• 2 months ago


00:00Welcome to Mojo Plays and today we're looking at the funniest mods you can install for Elden Ring.
00:20Before we begin, we publish new content all week long, so be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
00:28Summon Randomizer by KingBorhaha
00:38Some players consider summons to be cheating and that beating a boss with them doesn't really count as a victory.
00:44Well, many other players don't care what they think and want to battle with their favorite characters by their side.
00:49Some might want to go further and lead an eclectic army of summons into battle.
00:53For these people, the Summon Randomizer mod is for you.
00:58It's also fun for veterans who have defeated every boss more than once.
01:04The fights will never get boring as it's a total surprise who shows up to help.
01:16Metal Gear Rising Armstrong by Relander
01:28Godfrey is one of the easiest bosses in the late game.
01:32Like most enemies, they can be broken by simply locking off and walking behind their attacks.
01:36So it's only natural a veteran would like to turn up the difficulty.
01:39Well, one way you could do this is by replacing him with Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising.
01:50Armstrong is infamous for being one of the most challenging bosses in gaming history.
01:55You can also play as Raiden if you desire.
01:57Hopefully someone adds a cardboard box one day too, then we can simply slip by all the bosses.
02:09Froggy Chair Malekith by Reynor Gish
02:19Does anyone remember the Froggy Chair from Animal Crossing New Horizons?
02:23For those of you who answered yes, this mod is for you.
02:25Now you can bring your favorite amphibian chair to life in Elden Ring.
02:29Unlike in the original's game, it's more than just decoration.
02:32It completely replaces the model from Malekith the Black Blade.
02:45Some fans may find the original design to be too easy to fight with his animations helping you predict his fight.
02:50If you'd like to forego learning attack patterns, making him into a Froggy Chair removes all his attack animations.
02:56Now that's a real challenge.
03:04Super Jump by Vosser
03:12Torrent is especially useful for getting around the lands between.
03:15The tremendously huge map makes it almost impossible to get around without it.
03:19Some players find horse riding to be a bit of a tedious chore and would like a new way to get around.
03:24If you happen to feel this way, then consider trying the Super Jump mod.
03:27Now you can get almost anywhere in one hop.
03:30It's reminiscent of the old Elder Scrolls where you could slam back a thousand bottles of skooma and then enter orbit.
03:36Unfortunately modders still haven't added skooma to Elden Ring, so until then, this is the next best thing.
03:41Fire Breathing Thomas the Tank Engine by Reynor Gish
03:50If a game can be modded, then trust the gaming community to jam Thomas the Tank Engine in there somewhere.
03:56Whether that's making him the dragons in Skyrim, the deathclaws in Fallout, or the snake from Sekiro.
04:01Elden Ring isn't immune to this craze, with modders turning the limb-braved dragon Achille into everyone's favorite blue train.
04:14We genuinely think it's a substantially scarier fight than the original.
04:18The sight of his anti-smile as he hurls fire at you from above is seriously haunting.
04:22If that's not enough, you can also make the tree sentinels horse Thomas.
04:34Reskin Overhaul by Garden of Eyes
04:37Now for an absolutely massive mod of memes, it's the Reskin Overhaul, originally made by Garden of Eyes, but popularized by YouTuber ToastedShoes.
04:52It changes so many models in the game, adding in characters from many different forms of media.
04:57If you're wanting to throw immersion right out the window, this is the mod for you.
05:08Unfortunately, you need to subscribe to a Patreon page to get access to it.
05:13It's a shame paid mods are becoming increasingly more common, but on the other hand, it's nice that the authors can profit from their creativity.
05:26Minecraft Sword by Savye
05:29The diamond sword in Minecraft is without a doubt one of the most iconic swords in gaming history.
05:39Crafting your first one makes you feel super powerful, and that feeling can be enjoyed once again in Elden Ring.
05:51Well, it's not quite that powerful, as all it does is remodel the Lord Sworn's straight sword.
05:56Still, it's probably intimidating enough to scare off the Elden Beast without a fight.
06:00Although, don't quote us on that.
06:11Army of Mimics by Neoprimal
06:13The Mimic-tier Ashes are one of the most fun summons in the game, letting you spawn a clone to wreak hell on the lands between.
06:20If you thought it wasn't powerful enough, then try this mod, which lets you spawn an entire army of Mimics.
06:26Now, you can truly feel like the Monkey King's son Kong without having to buy Black Myth.
06:30Instead, you can just clone yourself 20 times and watch as the toughest bosses crumble to your rushdown.
06:36Let Me Solo Her Summon by GardenOfEyes
06:46Let Me Solo Her Summon by GardenOfEyes
07:06Let Me Solo Her is the name of one of the most famous Elden Ring players of all time.
07:10They became famous for being summoned to fight Melania, and then decimating her with a couple of katanas and a pot helmet.
07:15Apparently, they've beaten her over 1,000 times, prompting Bandai Namco to send them a congratulations letter.
07:28Meeting them in the wild is an extremely rare occurrence, but thankfully, the power of modding has corrected this.
07:34With this, you can summon them whenever you want, making hanging back and watching a viable strategy.
07:45Shrek Prelate by SaintMidTikTok
07:54The first prelates are hulking knights with a rather intimidating design.
07:58They're quite large opponents, making them an obvious choice for a Shrek model mod.
08:01If you thought Elden Ring wasn't Shreksy enough, this is the mod for you.
08:11Watching Shrek charge at you, flames roaring, and a tremendous hammer in hand is as terrifying as it is funny.
08:17Unfortunately, the lore is a bit off since fire prelates don't live in swamps, and Shrek doesn't have fire powers.
08:23Maybe as time goes on, we'll get a detailed and immersive Shrek boss mod.
08:32What do you think is the most hilarious modification you can make to Elden Ring? Let us know in the comments section.
08:46Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed the video, there's more where that came from.
09:01See you next time.