With some companies now looking at letting go of staff in order to make a push towards AI, we went out into Manchester to ask people on the street whether they were worried for their own job.
00:00Hello and welcome to Manchester World. Today I'm out in Manchester asking people about AI in jobs and the reason for this is very, very simple.
00:07Sainsbury's are letting go of some staff in order to replace them with stuff like self-service checkouts.
00:12It seems to be the first instance of AI really impacting human beings' jobs and we want to know what people's take is on that.
00:18I work with AI.
00:21I think it does come into a bit of consideration when I think about my future and how whether something I want to go into will be replaced and not lucrative anymore or even a possibility.
00:33AI can help people in their daily life, at work and everything because it works like an empty brain.
00:42You give them information and at the end there's an output so it's really good, yeah.
00:48It scares me really because you don't even know what it could affect.
00:52I think when we started, if I started in 2022, I don't think track GPT was around.
00:56By the time I finished, it's insane. It's so good now.