• 2 months ago
Hundreds of people have taken part in some old-fashioned fun in Tasmania’s north-west, as onlookers at the Henly on Mersey event were treated to much-anticipated ferret races. Along with boot throwing, lawn mower racing and the classic egg on a spoon race.


00:00They're long, fluffy and surprisingly make great little athletes.
00:07We're feeling good. I don't know how we'll go. It's the first time, so we'll see.
00:13These tiny fashion icons have been put through their paces, darting through tubes and cages across a range of surfaces.
00:21The winner, whoever gets through first without turning around.
00:25The only thing probably to our advantage is that we hunt our parrots and they go down the burrows and run through the holes and things like that.
00:34But sometimes it's an advantage, sometimes it's not.
00:37I just love them. I've had them for years and they're just like a cat and dog mix, kind of, and a little bit of a rat.
00:44It's been a rigorous training session to get these pint-sized little fluff balls into shape.
00:50Many competitors have tracks at home to make sure they're in tip-top condition.
00:54It didn't quite work out for Bailey this year, but there's always next year.
00:58The Henley-on-Mersey event in La Trobe returned last year after a three-year hiatus.
01:03It's been running for more than 100 years and celebrates agility, determination and the Aussie give-it-a-go attitude.
01:11Last year we had over 6,000 come through. I reckon we've hit over 7,500 today.
01:16And there was plenty to keep everyone entertained.
01:19The woodchoppers kicked off early, impressing onlookers with their clean cuts.
01:25The knights were ready for battle.
01:28While the lawnmower racers certainly kicked up some dust.
01:33And on Kids Island, hobby horse racing and the thongophone were popular hits.
01:40The community wanted it and they want more, so that's what we're going to give them.
01:44Organisers say the event will be returning next year, giving those who didn't secure a victory another year to train up their skills.
