• 2 months ago
00:00Are you got to be kidding? Is this guy out with the horn? Are they blowing the horn here? Are they bringing them?
00:06Inside cuz of the wind
00:11Are they
00:12How soft are they?
00:15That is the most pathetic thing you've ever said to me. They're gonna it's perfect sunshine. It's beautiful outside
00:22It's too windy for these prima donnas
00:25They're too rich and spoiled to play in the wind you have got to be kidding me don't get me started
00:32This is the most ridiculous
00:35Suspension of play I've ever seen in my life. It's perfect outside. There's not a cloud for 50 miles
00:40What is happening here? You got to be kidding me carburetor. I you got it. That's a real bad. Look for the PGA. I
00:48Don't like this at all
00:49I saw the guy
00:50Standing there with the horn in his hand and I looked down at the same time and I saw Mafia text me
00:55Yeah, they caught they blew the horn because of the wind and I just saw I just got the PGA
01:00Comms announcement why oh five Pacific due to high winds
01:04They play suspended due to high winds during this. Why are you kidding me? How?
01:12Pathetic is that like this was getting exciting it made the golf
01:17Torturous it made it hard it made it difficult and we you find out who the men are
01:22You find out who the men are when that when the conditions are ripe and instead
01:27They're letting these sissies go into the clubhouse and drink beer. I mean you have got to be kidding me
01:34It is perfect sunshine
01:36Not a cloud for a hundred miles and they're canceling the round because of wind I have now
01:44Seen it all this is the softest thing I've ever seen in my life. What is next in sports?
02:01I'm watching these guys, right?
02:02and this is kind of a weird situation for them because when there's like usually they blow the horn because what
02:10Absolute downpour or
02:12Thunder and lightning things like that where they all get and you know how it goes
02:16They all get in the carts and they bring them all back to the clubhouse
02:20There's no we don't need it. They're all standing at the tee boxes. Basically just looking at each other
02:26the course
02:27Honestly, it's so bizarre name one time in your life that you've ever seen play suspended
02:36For weather or wind in the British Open name one time and
02:41This guy's telling him to put their carts on to put their bags on the cart
02:45He's like he's like basically telling to gala and brand Keegan Bradley like they're like asking him like what's the deal?
02:50They like holding their arms up
02:55It's sissyville and the BGA I am going to I'm gonna tweet it out after the show
03:00This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen my in
03:04Can you imagine it Royal Troon
03:08Listen we're gonna keep the play today because it's raining and windy they
03:16They're getting you know, I obviously I follow a lot of golf people
03:21Twitter do all that stuff like they are getting smashed for this
03:24Like you said like the tournament was getting exciting because of the condition because of the wind in
03:32Because they want to see these guys play and suffer in the wind and play it
03:37See you can play
03:38See you through the wind and instead they pack it up with their wives and go back to the resort
03:46To have a nice steak dinner. This is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life
03:51How pathetic and and soft are these guys like you gotta be kidding?
03:57And then what I got to listen to announcers tell me they're making the right decision you would think
04:02Literally in my view you would think that the fires were within 50 yards of burning them all to death
04:08That the fires in Southern California. There are no fires at Torrey Pines right now
04:14They have canceled the round because it's too windy for these this ease and they're all getting in vans
04:21You would think there were rocks blowing and hitting him in the face
