• 2 months ago
A mum lost 6.5st after holiday photos at Disneyland Paris left her feeling "disgusted".

Emily Harris, 31, who works in Scotland piled on the pounds after giving birth to her son, Hudson, 18 months old, after struggling with a loss of feeling in her right leg from an epidural gone wrong.

She struggled to exercise, relied on takeaways for ease and soon weighed 18st 12lbs and was a size 20 at her biggest.

But, after a birthday trip to Disneyland Paris, Emily was "ashamed" to look at a photo taken of her and her fiancé, Ryan Jack, 28, a shift supervisor.

The mum-of-one decided to look into weight loss medications as she had previously tried different diets that hadn't worked for her.


00:00You can see in this photo I am not comfortable. I didn't want my photo taken. I hate being in photos
00:06unless I'm taking them. And you can see I'm just uncomfortable, unhappy, chonky. I'm not who I want
00:16to be. Who I want to be is the version I was in 2020, just with better eating practices.
00:24And if I can achieve that and look like this again, well, eating a balanced diet,
00:31eating junk food sometimes, I still do. But my body is now working in a way that it couldn't
00:37do by itself. That's why I resorted to such extreme measures. When you are going to the
00:41gym for hours a day and eating next to nothing and getting no results, you get desperate.
00:49And it isn't my fault for the medical conditions I have. So it isn't right to shame someone
00:58for using something to better themselves and level the playing field. Because trust me,
01:04if I could do this and not need to use the things I am, I would, but I can't.
01:11My son was born in August. I didn't start these medications until March. I had dieted that entire
01:17time and my weight had only increased. So I'm hoping that by sharing this and letting you guys
01:28see where I started and where I'm currently at and where I hope I'm going and where I've been in the
01:33past, you will understand why these medications are a lifesaver to people like me. And I can't
01:41wait for the next few months to see where I get to. And I'm hoping by my son's first birthday,
01:46I can be somewhat resembling who I was before. Now I do want to add a disclaimer that I am not
01:53saying people who have my current body shouldn't want it. What I'm saying is I don't want it.
02:00I feel like the best version of myself when I'm 180 pounds, which is still overweight and I still
02:06don't care because that's how I felt comfortable. And that's where I'm hoping to get to. So I've
02:10still got a while to go. This jump has been in storage, like, you know, we've been moving. I
02:14have literally just got this back in the last couple of days and I just threw it on this morning
02:19and thought, oh my goodness, like you can see, you can see the gut sticking out the bottom.
02:29You can see the size of my legs, my hair also a lot shorter. So, um, side note,
02:33majority does not make your hair fall out as long as you look after it.
