• 2 months ago
👉 En un discurso apasionado, el Presidente compara la situación actual con los eventos previos al Holocausto, destacando el aumento del antisemitismo y el odio hacia la civilización occidental. También agradeció al presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, por su compromiso en las negociaciones para liberar a los rehenes secuestrados, incluyendo nueve argentinos. Se hace hincapié en la responsabilidad de los líderes mundiales para combatir esta amenaza y se destaca el caso de una familia cuyo hijo más joven ha pasado gran parte de su vida en cautiverio.

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00:00It benefits the aggressor, never its victim, whose pain is magnified when it feels forgotten.
00:08Today, unfortunately, the world is experiencing a situation that is increasingly more similar
00:15to what occurred before the beginning of the Holocaust.
00:19The present world time shows us every day, with every attack on Israel,
00:24that anti-Semitism and hatred of Western civilization are more active than ever,
00:30which forces us not to give in to our struggle.
00:34As I mentioned before, the enemy can change its standard,
00:39but its miserable cause remains intact.
00:42The terrorist groups that exist today, if they had the capacity,
00:46would exterminate the Jewish people without thinking and would erase, if they could, the State of Israel.
00:52For this reason, those of us who command nations today have the obligation
00:58and the responsibility not to make the same mistakes as the leaders of the past.
01:03Silence or looking aside is no longer an option.
01:07Raising your voice against anti-Semitic intolerance and against terrorism is a duty.
01:14Nothing is casual.
01:16But beyond this week, it speaks of the epic of the Jewish people
01:20to get out of slavery and conquer freedom.
01:24There was a pharaoh who wanted to enslave and exterminate a people,
01:28but also a Moses who, with firmness and conviction, raised his voice
01:32and without fear exclaimed,
01:34Yes, all of you are wrong, the pharaoh and all his nation.
01:39Freedom is not only possible, but also mandatory.
01:43But at that moment, the Torah tells us that not only the pharaoh did not hear,
01:48but that even the Jewish people did not hear it either.
01:53In fact, this week, on the other side, we are remembering the last three plagues.
01:58The plague of the lobsters, the plague, let's say, when it got dark for three days,
02:06the eclipse of three days,
02:09and that of the firstborn, which was what ended up blocking the exit
02:15of the Jewish people to the Promised Land.
02:19Therefore, this week also has to give us hope that we are going to succeed
02:26and we are going to impose ourselves on evil, as was achieved there in Egypt.
02:32The Pasuk says,
02:34And the people did not hear Moses, due to his strictness of spirit and his hard work.
02:40They were so immersed in their slavery that they could not even dream of freedom.
02:46Sometimes the world is so narrow and short of mind that many are not even prepared
02:51to hear the message of freedom.
02:54And that is why I want to take this opportunity to thank the commitment of the President of the United States,
02:59Donald Trump, for carrying out the negotiations that will allow the hostages to return home,
03:05including the nine Argentinians who are still being kidnapped
03:09and for whose liberation we demand maximum celerity.
03:13Because, after all, regarding the past and present tragedies,
03:18there is a historical thread of intolerant fundamentalism,
03:22an ideology of destruction that has had different faces,
03:26but which, in essence, represents the greatest obstacle to the construction of a free world,
03:30a world for which we will not stop fighting until the last day of our lives.
03:34That is why, as yesterday, today, we say and will continue to say over and over again,
03:40Long live freedom!
04:13Thank you for a free world.
04:15We repeat, President Emiliano Gonzalo,
04:17leading the official act in memory of the authorities of the Gonza-Judía community.
04:23That's right.
04:25In fact, obviously, to complain about the Argentinian kidnappers,
04:29because there is a lot of expectation that now, when they are going to release hostages,
04:33the terrorists of Jamás,
04:35it is expected that perhaps, due to the order of priorities that had been established in this negotiation,
04:39they can be part of the Vivas family.
04:41But now they were women,
04:44women who are obviously linked to the security forces,
04:48and people with, let's say, a health problem or who needed an important medical attention.
04:52In that matter...
04:53Due to an order of priority,
04:55which is sometimes difficult to think that it is used with criteria and logic,
04:58because they are terrorists.
04:59Of course, so far they have been fulfilling it.
05:01Well, but if one continues that order of priority,
05:05there could be important news for the Vivas family, right?
05:09A clarification.
05:10I was saying, and I insist,
05:12one of the things...
05:13Javier Milet has a very close relationship with the Israeli government.
05:18In each of the, if you will, exchanges that there are,
05:22and even in visits that officials from Israel to Argentina make,
05:28they emphasize this,
05:30that the comfort they feel is in a country where the president explicitly recognizes himself as an ally of Israel.
05:38So there is a very big twist.
05:40Within that twist is what I was telling you, right?
05:42The situation of the Vivas family is very key,
05:46because in addition, the youngest of the two children was one year old when...
05:51Sorry, six months old when he was kidnapped by the Israeli government.
05:54He is two years old.
05:55Imagine that most of his life he spent in captivity.
05:59I was looking, Gonza, carefully at the president's exit.
06:03Of course, with the maximum security that usually surrounds this type of act.
06:08Not only the official acts, but the acts of the Jewish community,
06:12which is logical.
06:13President Milet is going to see him there.
06:15Yes, there he is leaving.
06:16You can see his filmmaker.
06:18Gustavo Gorilla, right?
06:20I think there is also the press secretary, if I'm not mistaken, Lanari.
06:24There was also Manuel Adorni in the front row.
06:27The presidential spokesman.
06:28Something stopped the president.
06:30There he raises the camera.
06:31There he is with Marcelo Mildin, the owner of the Holocaust Museum.
06:35You can see Adorni in the background.
06:37And, well, the reduced presidential committee.
06:40Santiago Caputo is waiting for him at Casa Rosada.
06:45The star presidential advisor who has an office on the first floor.
06:49Because from here something very important is going to be defined.
06:53Facundo, who is the new prosecutor of the treasury.
06:58There is already a name.
06:59In theory, what is going to happen now is going to be a formality.
07:03Where they are going to offer him the position and he would accept it.
07:07But, well, we are in quite a difficult moment.
07:11Well, it's worth it, I tell you, Gonza, to see the Holocaust Museum.
07:15I say, as a way to get out of the political agenda for a minute.
07:19Do not stop visiting it.
07:20Do not stop going to be able to make contact with everything they show.
07:25Today is a very special day.
07:26Because, among other things, it is the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust.
07:32But that place that you see there, which is beautiful.
07:35Made with bricks in sight.
07:37It is a museum that is practically a mandatory visit.
07:41In fact, many schools do it.
07:43Many boys and girls do it.
07:45Who make contact with the history of our world.
07:47So that the horror that was experienced so many years ago is not repeated.
07:52Yes, totally.
07:54There are even different social projects that give the guideline of how,
07:59if you do not learn from your history, it can really be repeated.
08:03I do not know if you could, if you have seen it once,
08:05you wave the wave.
08:06Yes, of course.
08:07Well, it goes in that direction.
08:08It goes in that direction, totally.
08:09You have to know your past so as not to commit it again in the future.
08:12The president has already left, he has already spoken.
08:14Perhaps we have to emphasize this that Gonzalo marked.
08:18Once again, my law, aligning with the international people of Trump and Israel.
08:23Of course, taking advantage of the day of the Holocaust,
08:26to insist again in this regard,
08:28together with the authorities of the Jewish community in Argentina.
