• 2 months ago
Due to YSRCP Negligence Ongole GGH in Bad Condition : వైఎస్సార్సీపీ సర్కార్‌ నిర్లక్ష్యం ప్రభుత్వ ఆసుపత్రుల పాలిట కూడా శాపంగా మారింది. ఒంగోలులోని ప్రభుత్వ సర్వజన ఆసుపత్రే దానికి నిదర్శనం. ఆసుపత్రిలోని బెడ్‌షీట్లు, దుప్పట్లు ఉతికే లాండ్రీ యంత్రాలు నాలుగేళ్ల క్రితం పాడైపోయినా వైఎస్సార్సీపీ పట్టించుకోలేదు. ఫలితంగా బెడ్‌షీట్లు, దుప్పట్లు ప్రైవేటు లాండ్రీల్లో ఉతికిస్తున్నారు. దీంతో ఆసుపత్రిపై ఆర్థిక భారం ఎక్కువైంది.


00:00In Pongal, there are more than 500 hospitals in the state.
00:05The number of inpatients is increasing day by day.
00:08The bedsheets and dupattas should be cleaned on the beds prepared for them.
00:13Or else, in order to reduce the number of diseases,
00:16laundry has been arranged with two machines in the hospital yard.
00:23For a few years, the bedsheets, dupattas,
00:26and clothes used for medical and medical treatment were washed.
00:30Four years ago, the machines in this laundry had a significant problem.
00:35The YCP government has completely abandoned these remedies.
00:39Now, the machines are completely dirty.
00:42Crazy plants have sprouted around the laundry,
00:44and it is not even possible to go inside.
00:56Since there is no laundry in the hospital yard,
00:59clothes have been washed in the private laundry for four years.
01:02For this, the Hospital Development Committee is spending Rs. 42,000 every month.
01:08The hospital yard has become a burden.
01:11If the Kottami government provides new machines,
01:14the hospital's financial burden will be reduced.
01:17In Pongal, there are two laundry machines in the hospital yard.
01:21Due to the lack of government support,
01:23these two laundry machines have become completely useless.
01:26At present, this laundry is being used by private individuals
01:29by spending Rs. 42,000 per month.
01:34Many people are worried that this situation will get worse
01:37if two laundry machines are not used.
01:39With cameraman Srinivas,
01:40Ravikrishnan, IQ News, Prakashan district.
