• 2 months ago
▌百秒AI报 ▌霹雳州怡保市议会早前提出,将探讨扩大禁酒令至其它穆斯林为主的地区,而引发不少争议后,房地部长倪可敏澄清,目前卖酒的政策并没有任何改变。他表示,如果商店有售卖酒类饮品,不能喝酒的就不要买,就这么简单,不应该演变成为一项课题。

AI主播:戴伊琳 Elin tAI

#霹雳 #怡保 #禁酒令 #倪可敏
#发射热点 #84hotspot #百秒AI报

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00:00Welcome to the 100-second AI News. I'm your AI anchor Dai Yilin.
00:16Let's start with the first piece of news.
00:18The Pili Province Health and Welfare Committee has proposed to expand the prohibition of alcohol to other Muslim-dominated areas.
00:24After a lot of controversy, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Nick Min, clarified that the current policy of selling alcohol has not changed at all.
00:30He said that Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country.
00:33If a shop sells alcohol, don't buy it if you can't drink. It's that simple. He emphasized that this should not be a topic.
00:40If a shop sells alcohol, don't buy it if you can't drink. It's that simple.
00:44But we cannot prohibit people from drinking. That's their right.
00:48That's why we respect them.
00:50In any area, they have a license.
00:53Don't forget that this is not an illegal business.
00:57This is a company that is a public-listed company.
01:00They also pay taxes for us to build the country.
01:03So we have to be fair to all.
01:05Bakri, Director of the Bureau of Information, was exposed during a daily news interview.
01:09There are about 50 celebrities in our country, including well-known singers.
01:14Although celebrities and politicians live a luxurious life,
01:17they have refused to meet with officials of the Bureau of Information to discuss or refuse to pay the monthly reimbursement amount,
01:23which has led to the current state of bankruptcy.
01:26U.S. President Trump is dissatisfied with the U.S. population less than China,
01:30but needs to pay more to the World Health Organization.
01:34So after the announcement, he announced his withdrawal from the World Health Organization.
01:37But only a few days later, Trump said yesterday that he would consider rejoining the World Health Organization.
01:43But the premise is that the World Health Organization must clean up its own door and organize it well.
01:48Today's show comes to an end.
01:50More domestic and foreign information is locked at 8 o'clock tonight.
