• il y a 2 mois
Suite à sa première victoire en Grand Chelem, Madison Keys s'est enfin soulagée d'un "fardeau" qu'elle gardait depuis tant d'années. Après avoir disputé son premier match en professionnel à l'âge de 14 ans, en 2009, et avoir perdu une finale de Grand Chelem en 2017 à l'US Open, l'Américaine a enfin réalisé son rêve. Agée de 29 ans, Keys, vainqueure en finale d'Aryna Sabalenka, la double tenante du titre, s'offre son plus beau trophée à l'Open d'Australie. Après la rencontre, elle est notamment revenue sur toute la pression qu'il y a sur elle depuis son adolescence.

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00:30Good job, Ben!
00:50And Maddy, right in the centre, please.
00:53Thank you, Maddy.
01:03Well done, Maddy!
01:31Very quick.
01:33Didn't sleep a whole lot last night,
01:35but being able to just win my first Grand Slam
01:38and have so many people who I got to talk to in FaceTime
01:42and I got to talk to my mom,
01:44it's been really, really nice.
01:53I did a bunch of press, I had one glass of champagne
01:56and then I tried to go to sleep.
01:59Madison, congratulations.
02:01It's amazing for us that you've done it here in Australia.
02:04Can you tell me some of the people that have been in touch with you
02:07since you've won?
02:08It's probably overwhelming to think about all the messages you've received,
02:11but I've seen a lot of love from some of your fellow players
02:14on social media.
02:15There must be a lot of people happy for you.
02:17I mean, I don't even think I could name all the people
02:20that have reached out,
02:21but one special one was Lindsay Davenport.
02:26Lindsay Davenport, she reached out
02:28and she's someone who's so near and dear to me
02:31and we lost a heartbreaker,
02:34so being able to win one
02:36and talk to her and kind of get to share the experience
02:40has been so, so nice
02:42and I just have so many great friends on tour
02:46who have been so supportive
02:48and so just amazing
02:52and they've all kind of reached out
02:54and they're all so excited,
02:55so it's been a wonderful 12 hours.
03:01You mentioned that heartbreaker that you had back in 2017.
03:05Where you are right now at 29,
03:07did you think that you would get to this point?
03:10I definitely hoped that I would get to this point.
03:13I think there was definitely some times
03:16when I didn't know if I was going to ever be able
03:18to get back into a Grand Slam final
03:21and I just really wanted to
03:23because I felt like that last final,
03:26I just walked away with so much regret
03:29and I really wanted another opportunity
03:32to try to play it on my terms
03:34and walk away with my head held high
03:37and to be able to do that is just incredible.
03:40Having slept on it now,
03:42what's the overwhelming emotion?
03:43Are you still pinching yourself?
03:45A little bit.
03:47Still kind of trying to wrap my head around it,
03:51but I think once I have a few days of normalcy,
03:56I think it will finally hit me
03:58and I'll be able to really just appreciate it.
04:03How do you plan on celebrating?
04:05You said you had one glass of champagne last night.
04:07What would you like to do next?
04:08To honestly take a nap.
04:10Sounds wonderful.
04:16Any other questions?
04:18Keep going.
04:20We'll just keep going then.
04:23I wonder what it's like to celebrate this
04:26with your husband who obviously plays the dual role.
04:29Mixing business and pleasure can be tricky sometimes.
04:33You obviously spend a lot of time together personally anyway.
04:36How do you manage that relationship
04:38where you've got your work,
04:40but obviously he's so special to you on a personal front?
04:42I think it helps a lot that he obviously played himself
04:46so he really knows how you're feeling
04:50and what you're going through.
04:52He does a really good job at knowing when to deliver messages
04:56and how to deliver them.
04:58I think we do a really good job of work is work,
05:01but he's truly just my best friend in the whole world.
05:05Getting to spend time with each other has been incredible
05:10and actually seeing each other for more than a week here or there
05:14has been so much fun,
05:16but to be able to have achieved this accomplishment
05:19and have him here with me and be a part of it
05:21is just icing on the cake.
05:24He had a tear in the eye last night.
05:26I could see when he was watching you speak.
05:29Is he normally an emotional person?
05:31Surprisingly, yes.
05:36He's kind of a big softie.
05:38I don't think he always shows that.
05:40I'm one of the few people that actually gets to see it,
05:43but he's just the sweetest, best guy.
05:48Manny, what was going through your mind
05:51when you were walking along the beach here today with Daphne?
05:55Probably that I've never looked so nice at a beach before,
05:59but it's always one of those things when you see other people do it,
06:04you're like, oh, that looks so nice.
06:06I'm so happy for them.
06:07It seems like something that would be so much fun,
06:09so to be able to do it myself is so fun.
06:12Is this one of the few times you've been able to get out
06:14and see a bit of Melbourne,
06:15or have you been able to see a bit more of the city?
06:19No, I'm pretty much confined to the small area of Melbourne
06:23that I'm very accustomed to,
06:26but being able to actually get out and see some of the iconic sites,
06:31when I was walking, I was like, wow, I've never actually been here.
06:33This is actually very cool.
06:36High five!
06:41I really think it's just a continuation of what I've been focusing on already,
06:45which was to really just kind of implement
06:49what we've been working on in practice
06:52and make that happen in matches,
06:54and really just continuing to go for my shots
06:59and continuing to try to play tennis on my terms.
07:03So far, that's been working pretty well,
07:06but I think if I'm able to kind of just continue focusing on that,
07:10good things happen.
07:11And what's next for you?
07:13I mean, your ranking goes up and back inside the top 10,
07:16you've got a Grand Slam crown.
07:18What's your next goal for you?
07:21I mean, I think I've always wanted to win every single tournament
07:25I've ever been in a draw of,
07:27so I think that's going to continue to be the goal,
07:30and I think now it's just sky's the limit,
07:34and we just keep working towards the next title.
07:40I know that your birthday is in the next month.
07:44Is this your early birthday present?
07:47This definitely is my early birthday present.
07:50I wasn't planning on it being my early birthday present,
07:53but this is a pretty good one to give to myself.
07:57What is your favourite thing mostly about tennis?
08:02I think my favourite thing about tennis
08:05is you get to learn so much about yourself,
08:11and I think it's constantly changing,
08:14and it kind of forces you to also change and adapt,
08:19and I think it just makes you try to be
08:24the best version of yourself that you can be.
08:29What are you most excited about for today?
08:32What am I most excited about for today?
08:35I think actually getting to spend time with my team,
08:39because I haven't gotten to see a whole lot of them
08:42the last few hours,
08:44so I think being able to spend some time with them
08:46and just really get to enjoy everything
08:50that's happened the last three weeks.
08:55What did you text your mom?
08:58I think I texted my mom,
09:01I think I said, oh my god, I did it,
09:04and then a bunch of heart emojis.
09:07I think that's what I sent her.
09:10Very logical.
09:25There's that one.
09:31You can get that one straight too.
09:34You're welcome.
09:36Great job.
09:37You nailed it.
09:40Check it out.
