• 2 months ago
Miracle Doctor Episode 149

Ali is the son of a poor family who grew up in a provincial city. Due to his autism and savant syndrome, he has been constantly excluded and marginalized. Ali has difficulty communicating, and has two friends in his life: His brother and his rabbit. Ali loses both of them and now has only one wish: Saving people. After his brother's death, Ali is disowned by his father and grows up in an orphanage. Dr Adil discovers that Ali has tremendous medical skills due to savant syndrome and takes care of him. After attending medical school and graduating at the top of his class, Ali starts working as an assistant surgeon at the hospital where Dr Adil is the head physician. Although some people in the hospital administration say that Ali is not suitable for the job due to his condition, Dr Adil stands behind Ali and gets him hired. Ali will change everyone around him during his time at the hospital

CAST: Taner Olmez, Onur Tuna, Sinem Unsal, Hayal Koseoglu, Reha Ozcan, Zerrin Tekindor



00:05Guess Madalya the jam the high up into here to you. Oh my boss. It's a mommy. Oh, yeah, Norman
00:09Oh, let me see. Come on, buddy. Yeah, but it's not me. Oh, yeah, man. Yes, I'm hooky. I'm you should have me on us, honey
00:17Karam's a verdict this
00:21Barsak the company to negate your say happen. Come on. We're going to come in. Oh my god
00:30By bars pay bakın son kesiyoru size ya bırakın tatlı atmaya attı her adım bile öldürebilir kızınızı
00:37çok tehlikeli kızım hayallerinden vazgeçmek istemiyor
00:41kızınız mı istemiyor siz mi
00:43Durup da mı bir dakika ya
00:46kaç yaşında gaye
00:4814 yaşında siz
00:49Siz babasınız yetişkin olan sizsiniz sizin sorumluluğunuz anlamıyorsunuz ya bırak neyi anlamıyoruz madalya alacağım de kızın hayatını çöpe atıyorsun
00:57Bir bak bakayım bana be bir bak jimnastik tipi var mı bende Allah aşkına bir bak
01:03jimnastikçi filan değilim ben nakliyeciyim işimi gücümü bıraktım kızım için
01:16Gaye annesini tanımadı hiç
01:19doğumda kaybettik
01:217 yaşında filandı bir sandığı deminde annesinin madalyasını buldu
01:27lisedeyken jimnastik yapmış rahmetli tutturdu bende annem gibi jimnastikçi olacağım diye
01:33tamam dedim ne yapayım
01:35işi gücü bıraktım kurslara gittim antrenör oldum sırf kızım annesizliğini daha fazla hissetmesin diye
01:42kendini annesine biraz
01:44yakın hissetsin diye
01:47bana ne madalyadan filan
01:50İyi misiniz kalbiniz mi sıkıştı
01:53yandı biraz ya
01:56Refüm azdı herhalde
01:59Ne zamandır var Refüm?
02:01Bir yıldır filan
02:03Yarışma yarışma geziyoruz
02:05Bakamadık kendimize
02:11Sevdiye buraya
02:13Sevdiye çabuk
02:15Açı koşun
02:191 2 3
02:21Çabuk müdahale odasına
02:32Satürasyon 70 basmış düşüyor
02:36Aktyar sorunu veya ağırtan ev rızması olabilir abi
02:38Hava yolunu açalım
02:50Perfüzyon çok kötü
02:52Siftik abi bu adam
02:54Ciğerlerinde hava sıkışmış
03:02Hayır öyle olsaydı davul sesi gelirdi
03:04Sıvı var içeride
03:06Kıvrımlı krem bir sürü
03:08Bir de göğüs tüpü lazım
03:42Adil hocam zaten ölecekti değil mi
03:50Tümör geri dönmüştü
03:54Ben de bilmiyordum
03:56Hiçbirimiz bilmiyorduk
03:58Masasında bulduk raporları
04:00Otopsiyle de doğruladık
04:06Hadi bana geçmiş olsun
04:08Ne oluyor Ali
04:10Tamam tamam
04:12Ne oluyor
04:14Kendi kendimi taburcu ediyorum
04:16Vaka yok mu
04:18Ali bütün vakaları biz bakıyoruz
04:20Öyle hemen kalkamazsın
04:2210 gündür komadasın
04:24Tamam başım dönmüyor nabzım da gayet yoruldu
04:28Ali yat tamam
04:30Vakalara biz bakıyoruz
04:32Anlaştık mı
04:34Öyle hemen kalkamazsın
04:36Günaydın uyanmışsın
04:3810 gün bizi çok korkuttun
04:40Teşekkür ederim
04:42Çocuklar aradı Aybaş bey çökmüş
04:44Kızın babası
04:46Nesi var
04:48Göğüs tüpü takmışlar 3 numarada
04:50Bir tanesi sizde gelmen lazım tek başıma halledemem
04:54Ben buradan ayrılmayayım
04:58Ben de geleceğim
05:00Dinlenir misin lütfen
05:02Hocam ben izin istemiyorum sizden lütfen Ali uyandığına göre
05:04Ben çalışmak istiyorum
05:06Ama omurga eğilemeyeceksin öyle istediler
05:10Ben de geleyim
05:24Hiçbir şey hatırlıyor musun
05:26Yani komadayken
05:28Söylediklerimi duydun mu
05:40Rüyamda gördüm seni
05:44Elini uzattın bana
05:46Elini uzattın bana
05:50Ben de tuttum
05:58Teşekkür ederim
06:08Atil hocam öldü
06:16Ben de çok üzgündüm
06:22Ama geçecek peki
06:26Atil hocam öldü Nazlı
06:30Bu hiç geçmeyecek
06:46Bir haberim var size
06:50Nedir hocam
06:52Ameliyattan sonra
06:56Hocam ya
07:00Bu kız babasına hocam mı diyormuş gerçekten
07:02Evet hocam
07:04İş arkadaşı gibiler
07:06Sizden sonra Doruk biraz tutuldu tabi ama
07:08Yani durumu öyle değilmiş
07:10Gaye hiç tanımamış annesini
07:12Babası da kızına yakın olabilmek için antrenör olmuş
07:16Bütün her şeyini bu işe yatırmış
07:18Burası tamam
07:20Bak bakalım kalan parça var mı
07:24Yok hocam
07:28Basınç düşüyor hocam
07:30Çek çek çek çabuk çabuk
07:32Polimorfik entükülere eritme bu hocam
07:34Torsede points
07:362 mg magnezyum sulfat
07:38Çabuk yükle
07:42Nabız 170
07:44Böyle olmayacak kardiyo versiyonu geçiyoruz
07:46Yükle yükle
07:50113 hazır
07:54Evet 1 2 3
07:58Bir daha 100 çak
08:001 2 3 çak
08:04Düzeliyor hocam
08:10Bir şey mi kaçırdık
08:1414 yaşındaki kızda kalp aritmisi ne
08:16Pomurgayı sabitlemeniz şart
08:18Ve bu durum her şeyi değiştirecek
08:24Babası ne diyecek acaba
08:32Borhaus sendromu çok karışır bu tip hastalarda
08:34Aferin Doruk
08:36Perkusyon tekniğiyle güzel yakalamışsın
08:38Sağolun hocam
08:42Sen iyi misin
08:46Noldu ki
08:48Dekartör şuraya
08:52Açalım şuraya
08:54E adamı sıkıştırdın durdun
08:56Her zamankinden daha
09:02Yok bir şey hocam
09:04Adamı sonradan sevdim ama
09:16Dokunun durumu felaket
09:18Medya hastenin tamamı ölü doku katlanmış
09:20Kronik pistül risk yaratmadan
09:22Burayı onaramayız
09:26En ufak bir sızıntı olursa
09:28Enfeksiyondan ölebilir
09:30Bence en güvenli yol
09:32Özefagusun yolunu tamamen değiştirmek
09:36Beslenme tüpüyle yaşamak zorunda bırakacaksın hastayı o zaman
09:38Yapacak bir şey yok
09:40Akciğerdeki bütün sıvıyı çekeriz
09:42Sonra geniş spektrumlu
09:44Antibiyoti basarız
09:46Ne zaman kazanırız
09:48İyi de
09:50Oğlum sen sevdim demedin mi bu adamı az önce
09:52O zaman kurtarmak zorundasın
09:54Beslenme tüpüyle yaşamaya mahkum mu edeceksin
09:58Hadi bakalım kapat
10:0024 saatin var
10:10Lütfen sakin olun
10:12Hepsi Ali uyansın diyeydi
10:14Yani Ferman ve Nazlı konuşup böyle bir yol bulabilmişler
10:16Ancak Nazlı gerçekten
10:18O söylediği hiç bir şey kastetmedi
10:20Sinirli olduğumu kim söyledi
10:24Değil misiniz
10:26Merak ediyorum sadece
10:28Ali'yi kurtarmak için
10:30Nazlı kendini neden öldürdü
10:38Ali'yi kurtarmak için Nazlı kendini neden böyle bir riske attı
10:48İlk aşkı Ali'nin
10:56Öyle mi
11:00Peki niye söylemiyor kimse bana bu bilgiyi
11:02Çünkü ayrıldılar
11:04Yani bildiğim kadarıyla ayrılar
11:06Kızmadınız mı
11:10Niye kızayım
11:12Aksine keyfim yerine geldi
11:14O zaman
11:16Ferman da ceza almayacak
11:18Ay ben sizi yerim
11:20Nasıl da korurmuş herkes eski sevgilisini
11:22Yok merak etme kimse ceza meza almayacak
11:26Sizde bir şey var mı
11:28Ne oldu
11:30Ne oldu
11:32Ne oldu
11:36Sizde beni iyice canavar yaptınız yani
11:40Halbuki ben gideceğim Ali'ye geçmiş olsun diyeceğim şimdi
11:42İzninle canım
11:56Evet biraz da su
11:58Nazlı ben eve gitmek istiyorum
12:00Ali Ferman hoca beni öldürür
12:02Çalışmayacağım tamam
12:04Eve gitmek istiyorum
12:06Ali sende doktorsun
12:08Gayet de biliyorsun durumunu gidemezsin
12:12Ali hayır
12:16Ali bak arıyorum Ferman hocayı
12:22Anlamıyor musun
12:24Burada her şey bana Ferman hocamı hatırlatıyor
12:26Yapamıyorum nefes alamıyorum
12:28Eve gideceğim
12:39Biraz su parlamanı bekleyecektim
12:47Acil hocası senin için bırakmış
13:59Nasıl geçti sizinki
14:01Aritmaya girdi kızcağız
14:03Gidiyordu valla
14:05Bizim gibi de fena
14:07Yapacağız bir şeyler de
14:09Ömür boyu tütle beslenecek gibi duruyor
14:13Baba kız ikisi birden
14:15Çok kötü ya
14:17Bir tane de güzel bir şey olsun
14:19Bir tane iyi bir haber olsun
14:21İyi çocuklar koşun ali uyanmış
14:23He's awake!
14:27That's what Sermon said!
14:29My heart is clean, I knew it!
14:31What's going on?
14:33He's awake!
14:35I knew it!
14:54How are you?
14:56Leave us alone, how are you?
14:58We were so worried about you, Ali.
15:00Are you okay?
15:02You tell me.
15:06Were you able to eat?
15:08Were you able to sleep?
15:10Can you take care of a patient?
15:16Is there anyone passing by in front of his room?
15:18Is he being taken care of?
15:20I don't know.
15:22I mean...
15:24We're living somehow.
15:26We have to.
15:36Can you live somehow?
15:41I still can't get into his room.
15:47I can't sleep.
15:50If you ask me if I've eaten...
15:52I mean, it's in my throat, but...
15:56I don't know what to say.
15:59I don't even know.
16:02Why don't you look at me?
16:09What can I do?
16:20Should we do something?
16:22Yes, let's do something.
16:24What should we do?
16:26Ali, we're all here.
16:28You decide.
16:30It's obvious what to do.
16:34All of you, get out.
16:38Since Ali is awake...
16:40I'll stay alone, right?
16:42Come on, Nazlı.
16:50Come on.
16:56I'll wait for you in my room later.
17:10Why did she get mad at us?
17:12What are we going to talk about?
17:14She must have something on her mind.
17:16Maybe she'll say she has a headache.
17:18The woman who took Ali to palliative care.
17:22No, I can't stand it.
17:26Mr. Ferman?
17:32Tanju and Ali are waiting for us urgently.
17:45Let's go, come on.
17:47I'm hungry.
17:54I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. Adil.
17:57Are you really sorry?
18:00What do you mean?
18:02Of course I'm really sorry.
18:06We had disagreements.
18:10I don't want this to happen to anyone.
18:13Look, I'm really sorry.
18:16I wish you could get rid of it.
18:19Unfortunately, he couldn't.
18:23He's dead.
18:30Do whatever you want with me.
18:32I'm leaving.
18:34What are you doing?
18:36What's going on?
18:38I'm not going to be your informant anymore.
18:42Ali, don't force me to do what I don't want.
18:45What are you going to do?
18:47Are you going to fire me?
18:49Okay, fire me.
18:51If you're not going to fire me...
18:53With your permission.
19:05You're right.
19:07I'm not Adil anymore.
19:09God bless you.
19:11I'm telling you from the bottom of my heart.
19:14But Nazlı is here.
19:17Do you want Nazlı to be sad?
19:20Do you want something to happen to her?
19:25Don't look at me like that.
19:27You just got out of a coma.
19:30I can't get over it.
19:32It's not fun.
19:34Look, I gave you a chance.
19:36Get a little better.
19:38You're going to be an informant again.
19:42Okay, Ali?
19:45Come on.
19:53How far?
19:55Until you're sure you have nothing to do with Ezo.
20:25Where are they?
20:27Patience, Ezo.
20:29I wish the clinic was closer to the city.
20:31You've been patient for days.
20:33We've made a lot of progress.
20:35Be patient for two more minutes.
20:37I made it, didn't I?
20:39I made it, didn't I?
20:41I made it, didn't I?
20:43I made it, didn't I?
20:45I made it, didn't I?
20:47I made it, didn't I?
20:49I made it, didn't I?
20:51I made it, didn't I?
20:53I made it, didn't I?
20:58I've been so excited for years.
21:00It's the first time in years
21:02I'm going to eat something from the outside.
21:04That's why I'm proud of you.
21:06It's very important to get over your obsession.
21:08How many meals have you eaten from the outside?
21:10Look, your treatment is going very well.
21:15Would you like some toast?
21:19You're welcome.
21:20I'm going.
21:22Enjoy your meal.
21:49You can do it.
21:51There's no poison in it.
22:45What do you mean you can't send it?
22:47My closest friend's father died.
22:49My closest friend's father died.
22:51It can't be worse than that.
22:53I don't have that authority, doctor.
22:55If it's out, let's call.
22:57Don't you have a phone? Let's call.
22:59You know what to say, Ezo.
23:01Your treatment is not over yet.
23:02We don't know what to say.
23:04Besides, this is not about treatment.
23:06Don't you understand?
23:07I'm going to go back.
23:08I'll be back in a few hours.
23:10We can't take this risk, Ezo.
23:12You can go back to the beginning.
23:14I can't.
23:16Calm down, Ezo.
23:19You don't understand.
23:21I can't tell you what's going on right now.
23:23Because you don't know him.
23:25I have to be with him.
23:27I can't go.
23:29He's ruined right now.
23:31I don't know who's with him.
23:33Maybe there's no one.
23:35I have to see him.
23:37He may not want to see me, but I have to go.
23:39I have to go there.
23:41I can't do it.
23:43I have to see him.
23:45I have to see him.
23:47I have to see him.
23:49I have to see him.
23:51Calm down, Ezo.
23:53Or your decision is in the white room.
24:06All right, then.
24:23She's got a broken heart with a dead center and irregular heartbeat.
24:27Your oestrogen is very high.
24:29Did you do toxitology?
24:31We did it long ago, sir.
24:33It was clean.
24:35So there was nothing in the records.
24:37Are you a tumor, doctor?
24:39It is oppressing the rhythm center.
24:41And the pain hasn't gone away.
24:43Guys, we need to be well-concentrated.
24:45The level of estrogen is high. Why?
24:47Sir, the girl is very greedy.
24:49I mean, maybe she's using another drug outside of the record.
24:52I mean, there are a thousand kinds of doping.
25:00How are you?
25:01We've gained some time, but...
25:03I don't know how we're going to fix the focus without the feeding tube.
25:08Sir, I found a study on endoscopic vacuum therapy.
25:19No way, girl. The clinical trials haven't been completed yet.
25:23Our surgery is tomorrow.
25:28What do you suggest? What should we do?
25:31Borhau syndrome.
25:34You want to clean the patient's airway without using the feeding tube, right?
25:38Ali, what are you doing here? Go to your bed.
25:41Wait a minute.
25:53Okay, I'm fine.
25:57Okay, I'm fine.
25:59Wait a minute.
26:05Fundus supplementation.
26:07You can repair the wound with the patient's own strong tissue.
26:12You can use a piece of the stomach as a patch.
26:15You know, like the skin graft we use in third-degree burns.
26:19It could be a diaphragm tissue, but...
26:21You can't wrap the lower oesophagus sphincters with fundus.
26:29It's back.
26:31It's back.
26:34It's inside.
26:38It's inside.
26:42Okay, I won't touch it. Take it.
26:46You need to go to bed. I'm going to be angry.
26:48Wait a minute.
26:54Your patient is using an oestrogenic drug.
26:57He must be ashamed of his friends because his body hasn't fully developed.
27:03It's probably illegal.
27:05We don't know what we're looking for, so we don't take tests.
27:11Thank you for letting me help the patient.
27:22These are...
27:23These are...
27:25...my ID cards.
27:26I made them myself.
27:28I'm going home.
27:30Have a nice day.
27:37Is he going to make me go crazy? He's going to kill me.
27:40What does he want?
27:43I'll take care of it, sir.
27:44Sir, can I talk to him for two minutes?
27:46I have something on my mind.
27:48If you'll excuse me.
27:54Okay. Wait for Nazlı.
27:57Thank you, sir.
28:07Don't bother, Doruk.
28:08Nazlı and Fermi couldn't give up. You can't give up. I'm going home.
28:13You had a dream, didn't you?
28:14You had a dream, didn't you?
28:23While you were in a coma.
28:25Actually, it was a nightmare.
28:28You see your loved ones and your fears.
28:36How do you know?
28:38I saw it, too.
28:41On the mountain.
28:44Another soldier, I guess.
28:49Anyway, never mind.
28:50I know why you want to go home.
28:55You want to go back to that dream.
29:09Take it.
29:12Are you crazy?
29:15You got out of that coma in ten days.
29:17What if you can't get out again?
29:24Come on, Doruk. I saw it in my dream.
29:28Come to me.
29:31He talked to me.
29:33He talked to me.
29:38I missed him so much. I'm not ready to say goodbye to him, Doruk.
29:41Can I see him one more time?
29:44Just one more time.
29:52Here's what we're going to do.
29:54You're going to your room now.
29:56When you get up at night,
29:58you can take your medicine if you want.
30:02I'll wait for you.
30:05I won't tell anyone.
30:18You saw me.
30:20Did you tell them?
30:27Thank you, Doruk.
30:28You're welcome.
30:32Why are you helping me?
30:34We're friends, aren't we?
30:39We're friends, aren't we?
30:46By the way, I wish you'd do the natural silicone thing.
30:49The patient would be very comfortable.
30:51What silicone?
30:52I saw you in my dream, too.
30:54Was I handsome?
30:55How should I know? You were like this.
30:56Oh, so I was burning in the middle.
30:58You didn't burn anywhere, Doruk.
31:00You're talking nonsense, Mr. Cefal.
31:02How did he convince him?
31:04I think he still left him.
31:06Don't worry. He woke up.
31:10Thank you very much, sir.
31:13I thank you.
31:15Ali woke up for you. Don't forget.
31:18I mean...
31:22But he doesn't remember.
31:23I mean, what they talked about when he was in a coma.
31:27He heard, but probably conscious.
31:29Of course he remembers.
31:30This is Ali.
31:32We're talking about Ali's memory.
31:33We're talking about Ali's memory.
31:54Would a person be so afraid of a letter?
32:00I'm afraid.
32:04What did you write to me, Mr. Adil?
32:08What if I can't do what you want?
32:13I still need you to do what you want.
32:17Please, sir.
32:37I don't want to talk to anyone. I'm going to see Mr. Adil.
32:40Ali, don't scare me. What kind of a word is that?
32:43He'll come to me. He'll show up.
32:47I want to be alone.
33:08Then let's be alone together.
33:12Like old days.
33:31When is Ezo coming out?
33:33I need to know when.
33:35I'm making some adjustments.
33:37She had a little problem in the morning.
33:40But she's fine now.
33:42Her medicines are getting better.
33:44I'll talk to Mrs. Esra tomorrow. I'll let you know.
33:47Good. Thank you so much.
34:01You can't enter my room whenever you want.
34:21Okay, calm down.
34:23I won't go in again.
34:25What does that mean?
34:27That means you were right.
34:29You were right.
34:31I'm having a hard time belonging to someone.
34:35I'm having a hard time belonging to a place.
34:39Let me belong to myself.
34:41Let me look at my face in the mirror.
34:45I mean, Doruk.
34:47He's gone. You're all moralized.
34:50I'm not talking about morality.
34:53I'm talking about conscience.
34:56Say, we're not doing anything as bad as you want.
35:00That kid's father is dead.
35:02I'm not going to listen to him.
35:15Okay, fine.
35:18I'll set you free.
35:21But for now.
35:23We'll talk later.
35:25Pray for me. I have more important plans than you do.
35:29Yes, guys, let's see what we're watching.
35:54Look, Adil Hodja's favorite movies.
35:56I've collected them all here.
35:58What do you want?
36:00Here are the clips.
36:02Adil Hodja knows the taste of his mouth.
36:04Baklava, yellow food.
36:06I bought 10 kilos of soup for all of us.
36:08You can't start.
36:10I brought Adil Hodja's favorite games.
36:12Do you want a word game?
36:14There are his favorite songs here.
36:16They're a little old, but they're great.
36:18We have to give it to him.
36:24Adil, while watching the movie,
36:26don't take this blanket away from his mouth.
36:30It smells on me.
36:43Look, I'll see Adil Hodja.
36:46You said you'd wait for him.
36:48Here he is.
36:50We're going to do what he likes here together.
36:54He'll be here with us.
37:10Is there a place for me?
37:16I'll find it.
37:24As you can see, you're not alone.
37:30That's how it feels, I know.
37:34It feels like you're alone.
37:42But look.
37:46You're not alone.
38:30Thank you very much, friends.
38:36Ayşe, I'll play the song.
38:38Can you get the chairs?
38:46Give me that.
38:58Now we're going to do a strict calcium supplement.
39:00It's not your age.
39:02It'll collect your bones right away.
39:04Don't worry.
39:08Are you listening, Gaye?
39:10Sorry, I was thinking of something.
39:14If I were here,
39:16what would my mother do?
39:20Do you think she'd want me to go on like this?
39:24We've come to a dead end.
39:26So much work, so much expense.
39:28It's time to pay for it all.
39:30What is this now?
39:32So I'm an investment, right?
39:34You sold the company, you bought me.
39:36Don't be ridiculous.
39:38So what?
39:40They say you can get injured.
39:42Why do you still want me to go on?
39:44Is this important to you?
39:46Is it more important than me?
39:48You've made me feel indebted all these years.
39:50I thought I was always a burden to you.
39:54So you're the burden.
39:56I'm carrying you.
39:58I'm competing with Umin, okay?
40:00I'm shedding that sweat.
40:02My hands are broken, my bones are broken.
40:04What else do you have than to stand by the side and applaud?
40:06My daughter.
40:08But you won't be able to do that anymore.
40:10I'm going to call your team lawyer.
40:12I'm taking my leave from you.
40:14My baby.
40:16I'm not your baby.
40:18I'm telling you.
40:20You couldn't be a father.
40:22You're not my husband anymore.
40:26My daughter, don't go.
40:30Don't go.
40:32Don't go.
40:34Don't go.
40:38Don't go.
40:44Don't go.
40:48Don't go.
