• 2 months ago
Baswich lane in Stafford is closed due to a burst water main leaving local traders effected and ill informed of what is happening. One trader points out concerning cracks to on the bridge that is closed.
00:00Right, so we're here with Chips Away in Stafford and Basics Lane, the industrial estates on
00:12Chris Jones.
00:13This is your place?
00:15How's it been affecting you with the bridge being closed and the water situation?
00:18Well, obviously the water got shut off, we didn't know anything about it initially, just
00:24found we didn't have any water.
00:26The bridge was closed and then they closed off the opposite bridge with the police and
00:32then cones, customers couldn't get to us to come and collect the vehicles, so they're
00:38ringing up asking what's going on, I didn't have any answers because we didn't know anything.
00:43Still really, no one has been to us, had no phone calls, still don't really know what's
00:49going on.
00:50So you don't know when it's due to open or any of that?
00:53I popped up the bridge earlier today and seen, I think there's two people from the council
01:01and 7 Trent, they were having a discussion to try and figure out a plan of when the bridge
01:09might open or how they're going to open it.
01:12I haven't heard anything else since that so I don't actually know what's going on.
01:17And how are you coping with that water doing what you do here, obviously it's car kind
01:22I think it was off for a couple of hours, while they re-routed the water line or something
01:27or however they did it, I'm not sure, I think they've added an additional piping.
01:32So really it's the frustration at the lack of information really as to what's going on.
01:37Everybody on this industrial estate knows nothing, no one's been in touch with anyone,
01:42they haven't been seen us, so everyone's in the same sort of boat.
01:47The companies at the bottom of the road obviously run arctics every day, but they obviously
01:51can't get lorries in or out of the industrial estate because that is the only bridge in
01:56and out because the other one's weight restricted, so they can't go over there.
02:02What's that business called Chris?
02:03You've got Dewsons at the bottom of the road and then I think it's Breedons, the concrete
02:09Okay yeah, so the sooner that bridge is back open the better for you in terms of keeping
02:16customers informed.
02:17The opposite side of the road, it's all coned off, I think the signs have been changed now
02:21but initially it was like road closed, finding another way round, and I think there was a
02:28police incident or something, but because the whole road was closed, obviously no one's
02:32going to get out and move the cones, so it's like someone switched the light switch off,
02:38there's no customers coming through, we haven't got any passenger aid, we haven't got anyone
02:42walking in and have a quote, just like everybody else on the estate, it's affecting everybody,
02:47just like the other road works beforehand, it doesn't make life easy, you've just got
02:52to carry on, but hopefully it opens up soon and we can carry on as normal should we say.
02:59Yeah, well good luck with it Chris.
03:01Chris, you were just pointing out, go on, show us, I mean bear in mind, this is the
03:06rail track like underneath here, but we've got a lot of cracks, there's cracks in the
03:11wall, there's a big gap between the wall and the road, yeah obviously that wouldn't have
03:16been there when it was built was it, you know, that would have butted up to it, but that
03:20goes all the way along there, you would imagine should we touch it, yeah, it's quite an obvious
03:25crack in the wall, yeah, that looks, I don't know, that looks concerning to me, it just
03:35comes up to here, they've chalked out some sort of repair, yeah, and it's, I mean we've got,
03:44you know, this is a train track that's
03:49still being used,
03:56yeah there's quite a few different cracks isn't there, there's another crack there,
04:01quite a few gaps between the brickwork where it's moved,
04:05these are the worst cracks that I've noticed, yeah, there's a lot of smaller ones in there,
04:09but you know, I mean all the way along you can see bits of that,
04:13bit concerning Chris, I'd say, yeah.
