• 2 months ago
Inspiration and connection are at the heart of BAZAAR’s "The Possibility Issue." Join Tommy Dorfman, Paloma Elsesser, Boyd Holbrook, Sophie Thatcher, Jessica Miller, Vinson Fraley, Mark Eydelshteyn, Ugbad, Sam Davis, and Kareem Rahma as they reflect on what is giving them hope right now. From the wind to Sophie's cat, these stars draw energy from the younger generation, the talented people they work with, and the simple joys that keep them going.

#TommyDorfman #PalomaElsesser #BoydHolbrook #SophieThatcher #JessicaMiller #VinsonFraley #MarkEydelshteyn #Ugbad #SamDavis #KareemRahma #ThePossibilityIssue #BAZAAR


00:00Okay, let's go.
00:10What's giving me hope right now?
00:12Human connection, relationships and relating to others.
00:16Everyone's thinking more critically about the way that we live our lives, how we interact
00:20with each other, really like interrogating just who we are with other people and community
00:25and how to take care of one another.
00:27The continued motivation and tenacity to make change is actually really empowering.
00:36Just giving me a cue to also do my part in reaching towards liberation.
00:42I'm really inspired by the younger generation and how activated they are.
00:48People give me hope all the time.
00:49People's attitude and the audacity to keep going.
00:53My cat is giving me hope.
00:58I'm working with incredible and very talented people who are doing their work, you know,
01:03not just like machines.
01:04They are doing their work, no, they are doing every activation, everything with their souls.
01:12People's kindness, just lovely people with great energy.
01:16That always uplifts me.
01:20The wind gives me hope because it can be anywhere.
01:23There's no impossibility for the wind.
01:25The internet, which is probably something that most people don't agree with, but you
01:30got to find the positive side.
01:31Go on the internet, find the good stuff and ignore the bad stuff.
