Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, who was last seen in the streaming series 'Indian Police Force', is setting vacation goals. The actress took to her Instagram on Monday, and shared several pictures and videos of herself from Maldives along with her husband Raj Kundra, and their kids. The videos and pictures show the actress enjoying a ride on a Jet Ski, making Sushi, and going under the ocean in a submarine.
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00:00Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, who was last seen in the streaming series Indian Police
00:05Force, is setting vacation goals.
00:08The actress took to her Instagram on Monday and shared several pictures and videos of
00:13herself from Maldives along with her husband Raj Kundra and their kids.
00:18The videos and pictures show the actress enjoying a ride on a jet ski, making sushi and going
00:24under the ocean in a submarine.
00:26She also penned a long note in the caption describing her first.
00:30She wrote,
00:31Monday motivation, today was all about many firsts.
00:36Jet ski.
00:37Since I don't drive on land, a phobia, I thought, why not ride the waves instead.
00:42Huge thanks to my instructor, Raj Kundra, for being so patient at risk of drowning.
00:50A submarine adventure.
00:51Since I can't swim or snorkel, this was the perfect way to explore the ocean depths,
00:58Sushi making class.
00:59It's truly an art.
01:01More respect to all the chefs out there.
01:04She further mentioned,
01:05Nothing in life comes easy.
01:07You have to be willing to learn a new skill when the opportunity comes.
01:10Jump at it and enjoy the experience.
01:13Earlier, the actress shared her fitness advice for keeping the glutes perfectly toned.
01:19She took to her Instagram and shared a video of herself from her fitness session.
01:24The video shows her performing squats with the help of a trainer as they joined their
01:28feet and squatted down.
01:30The actress was unable to get the right form of the squats exercise, but cracked it by
01:35the third attempt.
01:37She wrote in the caption,
01:39Squat squat till you get those glutes.
01:41What's a challenge without a little struggle?
01:43Third attempt, but I got it done.
01:46Set the tone for your week.
01:47Push your limits and surprise yourself.