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Título Original: What critics of GamerGate get wrong | FACTUAL FEMINIST
Publicado em YT, 27 de Outubro de 2020
Créditos: American Enterprise Institute
Publicação Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RVlCvBd21w

Descrição Original do Autor:

423 803 vues 27 oct. 2014 #feminist #Gamergate #aei
If you have been following recent news reports, you may have heard about an army of angry, thuggish male gamers marching under a banner called GamerGate. According to some reporters, this “lynch mob” will stop at nothing to defend its sexist turf. Is video game culture toxic?

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Partial transcript:

If you have been following recent news reports, you may have heard about an army of angry, thuggish male gamers marching under a banner called GamerGate. According to some reporters, this “lynch mob” will stop at nothing to defend its sexist turf. Is video game culture toxic? I’ll consider the evidence next on the Factual Feminist.

#Gamergate is a Twitter hashtag. It attracts gamers from all over the world, male and female, republican and democrat, black and white, atheists and believers. Some gamers identify with GamerGate because they believe there is too much corruption and cronyism in gaming journalism. Others are weary of cultural critics who evaluate video games through prism of social justice.
A few weeks ago, I wandered into the war zone of GamerGate when I released a video about video games...


