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दिल्ली - कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष मल्लिकार्जुन खड़गे ने राजघाट पर महात्मा गांधी को श्रद्धांजलि देने के बाद कहा कि गांधी जी ने इस देश को आजादी दिलाई। अपना पूरा जीवन देश को अर्पित किया। ऐसे व्यक्ति का हमारे देश में पैदा होना हमारे लिए गर्व की बात है। गांधी जी के सिद्धांतों पर आज के नेता नहीं चल रहे हैं। गांधी ने किसी पर हाथ नहीं उठाया लेकिन उनकी गोली मारकर हत्या की गई । जबतक द्वेष की राजनीति होगी और जबतक हिंसा होगी, नफरत होगी तब तक हम कामयाब नहीं होंगे। अगर हम गांधी के शांति के मंत्र को लेकर चलेंगे तो देश प्रगति करेगा । समानता ही गांधी की नीति है। वो समानता वाला समाज चाहते थे। हमारी पार्टी के नेता उसी विचारधारा पर चल रहे हैं।



00:00Mr. Gandhi gave freedom to this country, dedicated his entire life for the country.
00:19He did not fight for power.
00:29He was not greedy for power.
00:33It is a great honor for us to have such a great man in our country and to honor him all over the world.
00:53But we should follow his principles.
01:03Today, the leaders of the country do not follow his principles.
01:10Because they do not know the principles of Mr. Gandhi.
01:16They do not know that we achieve a lot through courage.
01:26Some people are forgetting that the path of Mr. Gandhi is right.
01:35In this world, we need Buddha, not war.
01:44But Mr. Gandhi did this work 100 years ago.
01:51And we have been successful because of him.
01:55There are many leaders in the world like Mr. Mandela and others like Martin Luther.
02:08All such people consider him to be their guru.
02:11And we are all ready to follow his principles.
02:20But in our country, there are people who have given freedom to all of us.
02:36They are people who kill people with bullets.
02:41They have never hit anyone.
02:46But they were shot in the chest and killed.
02:52Such people are ideologically committed.
02:58So the country will not move forward.
03:03As long as hatred prevails, we will not succeed.
03:23So if we follow the peace mantra that Mr. Gandhi gave us,
03:33then this country will progress economically, socially, and culturally.
03:42And whatever he said to improve the economic situation of the village,
03:56it came true today.
03:58That is why everyone is developing skillfully.
04:02So this was their dream.
04:09To make that dream come true, we need committed people.
04:16And we have to uplift the poor and backward Dalit people.
04:22And it is important for everyone to get equal rights.
04:28They did not have the policy of crushing and bringing others up.
04:34They tried to bring everyone equally.
04:37And they tried their best to get rid of the very crippled people in this country.
04:47And they wanted a society where there is equality,
04:51where there is brotherhood, where there is happiness, where there is freedom.
04:57This was what they wanted to say.
05:01So we are following the same principles.
05:06And if I may say, all the leaders of our party are following the same ideology.
05:14And today I am very fortunate.
05:18As the President of Congress, I have come here to pray.
05:25And such a Gandhi should be born in our country.
05:32And for the welfare of the poor and for the unity of the society, we should move forward.
05:40We tried to end it on the same day, 30th January 1948.
05:48If we had followed those principles, then no one would have shot to end it.
05:56So that is why we want that those who have gone astray,
06:01those who think that the country is moving forward because of their ideology,
06:08or if we do politics in the name of religion,
06:13they will not take anyone on the right path.
06:18Because religion is a religion.
06:22Everyone has a faith.
06:25But it is not good to rule in the name of religion.
06:30And those who try to bring religion and their principles into practice in politics are wrong.
06:39That is why you should keep religion separate and political ideology separate.
06:46Only then will the country run properly.
