nazionale e il Secolo d’Italia, per ricordare la nascita della destra di governo ed europea immaginata e realizzata da Pinuccio Tatarella.


00:00It has a certain effect for those at the age of 18, like me, like Giorgio Maroni, and thanks
00:10to that turning point, today we are here to tell an important piece of the political history
00:14of our country.
00:15Without that turning point, which gave Italy a right of government, a democratic Europe,
00:19the first attempt to build a conservative party, there would not be a president of the
00:24Senate, second in command of the state, expression of that world that for years the state has
00:27marginalized, there would not be a president of the Council of Ministers, expression of
00:31that glorious history of the National Alliance of Young Action, of which Giorgia was the
00:36president of the young people of the National Alliance.
00:38Here we have become men and women in the National Alliance, we have become class leaders
00:43that govern this country today.
00:44I believe that Fratelli Italia is in perfect continuity, political, ideal, cultural, with
00:49that turning point.
00:50The political and European position in European conservatism is Atlantist of the National Alliance
00:56and the same today of Fratelli Italia.
00:57Giorgia Meloni was, until a few days ago, the leader of the European Conservatives.
01:00I like to remember that 30 years ago, shortly before Fugi, Pinuccio Tadarella went to Brussels
01:05as Vice-President of the Council of Ministers and Elio Di Rupo, his Belgian friend, refused
01:10to shake hands because he is a fascist.
01:12Today, 30 years later, Giorgia Meloni, even after that insult to Pinuccio Tadarella, avenged
01:19that insult and is today the greatest European leader of the Continental Conservative Right,
01:24a leader of international character.
01:25My father didn't want to take me to Fugi because the Congress lasted almost a week.
01:30Three days were dedicated to the dissolution of the Italian social movement and two to
01:35the birth of the National Alliance.
01:37It meant doing a week of school.
01:41My father didn't want to because he wanted maturity and thanks to the good office of
01:44my uncle, I was able to be present in Fugi for all five days.
