• 2 months ago
El zodiaco chino incluye doce animales: rata, buey, tigre, conejo, dragón, serpiente, caballo, cabra, mono, gallo, perro y cerdo. El 29 de enero de 2025, comenzará el año de la serpiente. Para los chinos, este horóscopo no solo define un ciclo, sino que también moldea el carácter y el destino de cada individuo.



00:00Typical that people say it's my year, it's my year, like who says it's my birthday, it's my party.
00:05No, sir. I tell you, it's a difficult year.
00:08It's a year of great, great challenges.
00:12Look, the other day they told me that, for example, there are two important political women in Chile at the moment,
00:19who are snakes, who are Evelyn Matei and Carolina Toa.
00:24And this year, being a snake, for example, I'm a dragon.
00:28This year wasn't my best year, even if it was as a dragon.
00:31No, no, it was your difficult year.
00:33Yes, I mean, you raffled it by rowing, of course.
00:36And all the other dragons I know, no, no.
00:38The year of one is never easy.
00:40It's a year that you're like on trial.
00:43Like, let's see, what?
00:44What wood are you made of?
00:45Let's see if I could do it, let's see if I dared you.
00:48That's how you do it.
00:49Why is it called the Wood Serpent?
00:51Because there are five elements that accompany the different animals.
00:55I already told you that they were metal, which replaces the air, the water.
00:59And this is the difference that Eastern astrology has,
01:02is that it has a fifth element, which is wood,
01:05which for us Westerners we never knew it was an element.
01:07Is that why it's called wood?
01:08And notice that wood is the only living element, because it speaks to us of the tree.
01:13That's why people are so mutant about wood.
01:15And they think we're living years of wood now.
01:18Because there are always two.
01:20First is Yan, and then comes Yin.
01:22So one goes, wow!
01:24Change that word, please.
01:25And the serpents, do they get along?
01:26You already said that Evelyn Matej, that Renato Bayo, others.
01:29How do serpents get along?
01:31Mr. Monsalve, I don't think he gets along so well.
01:33Monsalve is also a serpent.
01:34Of course, no.
01:35But they are people with a lot of character.
01:37Yes, yes, yes.
01:38They have a lot of character.
01:39No, and they are also very intelligent people.
01:41In love America?
01:42Very capable.
01:43At this time.
01:44Well, the serpent has something that is very funny.
01:47Well, I think the year of serpents is moving forward.
01:51Have you noticed that there have been so many sexual scandals?
01:54It's a classic of the serpent, because the serpent is the most erotic sign of all.
01:59The serpents are hyper erotic.
02:02This man doesn't want to talk about that.
02:04America, it looks weird there.
02:06America, raise your hand.
02:07Because he just fell in love with the queen and the queen.
02:09He's going to die.
02:10There it is.
02:11There it is.
02:13The serpent is super erotic.
02:15Including all these politicians who will have their first life.
02:19And there is also the linguistics of the spider.
02:21What do you think?
02:23Well, yes.
02:24The serpent, then, attracts all issues related to sexuality throughout the year.
02:31Sexual scandals, discovery of things related to favoring sex in one way or another.
02:41New couples.
02:42They're going to invent who knows what.
02:44Are there going to be more scandals in the year of serpents?
02:47We're not even there yet.
02:49Officially, on January 28, it's just starting.
02:52But I say it's moving forward because time is accelerating.
02:55According to him.
02:56Well, there was a report of sexual harassment in La Moneda last weekend.
02:59Did you see it?
03:00Here's another one, the third one.
03:01They just uploaded it.
03:03Another initial.
03:05Well, I think it's something.
03:06We have to meditate about it because it can become a very, very crazy thing, let's say,
03:11because you arrive and say, oh, this guy raped me and this guy didn't even see you.
03:16So it can be a very dangerous weapon.
03:19Very dangerous.
03:20But well, we're going to see a lot of things and the serpent is going to surprise us.
03:24Because, in addition, the events of the world are abysmal.
