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Dunia mengatakan utang akan menjadi beban keuangan negara dengan ekonomi berkembang. Untuk itu, Pemerintah memastikan penambahan dan pengelolaan utang luar negeri akan dilakukan secara hati-hati dan terukur.


00:00The world says that the debt will be a burden on the country's finances as the economy develops.
00:04For that, the government ensures that the addition and management of foreign debt will be done carefully and in moderation.
00:15Foreign Minister Sri Mulyanind Rawati ensures that the addition and management of foreign debt will be done carefully and in moderation in 2025.
00:24This is to ensure that the budget for income and state spending or APBN remains healthy and sustainable.
00:32Sri Mulyanind said that his party will continue to optimize the management and role of APBN as an important instrument
00:38to make improvements in order to boost domestic economic growth,
00:42including efforts to increase economic efficiency in order to stabilize the balance.
00:47Payments must be maintained carefully and in moderation,
00:52while continuing to pay attention to the outlook of the APBN deficit and government liquidity,
01:00as well as the dynamic of the continuously increasing financial market
01:07and the balance between the payment of foreign debt and domestic debt.
01:14The government will continue to optimize the management and role of APBN
01:20as an important instrument to stabilize, improve the distribution of balance
01:27and increase the efficiency of the economy.
01:44As is known, the APBN 2025 deficit is planned at 616.19 trillion rupiah.
01:51From this, it requires a debt payment of 775.87 trillion rupiah
01:56and a non-debt payment of 159.7 trillion rupiah as a reduction factor.
02:04Meanwhile, from the 775.8 trillion rupiah planned in 2025,
02:10a total of 642.5 trillion rupiah comes from the SBN
02:17and the remaining 133.3 trillion rupiah comes from the loan.
02:24Meanwhile, based on the latest data,
02:26the government loan until November 30, 2024 has reached 8,680.13 trillion rupiah.
02:36The amount is equivalent to 39.20% of GDP.
02:42The position of the loan remains consistently maintained below the safety limit of 60% of GDP
02:47according to Law No. 17 of 2003 on State Finance.
02:56For more UN videos visit www.un.org
