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Miracle Doctor Episode 174

Ali is the son of a poor family who grew up in a provincial city. Due to his autism and savant syndrome, he has been constantly excluded and marginalized. Ali has difficulty communicating, and has two friends in his life: His brother and his rabbit. Ali loses both of them and now has only one wish: Saving people. After his brother's death, Ali is disowned by his father and grows up in an orphanage. Dr Adil discovers that Ali has tremendous medical skills due to savant syndrome and takes care of him. After attending medical school and graduating at the top of his class, Ali starts working as an assistant surgeon at the hospital where Dr Adil is the head physician. Although some people in the hospital administration say that Ali is not suitable for the job due to his condition, Dr Adil stands behind Ali and gets him hired. Ali will change everyone around him during his time at the hospital

CAST: Taner Olmez, Onur Tuna, Sinem Unsal, Hayal Koseoglu, Reha Ozcan, Zerrin Tekindor



00:00O zaman amygdala ablasyonu Ali saçmalama saçmalama
00:06Araştırmalara göre travma beynin işleyişini değiştiriyor mu soru Mustafa'nın amygdalasının aşırı
00:14aktif olması böyle durumlarda hasta uyarıcıları aşırı tepki verebiliyor hocam Sen ne diyorsun
00:20yani şimdi amygdalaya mı alalım oğlum biz çerraz biz fizyolojik sorunları hallederiz
00:26ama bu fizyolojik bir sorun hocam beyni düzgün çalışmıyor bütün bunlara sebep tümör olsaydı
00:32eğer biz o tümörü çıkartıp almaz mıydık alırdık değil mi hocam peki tümör var mı yok sen
00:38beyne zarar vermekten bahsediyorsun gencecik bir adam komaya girebilir felç olabilir ya da masada
00:43kalabilir o yüzden artık ısrar etmek yok tamam mı ısrar etmek yok yeter Ali ısrar etme ısrar etme
00:55Serotaktik Lazer yaklaşımı
01:01Evet operasyon riskli ama açık kroni otomiğe göre Lazer daha az riskli hocam Ali yeter
01:10Mustafa Bey yardım edebiliriz yardım edebiliriz hocam sen Mustafa Bey'e mi yardım etmek istiyorsun
01:17sana mı yardım edilmesini istiyorsun ha Muhsin'den daha iyi olduğunu kanıtlamaya çalışıyorsun
01:24işte bile ne alaka hocam bari zekamdan şüphe etme neyin ne olduğu bal gibi ortada bak
01:31tamam çok güzel çalışmışsın bir şey demiyorum ama vaka bizim değil bırak artık bırak Ali bırak
01:38tamam Ali Feraye hocam Mustafa Bey çatıya çıkmış
01:47Mustafa Bey tamam sakin Mustafa bakın bir flashback yaşıyorsunuz lütfen sakin
02:06yıllardır acıdan başka bir şey hissettiğim yok benim sanki bir canavar var benim peşimde ne gördüm
02:13ne duydum onu hiçbir şey bilmiyorum ama her gözümü kapadığımda orada beni bekliyor sanki onun
02:19yüzünden en sevdiğim insana vurdum az önce ya bir şey olsaydı ya daha kötüsünü yaparsam işte
02:25tamam tamam tamam tamam tamam tamam tamam tamam tamam Mustafa Bey'in yardıma ihtiyacı var
02:31bakın biz size yardım edebiliriz geleceğimiz başka bir operasyon daha var duydu mu başka bir
02:37ameliyat seçeneği daha var iyileşebilirsin tamam nasıl iyileşeceğim ben yaşamayı hak etmiyorum
02:42iyileşeceğim nasıl yaşamayı hak etmiyorum neden oğlum neden lan neden sen söylesene kolayca
02:49anlattı sus sus yapıyordun konuşma diyordun anlatmadım hepsini anlat hadi ne oluyor ne diyor
03:03bu Mustafa sana sus dedim tamam mı sus sus sus oğlum aynı birlikteydik biz bir pusuya düştük
03:11herkes öldü bir biz kaldık
03:14senin yüzünden
03:19senin yüzünden senin ne bakıyorsun ne diyorsun sen gözcü sendin hiçbirimiz haber vermedin zamanında
03:31yalan konuşmam
03:32İzmirli Hüseyin, Telsiz Mehmet, Aydınlı Cenk, İlhan Yüzbaşı, Tilki Faruk, Sus, Aşkın Yüzbaşı, Sus artık
03:43hepsinin kanı senin elinde
03:44gebertirim lan seni
03:45bırak dedim
03:47bırak dedim
03:49bırak dedim
04:00aç kapıyı
04:02aç kapıyı
04:04aç kapıyı
04:06aç kapıyı
04:18bırakın beni hadi
04:20bırakın beni
04:26ne kadar oldu
04:30ne kadar oldu
05:00aç kapıyı
05:02hangi kapıyı
05:08sakin ol sakin ol
05:12buradayız sakin
05:14Doruk benle misin
05:16Doruk bana bak bana bak
05:18benle misin
05:24oda flashback yaşıyor değil mi
05:26oda flashback yaşıyor
05:29ey komutanım cevap ver abi ne olur özür dilerim
05:31valla istemeden oldu ya
05:37Doruk buradayız tamam
05:39emarı alıyoruz oğlum tamam sakin ol
05:41sakin ol
05:45Doruk'cum şimdi seni emara alacağız tamam mı
05:47hayır emar olmaz
05:49oğlum emarı almamız lazım
05:51hayır hayır emar olmaz
05:53emar olmaz
05:55neyin sarsılışı
06:03canınızı yakarım
06:05canınızı yakarım
06:07sen bu değilsin oğlum
06:09bırak onu elinden
06:11emar olmaz
06:15hadi oğlum
06:19bırak o elindekini
06:21bırak o elindekini
06:23bırak oğlum
06:31gel bakayım buraya
06:33otur otur
06:37bana bak
06:39parmağımı takip et
06:41parmağımı takip et
06:43hocam benim ağrı kesiciye ihtiyacım var
06:45ağrı kesici hemen ağrı kesici çabuk
06:51Ali ağrı kesici çabuk
07:11daha iyi misin şimdi
07:13tamam bilal
07:15hadi git dinlen biraz
07:17hocam benim galiba izin almam lazım
07:19elbette oğlum tabii ki
07:21hadi hadi bakalım
07:23kalkabilecek misin
07:25hadi kalk
07:27yardım edin
07:29kendi başına gidebiliyor musun
07:31tamam iyiyim
07:39Muhsin Bey
07:41Doruk'un beyninde tümör var dedi
07:45ben şimdi gidiyorum
07:47Ali Ali dur dur
07:49gitsin biraz dinlensin acelesi yok
07:54Doruk'a ne olmuş böyle
07:56bilmiyorum ama çok kötü şeyler belli ki
08:03bu arada Mustafa konusunda sen haklıydın
08:05dediğin ameliyatı yapacağız
08:09hadi git hazırlan
08:35Mustafa Bey'e ameliyat alacağız
08:39çok riskli
08:43sen ne yaptın
08:47bu dünya ne güzel hediyesi
08:51ama bu bile keyfimi yerine getirmiyor
08:57çok hızlı kötüleşiyor Mert
09:01doğum günü biliyor musun
09:05bu durumda olmasaydı
09:07polis temalı bir parti yapacaklarmış
09:21benim düşündüğümü mü düşünüyorsun
09:27sen benim düşündüğüm şeyi düşündüğümü mü düşünüyorsun
09:31ya parti yapalım diyorum işte
09:35benim çok daha güzel planım var
09:37Muhsin Bey'in her şeyi görmesini istiyorum
10:01efendim yavrum
10:03bana vişne suyu alır mısın
10:05alırım tabi hemen alırım
10:07sen otur böyle hemen gelirim ben
10:17gelsene bir
10:21dön arkama
10:23niye dön arkama otur
10:39hissettin mi
10:41evet işte böyle olacak
10:45beni hiç görmeyeceksin ama
10:47hep hissedeceksin
10:49sen mi
10:55sen gidince ne yapacaksın
10:57anneme bakacaksın
10:59o bizi hiç bırakmadı
11:01baban da kaçtı
11:03ama annem bizi hiç bırakmadı
11:05şimdi ben gidince
11:07o tek kalacak
11:09sen de ona bakarsın olur mu
11:13onu hiç üzme
11:15derslerine çalış
11:17bir çocuk olsalar mı
11:23korkuyor musun
11:33ben yanındayım kardeşim
11:47iyi geceler
11:49iyi geceler
12:17ne oluyor burda
12:35herkes son dileğini yerine getirmeye çalışıyoruz
12:41helvasını da kaynatalım
12:45siz istediğiniz kadar
12:47kalpsiz davranabilirsiniz
12:49biz Mert'i önemsiyoruz
12:51ben de işimi önemsiyorum arkadaşlar
12:53bırakın bunları
12:55işinize dönün hadi
12:57sizden emir almayacağım
13:03sevgili misiniz siz
13:13şimdi anlaşıldı
13:21sence ne yapacak
13:25bırak istediğini yapsın
13:27biz birlikte olduğumuz sürece
13:29biz birlikte olduğumuz sürece
13:35hayırlı günler
13:41bunlar hastane logolu
13:45bunlar logolu
13:49ben kullanmam bir daha
13:51siz kullanın israf olmasın
13:53hiç anlamadım
13:55bunu da kafeteredeki
13:57masam için yaptırmıştım ama
13:59kısmet değilmiş
14:01gideceğim için
14:03yazık olmasın
14:05yavaşça acele et
14:09sizin daha çok ihtiyacınız var belli ki
14:13iyi günler
14:15ay bir dakika
14:17musim bey ne oluyor
14:19ne yapıyorsunuz ne oldu
14:21ben hiç anlamıyorum sizi şu anda
14:23süreniz doldu
14:25ay musim bey
14:27zaten ortalık karışık
14:29dünkü olaydan sonra ulaşamıyoruz bir türlü
14:31ayrıca ben sizin düşmanınız mıyım
14:33ben getirdim sizi bu hastaneye
14:35bu hastanenin çivisi çıkmış
14:37ben böyle çalışamam
14:39yapacak bir şey yok
14:41musim bey ay tamam
14:45şefliğiniz hayırlı olsun
14:51şunları alayım o zaman
15:01şimdi kendime bir oda edinebilirim işte
15:09iyi günler
15:27ben gizli polis
15:29bir defa
15:31arkadaşlar ben bir suçluyu arıyorum
15:33merkezden çağrı yaptılar
15:35bir suçlu varmış
15:37ne suçlu mu varmış
15:39evet ismi de mikrop
15:41çok tehlikeli bir suçluymuş bu
15:43benim bir ortağa ihtiyacım var
15:45hemde hemen
15:47ben alırım ortak
15:49tamam ama bu çok tehlikeli bir suçlu
15:51çok tehlikeli bir mikrop
15:53bir dakika
15:55siz korkmuyorsunuz
15:57ne yaparsam artık
16:05devriye aracımız da geldi
16:07evet komiser nazlı da geldiğine göre
16:09şu mikropu arayalım o zaman
16:11arayalım evet
16:13hadi bulalım
16:17komiser mert geliyor
16:19komiser mert geliyor
16:27komiser mert geliyor
16:45evet nereye gidiyoruz
16:51ben mikropu gördüm
16:53dede serve bildiğin her şeyi anlat
16:55Tell me something.
16:56Of course.
16:57He was caught by the security cameras.
16:59I saw him there.
17:00He stole all the bandages in the hospital.
17:02He only dropped this.
17:03He brought it as evidence.
17:04It's blood.
17:06What are we going to do, Mr. Policeman?
17:09No, it's ketchup.
17:11You are really a very smart, very talented policeman.
17:14Where could he have found this ketchup?
17:18Very smart.
17:20Then what are we doing?
17:21We're going to the kitchen.
17:22Come on, hurry up.
17:23Very smart.
17:24Come on, hurry up.
17:38We can find a clue here.
17:41Is that a fingerprint?
17:46Oh, sorry.
17:47We're looking for a microbe.
17:48It's very dangerous.
17:49Did you see it?
17:50Yes, I couldn't catch it.
17:51It escaped from my hand.
17:52It took all the gloves.
17:53Look at the gloves.
17:54They're all dirty.
17:55Come on, hurry up.
17:56It's escaping.
17:57Hurry up.
17:58It's escaping.
18:05There are a lot of gloves here.
18:06I think we're too close.
18:07It's a very dangerous microbe.
18:10We have to be careful.
18:23Help, help.
18:30Help, help.
18:31Help, save me.
18:33You have to be careful too.
18:39Mr. Terman, you're here.
18:43I'm a microbe.
18:46It's very dangerous.
18:47It's a very long microbe.
18:48How are we going to catch it?
18:49Like this.
18:51Look, when they touch it,
18:53it will hit with electricity and make it ineffective.
19:01Microbe, wait, or you'll regret it.
19:07Officer, save me.
19:08No one can escape from me.
19:10Because I'm very strong.
19:11I'm very strong, microbe.
19:13We're going to catch it.
19:16Catch it, catch it.
19:18Catch it, catch it.
19:19You're a very successful police officer.
19:20Catch it.
19:21I've never seen anything like this before.
19:23I won't forget you, police officer.
19:30Thank you very much.
19:31Thanks to you, the patient was saved from a big crime.
19:34Thank you very much.
19:35You're a hero, police officer.
20:07Come on, come on.
20:08You enter the amygdala.
20:10You're going to enter the cortical region vertically.
20:15Stop, stop, stop, stop.
20:16First tell me what you're going to do.
20:19If I go in this line,
20:21I'm going to pierce the core of the corridial vein
20:23and it's going to go inside my bloodstream.
20:26That's why I need to turn a millimeter inside
20:28as a millimeter inferior.
20:33I'm going to turn a millimeter inside.
20:35As a millimeter inferior,
20:37I need to turn a millimeter inside.
20:40There's a temporal region on my right.
20:42I'm going to stay away from there.
20:44Towards six o'clock.
20:48I'm moving forward.
20:50I'm moving forward.
20:54Yes, okay.
20:57Ali, you're in Paranquim.
20:58The tissues here are soft.
21:00You're paying attention to me, okay?
21:02I'm in the amygdala.
21:03I'm in the amygdala.
21:06Do the ablation now.
21:08Ablation, okay.
21:19I forgot.
21:21What did you forget, son?
21:22You're going to take me out.
21:23That's it?
21:24I forgot.
21:31Mr. Tansu, please.
21:42Do you want to join us?
21:49Thank you, Mr. Tansu,
21:50but I don't need a patron.
21:52You can continue.
21:54Sir, this is not a symbolic thing.
21:56You did it to me when I first came to the hospital.
22:00I don't know how it happened, but...
22:02If you don't have it, I don't have it either, sir.
22:05Come on, Ferman. Come on.
22:07Sir, please.
22:09He's gone. I don't know if he'll come back.
22:25But for him...
22:31Let's get started.
22:39Come on, Ferman.
23:09I'm taking the kidney out.
23:39Thank you, sir.
23:52Here you go.
23:59Come on, let's stitch it up.
24:026.0 suture.
24:097.0 suture.
24:39What's happening?
24:41Do something. What's happening?
24:43Calm down, ma'am. We're doing our best.
24:45What's happening?
24:48Do something. What was that?
24:50What happened?
24:52There's intracranial bleeding in the brain.
24:54We gave him the last dose of epiv and anthropin.
24:59His pupils are enlarged.
25:01He's in a coma.
25:03He's in a coma.
25:05He's in a coma.
25:07His pupils are enlarged.
25:09He's in a coma.
25:11He's not responding.
25:19Why are you letting him go? What's happening?
25:22What's happening? Save my son. What's happening?
25:24Mr. Mert has a brain tumor.
25:26Stop it. Stop it, then. Save my son.
25:28What's happening?
25:30His blood isn't boiling. There's nothing we can do.
25:32No, Mert. Please save him. Please.
25:34Ms. Mermin. Ms. Mermin.
25:36There's nothing we can do.
25:38No, Mert. I can't do it without you. Save him.
25:41This is your last chance.
25:43What's happening? Save him. Please.
25:45Ms. Mermin, please. Hold his hand. Say something.
25:47Please. Do something. Please.
25:49Ms. Mermin, please.
25:51There's nothing we can do. Hold his hand. Say something.
25:53Look, this is your last chance.
26:44I'm here, brother.
26:51I'm here, brother. Don't be afraid.
26:55You're a police officer.
26:57Are police officers ever afraid?
27:02I'm here.
27:06You'll go to a beautiful place, mom.
27:10I love you so much, son.
27:13Goodbye, son.
27:19Don't be afraid, mom. I love you so much.
27:33Goodbye, brother.
28:45It's okay, honey. Everything will be okay.
29:06I love you.
29:29My name is Mustafa Allakan. I'm at Berat Kozoğlu Hospital.
29:32I'm in Istanbul.
29:34Your motor functions are like that.
29:36Is it over now?
29:38We're going to do another MRI to make sure.
29:41We're going to look at his reactions to fear.
29:43But right now, it's time to rest.
29:47Okay, get well soon.
29:49Come on, stop.
29:51I'll tell you.
29:55I'll tell you how these wounds happened.
29:58Don't rush, Mustafa.
30:01You need to know now.
30:05I want him to go now.
30:10We found ourselves in a crossfire.
30:13The commander threw the wounded to the shore.
30:19Then we started defending there.
30:25But we all knew that none of us would survive the night.
31:03All of my friends...
31:05They killed all my friends.
31:07One by one.
31:13Only the commander and I were left.
31:15They took Onur.
31:35I was afraid of dying.
32:06I swore to death.
32:07God damn me.
32:08I was afraid of dying.
32:12What about Doruk?
32:14What happened to Doruk?
32:17They really killed him.
32:44We talked to your friend.
32:46We said they took you hostage.
32:49But he said they killed him.
32:53They didn't kill him.
32:56They did worse.
32:59They made him live.
33:16Because I'm a doctor.
34:06Save him.
34:09Come on, I'm telling you.
34:13Come on, save him.
34:16Save him.
34:30Why are you laughing?
34:31Save him.
34:33Save him.
34:35Save him.
35:05Save him.
35:13I didn't do it.
35:26Because that's when I killed him.
35:29If I had killed one of the people I saved, one of my brothers,
35:33I would have died then.
35:43They understood
35:45that I wouldn't do it.
35:51They took me somewhere.
35:56It was such a beautiful place.
35:58There were rocks, the sun was behind me.
36:00I was worried.
36:02I said,
36:04Okay, Doruk.
36:05Forget everyone.
36:06Forget everything.
36:08Forget what you lost.
36:10Your mom, your dad.
36:12Everyone knows you're dead.
36:14Is that how you die?
36:27Did they hit you in the head?
36:28Did they hit you in the head?
36:33But I didn't die.
36:42A shepherd found me.
36:45He took me to the first village and then to the hospital.
36:58He's alive.
37:00He's alive. Come on, hold him.
37:01He's alive.
37:07He was in a coma for three weeks.
37:09He woke up in a hospital in Taşçı.
37:11He fired a low-caliber bullet from a close range from his head.
37:15I know, it's a chance.
37:22I don't know.
37:24I don't know.
37:25I don't know.
37:32I couldn't get up.
37:34I went back to the army.
37:55I couldn't get up.
38:09They didn't take you.
38:11They didn't take you.
38:15They said you'd rot.
38:20I begged.
38:21I knelt at their door.
38:22They took me back.
38:23I shot my head.
38:24I didn't die.
38:26There must be a meaning to this.
38:32They didn't take me.
38:40I said I didn't do anything wrong.
38:43I didn't do anything wrong.
38:45I did everything I could.
38:46I fought.
38:48I shot my head.
38:50I didn't die.
38:51I came back.
38:54Don't leave me.
38:57My home, my home, my loved ones, everyone.
39:09They didn't take me.
39:17I was very lonely, Ali.
39:20Why didn't they take you?
39:22The bullet came out of your head.
39:27Because I lied.
39:30I got hurt.
39:31I left myself to everyone.
39:36Was it real?
39:42That bullet...
39:46I didn't die.
39:50It's still in my head.
39:59It's in my blood.
40:04I live with a bullet in my head.
40:07I live with a bullet in my head.
40:18I have a bullet in my head, Ali.
40:37I live with a bullet in my head, Ali.
40:56You're wrong.
40:57Mr. Muhsin, you're wrong.
40:58There's no tumor in Doruk's brain.
41:00There's a bullet in Doruk's brain.
41:02There's a bullet.
41:04You're wrong, Ali Pasha.
41:08You said you couldn't disrupt the order of this hospital.
41:12That's where you're wrong.
41:15What do you mean?
41:17You're looking at your new boss right now.
41:20I'm the surgeon's boss.
41:22You have to do whatever I say now.
41:25What are you going to do to me?
41:28From now on, all the appointments, operation hours,
41:31case files, surgeon programs,
41:34it's all yours, Ali Pasha.
41:37I can't do this.
41:38This is the chief assistant's job.
41:40I'm not the chief assistant.
41:41I'm the chief assistant of the ministry.
41:43Not anymore.
41:46You gave your wife's friend to the emergency room.
41:50From now on, you don't work together, Ali Pasha.
41:54Good luck with the chief assistant.
42:07I'm sorry.
42:08I'm sorry.
42:09I'm sorry.
42:10I'm sorry.
42:11I'm sorry.
42:12I'm sorry.
42:13I'm sorry.
42:14I'm sorry.
42:15I'm sorry.
42:16I'm sorry.
42:17I'm sorry.
42:18I'm sorry.
42:19I'm sorry.
42:20I'm sorry.
42:21I'm sorry.
42:22I'm sorry.
42:23I'm sorry.
42:24I'm sorry.
42:25I'm sorry.
42:26I'm sorry.
42:27I'm sorry.
42:28I'm sorry.
42:29I'm sorry.
42:30I'm sorry.
42:31I'm sorry.
42:32I'm sorry.
42:33I'm sorry.
42:34I'm sorry.
42:35I'm sorry.