• 2 months ago
Expo 2025 in Japan is set to take the world by surprise with its innovations and focus on humanity at a time of sombre global challenges.
00:00Our aim is realizing society 5.0.
00:16After industrial revolution, economic laws absorb everything, like sometimes culture,
00:23sometimes companies, sometimes the country.
00:28We think economic is vital, but it's just a process.
00:34So we need to do the future vision together.
00:38We set up the same way for the Expo, so not only environment, but also the well-being
00:45or the culture.
00:47So we need to create the future vision together and step together.
00:53One of the quite unique symbols is the Forest of Tranquility.
00:59The former Expo set the artificial monument.
01:03It's a man-made, sometimes huge one, like an Eiffel Tower.
01:07But this Expo, we invite forest.
01:12It's an ecosystem.
01:13So when the forest grows up, some trees die because they cannot catch the sunshine.
01:21So we detect such kind of dying trees and transplant them into the forest, the Expo
01:28site, and revive.
01:30So this is the Forest of Inclusion.
01:33And the digital technology, we think one of the core concepts is resonate, resonate together.
01:41So the forest is a symbol of the resonate human-human, human and environment, and human
01:51The world is just struggling to search the new vision.
02:14So no one knows what's going on next.
02:18So there is no major streams, but at Expo, we can gather together, not only the advanced
02:28country, but also the global south country, discuss together what is the better future.
02:36The former Expo is just a showcase for the technology.
02:42Coming Expo will become, how can we share the future?
02:46How can we co-create a future vision?
02:49That's a great, important point, we think.
02:52This Expo is not just a passive display.
02:56So the simple bench design or small discussion might change the world.
03:02So your participation will change the future, and let's co-create together.
