• 2 months ago
Aging bones getting you down? Ricardo Cepeda and Marina Benipayo teach us a couple of exercises that are sure to keep you in shape without straining your body too much!


00:00Mars Marina and Mars Ricardo are proud fitness advocates.
00:04And we're here with Pupush,
00:06they've prepared a workout for all ages
00:09here at PUSH MORE!
00:12Okay, so coach, can we go coaches?
00:15Stretch first.
00:17Marina, stretch first.
00:20First, arm and shoulder stretch.
00:23Okay, okay.
00:24We start with the right.
00:26Fold the arm over to the back.
00:29Try to reach that.
00:31Wait, I'm not ready yet.
00:34She's not ready yet.
00:36Can you do it, Diane?
00:37No, because the seal is there.
00:40Then push back, push the elbow back.
00:43So this is good for the triceps, right?
00:45The triceps, the upper back, the shoulders.
00:48And here the shoulders.
00:50This exercise is called, Marina?
00:52This is the deltoid stretch.
00:55Cross arm deltoid stretch.
00:58All right.
00:59Is my stretch okay?
01:01Yes, it's okay.
01:04This is a hamstring stretch.
01:06Normally, we do it on the wall,
01:08but if you don't have a wall,
01:09you just take a step forward slightly.
01:12Keep your back foot flat on the ground.
01:16Sometimes, you can do it with your hands.
01:18You put your hands on your hips,
01:19then you just start bending forward
01:21until you feel that stretch in the back.
01:23Without having to lift the heel.
01:25Don't lift your heel.
01:27Don't lift your heels.
01:30What's important here is you get older
01:33because there's a tendency to stiffen up,
01:35especially those who are already stiff.
01:37Which leads to the other side,
01:39which also leads to...
01:42Heel pain.
01:43Actually, we get heel pain,
01:44and we think it's because of the shoes,
01:46and it's actually because of the flexibility of the ankles.
01:48Just doing this.
01:49So we're just holding this for...
01:51Are you the one who's in pain?
01:54It's him.
01:56Well, next is...
01:58Since we already did that stretch,
01:59this is just a lunge,
02:00which is where we move forward.
02:03And then you come down.
02:04You can bend this back leg
02:05until you're almost kneeling.
02:07Make sure your knee does not go beyond your toes.
02:10It should be more in straight line.
02:12And if you wanted to do this for strengthening,
02:14you just come straight up.
02:15So it's very important to engage your core
02:17while you're doing this.
02:18Our core should be what we're using.
02:21It hurts.
02:24And we just change legs.
02:31Then we just come straight up again.
02:34This can also be weighted for other challenges.
02:37Actually, it hurts on the toes at the start.
02:39But if you do this regularly,
02:40you'll notice that the knee pain will decrease.
02:43It hurts.
02:44All right.
02:45Actually, you have to be...
02:46The foot has to be straight.
02:48Not on the side.
02:49Not on the side.
02:50The toes will hurt more.
02:52And if you're going to do this for strengthening,
02:54your foot has to be straight.
02:56Your knees should not go beyond the level of your toes.
03:00Mars, we still have a cardio set.
03:02Let's just do the last one.
03:04We can still use the music.
03:07Mars, you can...
03:09It's like this.
03:10I'm doing aerobics.
03:12Online aerobics under Joseph Chu.
03:16Let's do a few counts left.
03:19And then repeat.
03:22We start with 2 knees up.
03:241, and then 2.
03:26The other side.
03:271, 2.
03:28We pull down.
03:29All right?
03:30Just 2.
03:31And then, open your arms.
03:34And then, side bend.
03:38You know, it's okay if it's left or right.
03:40And then, side bend.
03:41And then, up.
03:43Stretch your arms up.
03:45And then, go down.
03:48It's good.
03:49It's good.
03:50Stretch your arms.
03:51They're all over, Tony.
03:54So, it's 1, 2.
03:58And then, 1, 2.
04:01And then, up.
04:04This is so easy.
04:085, 6, 7, and...
04:105, 6, 7, and...
04:12Tap, tap, tap, tap.
04:16Oh my.
04:19Too open.
04:21And tight.
04:34Tap, tap, tap, tap.
04:36Open, tight.
04:39And up.
04:44That was so nice!
04:46I'm so tired.
04:48I hope our Mars and Fars were in sync.
04:51And also, we're really using all of them.
04:54There's abs too, right?
04:56There's squats, there's legs, there's stretches.
04:59All of that, including the face because it's smiling.
05:02Thank you so much Force Recorder Mars for joining us this morning.
05:07Thank you so much.
05:09It was a rollercoaster of emotions, but very joyful.
