• 2 months ago
El zodiaco chino incluye doce animales: rata, buey, tigre, conejo, dragón, serpiente, caballo, cabra, mono, gallo, perro y cerdo. El 29 de enero de 2025, comenzará el año de la serpiente. Para los chinos, este horóscopo no solo define un ciclo, sino que también moldea el carácter y el destino de cada individuo.



00:00Okay, let's go with the goat.
00:02The goat.
00:04What do we do? Do we go with goat and commercials?
00:06Or do we go with goat first?
00:08I thought it was Chancho.
00:10You are a goat?
00:12I knew Willy was a goat.
00:18No, I'm from the year...
00:22Ah, no.
00:2479 is goat, but 72 is not.
00:26And you are from?
00:28I'm from the year 17.
00:30But you are a fire goat.
00:32But you got it wrong in the year.
00:34Okay, fire goat.
00:36Let's go with the goat then.
00:40Let's go.
00:42This is yours then?
00:44Of course.
00:48It's beautiful.
00:50The first three were very cute,
00:52because it's like Willy.
00:54Kind, sensitive and dreamers.
00:56It's the sign of the poets.
00:58Kaniel Gibran, a great poet.
01:00They are actually,
01:02well, for some reason they also say
01:04crazy like goats.
01:06Because the goat,
01:08the animal, goes up any hill.
01:10Any hill.
01:12But it has no idea how it's going to go down.
01:14But it goes up.
01:16There are people who tell him to give the goat.
01:18Because it's rolling.
01:20But why does the goat always go up?
01:22There are people who tell him
01:24to give the goat.
01:26Because it never goes down.
01:28No, they always say the same thing.
01:30This goat is crazier than a goat.
01:32Strong like a horse.
01:34Horses are.
01:36But it's impossible.
01:38You have to kill them to stop them.
01:40The signs come from something.
01:42Goats are crazy.
01:44Because they don't think much
01:46when they have to do something.
01:48They come and go like crazy.
01:50But they have a very good heart.
01:52They are sensitive.
01:56And they have an especially
01:58pleasant year in the emotional aspect.
02:00Like they are
02:02getting to the port
02:04in love.
02:06Something that has not been easy for the goats.
02:08It's not easy for them.
02:10Because they are so special.
02:12It's not that they come and find someone who clicks.
02:14And the money comes in handy.
02:16Look, I think
02:18they will have to make
02:20an important effort in terms of work.
02:38But look, in general
02:40I think that
02:42as long as the snake
02:44doesn't catch them,
02:46because you know, snake, hare,
02:48especially the most sensitive ones,
02:50are in more danger with the snake.
02:52Because the snake is not compassionate.
02:54The snake is a judge.
02:56And if you are innocent,
02:58it doesn't matter.
03:00You didn't know.
03:02It's over.
03:04It's over.
03:06So don't play with the snake.
03:08Don't play with them.
03:10They are tough.
03:12They want goats.
03:14When they betray you, it's over.
03:16That's true.
03:18When they close the door, it's over.
03:20When they betray you,
03:22it's over.
03:24They are great friends.
03:26And they can be...
03:28They can be great lovers.
03:30Very good.
03:32I don't say it for you, Willy.
03:34I say it for the other goats.
03:36That was known.
03:38There was graffiti.
03:40For those who know.
