Antonella Ríos se emociona hasta las lágrimas recordando un viaje que realizó con su hijo.
00:04:51Vamos a retroceder en el tiempo a través de fotografías.
00:04:57Ese es mi hermano.
00:04:58Ese es un viaje que hicimos con mi mamá,
00:05:00y fue como un choque espiritual en el fondo,
00:05:03porque yo ahí con mi mamá nos agarramos de las mechas.
00:05:06Ya, pero dejando un poco de lado, eso, mano.
00:05:09Me encanta porque además él es arquero,
00:05:11jugador de fútbol, fanático de Messi,
00:05:13entonces ahora hoy día veía que Mel tenía el tatuaje
00:05:16de la firma de Messi, y te juro que esas pequeñas cosas
00:05:19hacen que uno piense como...
00:05:23¡Ja, ja!
00:05:25¡No te pasas!
00:05:27Bueno, esta es la mítica dupla Kangri-Dax.
00:05:31La vida es muy frágil, y el Kangri se lo llevó Diosito,
00:05:34y ahí fue totalmente difícil para mí.
00:05:37Yo nunca he podido asimilar bien.
00:05:39Lo único que quería era que el Kangri apareciera
00:05:41y correr a abrazarlo,
00:05:43y que nos pidieramos disculpas de una y volver a empezar.
00:05:47Y nada, es difícil ver esas cosas igual.
00:05:56¡Ja, ja, ja!
00:05:58A ver, mira.
00:06:00¡Qué buena foto!
00:06:01¿Quién es el más fachero aquí?
00:06:06Toma tu menudo, Faco.
00:06:08Si no te sientes con ganas o preparado para conversar...
00:06:24Hola, ¿qué tal? Muy buenas noches.
00:06:26Sean todos ustedes bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio
00:06:28de alta intensidad y de emociones a flor de piel
00:06:31aquí en Palabra de Honor, Lealtad o Traición.
00:06:34Sí, un capítulo especial, porque hoy conoceremos
00:06:37algunas verdades muy profundas
00:06:39de cada uno de nuestros participantes.
00:06:41Mientras tanto, en forma paralela,
00:06:43algunos de los reclutas libran intensas batallas,
00:06:46como es el caso de González y Marsoli.
00:06:49Y por otro lado también, Sergio Rojas.
00:06:51Sí, Sergio Rojas es acusado por algunos de sus compañeros
00:06:54de manipulador y de difundir mentiras entre sus compañeros.
00:06:59Todo esto y mucho más aquí en Palabra de Honor.
00:07:05Estoy podrida de que la gente me utilice, ¿vale?
00:07:09Podrida, podrida.
00:07:11Y yo no soy un puto moco, ¿vale?
00:07:13Ni soy una mierda de persona
00:07:16como para que nadie se pueda enamorar de mí.
00:07:18Yo no sé lo que tú sientas en tu cabeza,
00:07:21ni en tu corazón, yo no lo sé.
00:07:23Eso es lo primero, me ves llorar,
00:07:25porque sabes que estoy sufriendo en ese momento.
00:07:27Y tienes la cara dura de reírte, tío.
00:07:34Pude haber dicho muchas cosas que no puedo decir.
00:07:36No, pero si lo dices tú antes de entrar, ¿está bien?
00:07:38Yo no conocía a nadie, yo entraba...
00:07:40Ah, ¿te gustaría saber que yo entro a un reality diciendo
00:07:42y tú eres mucho más conocido diciendo
00:07:45me voy a colgar de ese?
00:07:47Uno entra para pasarla bien y para joder, Oriana,
00:07:49¿colgar de qué?
00:07:50Yo no entro a decir me voy a colgar de un tipo.
00:07:52Yo cuando estoy soltero, uno entra a jugar y a huevear,
00:07:54nada más.
00:07:56Me parece gracioso y una estupidez
00:07:57que te enojes por esa huevada que dijiste,
00:07:59que me infieles eso.
00:08:00Creo que no nos estamos entendiendo.
00:08:02Que te rías en mi cara.
00:08:04No fue para nada.
00:08:05Mientras estoy llorando
00:08:07significa que te importa tres mierdas.
00:08:09No, me parece una pelotuda lo que están diciendo.
00:08:11Te importa tres mierdas.
00:08:12No me vas a convencer porque yo aquí...
00:08:14Fue por la cara que hizo Fabio.
00:08:15No me importa la cara que ponga este idiota.
00:08:18Me interesa que estoy sufriendo
00:08:20por lo que me están diciendo que tú has dicho, ¿vale?
00:08:23Y a ti te dé tan completamente igual
00:08:25que seas capaz de reírte en este momento.
00:08:30Ori, amor, no lo hice burlándote.
00:08:32No lo haces burlándote.
00:08:33¿En qué momento tú te ríes
00:08:35mientras una persona a la que tú dices amar
00:08:38está llorando?
00:08:40Yo estaba pensando, ¿por qué llora?
00:08:42Amor, yo no sabía que...
00:08:43Yo no entendí que dijo eso, Oriana.
00:08:45Si vos sabés, si te lo dije, Oriana.
00:08:47Si te lo dije.
00:08:48Como no entiende por qué llora,
00:08:50él deja que la huevona a la que ama siga llorando.
00:08:53¿Pero por qué voy a...?
00:08:54Escúchame, escúchame, escúchame.
00:08:55Me lo dijo, lo dije de picado
00:08:56y no dije que fuiste infiel.
00:08:57Dices que yo lo pienso,
00:08:58pero no podés hablar algo que tú no piensas.
00:09:00Ya, hijo, si eso ya se te explicó.
00:09:02Entonces yo no entendí cuando te lo dijo.
00:09:05Hombre, desde luego lo pienso cuando te veo reírte.
00:09:07Que si tú vienes aquí a hacer tele y te aprovechas de todas
00:09:10para rascar un poquito, problema tuyo.
00:09:13Pero yo no soy esa.
00:09:15Y de mí no te vas a aprovechar.
00:09:16Que te quede bien clarito.
00:09:17Voy a seguir.
00:09:18Coge al chico este, Sergio.
00:09:20Te suelta semejante frase.
00:09:22Ni siquiera te defiendes.
00:09:24Entiendo que hay una técnica tuya
00:09:26de utilizar a la gente para trepar
00:09:28o conseguir ciertos objetivos.
00:09:30Espero que no me lo niegues
00:09:32porque existen unos audios
00:09:34que lo comprueban de boca tuya.
00:09:36¿Sabes lo que dijiste?
00:09:38La misma frase que utilizaste
00:09:39cuando la pelea con la otra.
00:09:41No me acuerdo.
00:09:42Te pregunté, ¿has hecho algo que me pueda molestar?
00:09:45No me acuerdo.
00:09:46Te di el beneficio de la duda
00:09:48de que fueses un chaval con problemas de retención.
00:09:51Vamos a creerle que de verdad no se acuerda.
00:09:53Cuando salgo del reality veo que sí te acuerdas.
00:09:56Y mucho.
00:09:57Eso quiere decir que si tú no te acuerdas
00:09:59de una frase tan importante
00:10:01es que sí la has dicho.
00:10:02Porque tus no me acuerdo significan
00:10:04sí, lo he hecho, pero no tengo huevos
00:10:07porque soy un acojonado de mierda.
00:10:09Para asumir que sí,
00:10:11he intentado decir que me iba a aprovechar de ti
00:10:14porque soy un guaperas.
00:10:16Y bueno, guaperas como tú, hijo,
00:10:18das una patada y te salen tres mil.
00:10:21A lo mejor el otro sí está enojado de verdad
00:10:23por toda la hueá que le metió en la cabeza a la Oriana.
00:10:26Pero bueno,
00:10:28caras vemos, corazones no sabemos.
00:10:30Ahora te callas y aguantas.
00:10:32Te he defendido siempre.
00:10:33Todo el puto mundo hablando mierdas de ti.
00:10:35Yo también siempre te he defendido.
00:10:36Jamás, jamás me has defendido.
00:10:39Cuando la otra me estaba agarrando,
00:10:41tú en la puta esquina me tuvo que defender.
00:10:43Luis, mi ex me tuvo que sacar.
00:10:45No me toques los cojones y me digas
00:10:47que tú me has defendido porque no me has defendido.
00:10:50Entonces lealtad se paga con lealtad.
00:10:52Y si no me quieres pagar con lealtad,
00:10:54entonces se acabó.
00:10:55Porque yo me he callado y yo no he hecho nunca
00:10:57nada público de las veces que te he hecho esto
00:10:59ni lo mal que le he pasado.
00:11:00Pero no me quieras ver la cara de tonta.
00:11:02Te honra el triple decir,
00:11:05mira, lo he dicho.
00:11:06Sabes perfectamente que has dicho o no has dicho.
00:11:09Yo en ese momento con esa persona,
00:11:11tuve una buena relación.
00:11:12Yo jamás en la vida pensé que me iba a enamorar de vos.
00:11:14Entonces la frase la has dicho.
00:11:16¿A quién se la has dicho?
00:11:17En qué motivo?
00:11:18No, hablando con Pamela.
00:11:19Esto pasó...
00:11:20Ya lo veo.
00:11:21Sí, sí.
00:11:22Y me ves llorar y te ríes.
00:11:23No, eso fue porque le fui riendo
00:11:25porque me pareció una pelotula la infidelidad, Oriana.
00:11:27Y te ríes.
00:11:28Aparte, ¿en qué momento?
00:11:29Estuve todo el día con vos.
00:11:30No, has estado un mes entero solo en Perú.
00:11:32No mientas.
00:11:33Bueno, que traigan la pelotula.
00:11:34Pongo la mano en el fuego.
00:11:35Sí, pero ha dicho Fabio que tú eres el típico...
00:11:37Porque él...
00:11:38Eres el típico que has dicho...
00:11:39Si lo acabo de hablar,
00:11:40si lo puedes llamar para traerlo y preguntarle.
00:11:42En plan, mira, estoy solo.
00:11:43Me voy a dormir.
00:11:44Estoy cansado.
00:11:45Y literalmente a los dos segundos de hacer el video,
00:11:49estabas haciendo un...
00:11:50¿Eres así?
00:11:51Fue la misma situación.
00:11:52No fue la misma situación.
00:11:53Hay dos cosas claras acá.
00:11:55Una, yo nunca fui infiel.
00:11:57Y te lo juro.
00:11:58Y te amo.
00:11:59Y te lo dije que eras el amor de mi vida.
00:12:01Lo otro, que me pude haber equivocado,
00:12:03y si estuve mal, te pido perdón,
00:12:05porque no fue queriendo utilizar ni eso.
00:12:08Yo entré a jugar, a pasar la vida en sí,
00:12:09me podía meter con vos,
00:12:10me podía meter con cualquier mío,
00:12:11como lo puedo hacer con cualquiera,
00:12:12como lo hice en Argentina
00:12:13cuando me agarraba una famosa
00:12:14porque salía...
00:12:15Y huevá, y no pasaba nada.
00:12:16¿Vos te querés que yo podría estar
00:12:17manteniendo tanto una relación de decir te amo,
00:12:20de llorar?
00:12:21¿Vos me viste?
00:12:22Yo nunca he dicho que tú te hayas comportado mal
00:12:24estando conmigo.
00:12:27Cosas extrañas.
00:12:28Escúchame, yo no iba a...
00:12:29No, si es que no...
00:12:30Está bien, si querés estar molesta conmigo, está bien.
00:12:31Amor, yo te voy a estar atrás siempre,
00:12:32como estuve toda la vida,
00:12:33siempre te voy a estar atrás,
00:12:34porque te amo.
00:12:35Te pido perdón, fue una pelotuda
00:12:36que salió un novio que diga eso sí,
00:12:37bueno, ya lo hablamos,
00:12:38todo el mundo sabe
00:12:39que si dije eso fue una pelotuda.
00:12:40En todo caso, no es que se me quita,
00:12:44o sea, no se me quita la cabeza
00:12:46que te reíste mientras yo estaba llorando.
00:12:49¿Ya se me pasará?
00:12:50Ya está, si total,
00:12:51vas a volver a hacerme algo,
00:12:52o sea, si es que ya lo sabemos todos.
00:12:55Sí, ya está, no pasa nada.
00:12:56O sea, ya está.
00:12:58Sí, pero por supuesto,
00:12:59¿qué quieres que haga?
00:13:00No voy a quedarme ahí.
00:13:10¿Sabéis qué ha pasado aquí?
00:13:11Porque me he perdido todo.
00:13:13Están todos con sus problemas,
00:13:15tú con tu pelea,
00:13:16no solo con...
00:13:17Oh, como loco.
00:13:18Todos andan librando sus batallas.
00:13:20No, es que me la perdí, tío.
00:13:23Hace hasta los cojones.
00:13:24Yo igual.
00:13:35Te cambié la cara.
00:13:36No, no.
00:13:37La he perdonado,
00:13:38pero no me olvido.
00:13:46El Mati.
00:13:47El Mati.
00:13:48¿Cómo están?
00:13:51Vengo con puras buenas noticias.
00:13:52Que nos podemos...
00:13:53Buenas noticias.
00:13:56¿Qué pasa?
00:13:57Oye, ¿nos juntamos acá?
00:14:01Buenas noches, batallón.
00:14:02¿Cómo están?
00:14:03¿Cómo está el ánimo el día de hoy?
00:14:05Sí, ¿cómo están, sargientos rojas?
00:14:08Bueno, vengo porque vamos a utilizar
00:14:10la app de Mercado Libre.
00:14:12Recuerden que Mercado Libre
00:14:13tiene el envío más rápido de Chile.
00:14:16Un aplauso para Mercado Libre.
00:14:19También este aplauso
00:14:20que se extienda al ganador
00:14:22de la competencia individual,
00:14:25Fabio Agostini.
00:14:28Tú tendrás la oportunidad
00:14:29de escoger un premio,
00:14:31un regalo que tiene Mercado Libre
00:14:32para ti con delivery instantáneo.
00:14:35Fabio, pasa adelante.
00:14:37Y como tú ganaste
00:14:38y todos los actos en este regimiento
00:14:40tienen sus consecuencias,
00:14:42también se para a Falor.
00:14:45Por ser...
00:14:46Otra vez.
00:14:47Fabio, pongas acá.
00:14:48Ok, Fabio, mira.
00:14:49Para partir, tienes que tocar
00:14:50el logo a donde sale Mercado Libre.
00:14:54Eso, muy bien.
00:14:58¿Qué dice el público?
00:15:01Para hacer con leche y banana, licuado.
00:15:03Microondas, licuador y microondas.
00:15:06Licuador y microondas.
00:15:08No he venido aquí a ser amigo,
00:15:09me importa un huevo lo que digan mis compañeros,
00:15:11así que yo voy a elegir...
00:15:14Hoy no microondas.
00:15:15Para que te llegue,
00:15:16tiene que apretar a donde dice comprar.
00:15:24Dentro de su cuerpo
00:15:25tiene un corazón de chocolate.
00:15:27Falon, es tu turno.
00:15:29Una de más.
00:15:30El scroll.
00:15:31Ahí está.
00:15:33¡Es verdad!
00:15:37¡El público!
00:15:38Hemos ganado nosotros, ¿verdad?
00:15:40Semana pasada,
00:15:41elegió algo para todos.
00:15:42Pero también voy a hacerlo esta semana,
00:15:44porque siempre hay hartas frutitas,
00:15:46entonces qué mejor que hacer un batido de frutas.
00:15:48¿En serio?
00:15:49¿Te gusta?
00:15:53¡Un aplauso para Falon!
00:15:55Muchas gracias.
00:15:56Y recuerden que Mercado Libre
00:15:58tiene el envío más rápido de Chile.
00:16:01Y es por eso que este envío va a llegar en minutos.
00:16:05¡Un aplauso para Mercado Libre!
00:16:07¡Vamos Mercado Libre!
00:16:09¡Nos vemos amigos!
00:16:10¡Será hasta la próxima!
00:16:11¡Chao, chao!
00:16:12¡Llamate mi niña!
00:16:13¡Un aplauso!
00:16:14¡Mercado Libre!
00:16:15¡Lo mejor está llegando!
00:16:16Me dejé la piel ahí para ganar.
00:16:17Te quedaste segundo, chico.
00:16:18Te iba primero, coño.
00:16:19Escuchame, es tu segunda competencia en este tipo de formato.
00:16:20No es.
00:16:21No es.
00:16:22No es.
00:16:23No es.
00:16:24No es.
00:16:25No es.
00:16:26No es.
00:16:27No es.
00:16:28No es.
00:16:29No es.
00:16:30No es.
00:16:31No es.
00:16:32No es.
00:16:33No es.
00:16:34No es.
00:16:35No es.
00:16:36No es.
00:16:37No es.
00:16:38No es.
00:16:39No es.
00:16:40No es.
00:16:41No es.
00:16:42No es.
00:16:43No es.
00:16:44No es.
00:16:45No es.
00:16:46¿Qué es?
00:16:47¿Qué es?
00:16:48No, es un abrazo.
00:16:50No es un abrazo.
00:16:53No es un abrazo, que sea.
00:16:55Sí, estoy triste.
00:16:56No te digo.
00:16:57Te lo digo de verdad, ¿eh?
00:16:58No estoy bromeando ni nada.
00:17:01O sea, tengo todo el rato ganas de llorar.
00:17:03I don't know.
00:17:07Look at me.
00:17:09Just look at me.
00:17:10I'm going.
00:17:12I'm leaving.
00:17:13What makes me happier in life?
00:17:14I don't know.
00:17:15You don't know what makes me happier in life?
00:17:20It's the same for you.
00:17:22You know, it hurts me.
00:17:23And I really mean it.
00:17:24I feel like crying.
00:17:25I've always had you here, and you know it.
00:17:27I've never, ever, ever...
00:17:29It's not something I've ever...
00:17:30Being with you, I've never failed you.
00:17:31I've never been in this situation.
00:17:32I've never failed you. Never.
00:17:47It's here!
00:17:49So fast!
00:17:54It's so fast, just in two minutes.
00:17:56Good afternoon, good evening.
00:17:59Good evening.
00:18:02How are you? All good?
00:18:05All in order?
00:18:06How are you? Good evening.
00:18:10How are you, Fernanda?
00:18:12The fastest shipment from Chile.
00:18:14The fastest shipment from Chile.
00:18:16The raguibel?
00:18:17The raguibel.
00:18:18Red, it says here.
00:18:19Red, it says here.
00:18:20I need the raguibel again.
00:18:22Here it is.
00:18:24Agostini too.
00:18:26Over here, the gentleman, of course.
00:18:28Your prizes to each of you.
00:18:30A round of applause for him, please.
00:18:33The truth is that it weighs a lot.
00:18:35I'd like to see what's inside.
00:18:37I have no idea.
00:18:38And I also have a gift for the raguibel.
00:18:40Bravo, Pablo!
00:18:43They already have a coffee maker, a hairdryer, a microwave.
00:18:47Over there we have...
00:18:48It's interesting that you brought us to Mercado Libre.
00:18:53And they already have a blender too.
00:18:56I have one more package, but it's kind of my thing
00:18:59because last time I promised something and I promised it on credit.
00:19:02So for the raguibel I also have an extra package.
00:19:06I brought a coffee maker.
00:19:07Bring something for the coffee maker.
00:19:09I know, I know.
00:19:13It's a personal gift.
00:19:16Excuse me, if it's not too much trouble,
00:19:18I've been thinking since the last time I came
00:19:20and I wanted to know if I could do a tour from above.
00:19:24Can you show me?
00:19:26Can I take this where I need to take it?
00:19:28Shall we start with the kitchen?
00:19:29Let's go to the kitchen, slowly.
00:19:31They're the best.
00:19:34Now, I'm the only person who wants to feel affection
00:19:37and I want to feel all that from him.
00:19:41And that I don't have it, that he's a good cold,
00:19:45that makes me feel bad, good,
00:19:47because I feel like I don't deserve a man like that.
00:19:49And I've told him a thousand times, Matias,
00:19:51the day I break up with you
00:19:53and I find a partner who really loves me,
00:19:56who loves me,
00:19:57you're going to regret it a lot for not valuing me
00:20:00because I'm the only good person who unconditionally loves you.
00:20:04Having nothing, when I came back with him,
00:20:06he had nothing, sister.
00:20:08They were even kicking him out of the house
00:20:10because he was a bad guy.
00:20:12I took him to my apartment.
00:20:14And people think it's the other way around,
00:20:15that you're with Laidl.
00:20:16Nothing to do with it, people don't know.
00:20:18And you know what else makes me very angry?
00:20:20That he has never gone out to talk.
00:20:22Sometimes it's not like that.
00:20:24Maybe you don't see it as necessary,
00:20:26but it is necessary.
00:20:31How are you?
00:20:32In jail.
00:20:37Can I try the chamoy?
00:20:38Free market.
00:20:39What do you need?
00:20:40Close the gate, close the gate.
00:20:42I bring it by smuggling.
00:20:44Yes, yes, by smuggling.
00:20:45Here we receive it, not on the net.
00:20:47A chocolate.
00:20:50It could be some chocolates.
00:20:52Some chocolates, that's good.
00:20:54Do you bathe here?
00:20:55What do you do here?
00:20:57Why are you punished?
00:20:58No, no, no.
00:20:59Why are you punished?
00:21:04Don't forget that with Mercado Libre,
00:21:05the best is coming.
00:21:06You already got yours,
00:21:08you will get yours very soon, don't worry.
00:21:10Thank you very much for everything, see you.
00:21:12Thank you very much, good luck.
00:21:14Excuse me, what is your name?
00:21:15I am Pedro Pablo, from Mercado Libre.
00:21:17Pedro Pablo.
00:21:18Pedro Pablo, from Mercado Libre.
00:21:19Mercado Libre distributor,
00:21:20we'll be seeing each other around here.
00:21:21See you.
00:21:22Thank you very much, bye.
00:21:23What do you want?
00:21:24Thank you, good luck.
00:21:25With Mercado Libre, the best is coming.
00:21:27You already got yours,
00:21:28you will get yours very soon, don't worry.
00:21:36Vegetta, it's your turn.
00:21:37Yes, I told them,
00:21:38I'm not even going to get off now,
00:21:39because if I get off,
00:21:40they are going to end up terrified.
00:21:44It's a moment of anger that clouds them,
00:21:46and that's what they have to understand.
00:21:48What they come to do,
00:21:49they have a project,
00:21:50and they have a goal here,
00:21:51and that goal is achieving us
00:21:52the absolute opposite.
00:21:53No, because besides,
00:21:54if you nominate me tomorrow,
00:21:56I can't react like crazy
00:21:58and start talking badly.
00:22:00No, no, no.
00:22:01And also, in the end,
00:22:02it was like, let's establish limits.
00:22:04When I can and feel
00:22:05that I can talk to Dutch,
00:22:06I'm going to talk,
00:22:07because with Malito,
00:22:08I'm not going to talk anymore.
00:22:10The problem is that they,
00:22:11when the anger reaches their heads,
00:22:13the conversation is over,
00:22:15because there is nothing,
00:22:16there it is over.
00:22:17That's why there is also the discussion.
00:22:18And if at some point
00:22:19I can talk to Dutch,
00:22:20I'm going to talk,
00:22:21but not with Malito,
00:22:22not anymore.
00:22:23Malito for me is gone.
00:22:26Let's eat,
00:22:27let's eat,
00:22:28let's eat.
00:22:30Good face.
00:22:41Boys with their toys
00:22:42and my girls making noise.
00:23:12No, no, no.
00:23:13No, no, no.
00:23:14No, no, no.
00:23:15No, no, no.
00:23:16No, no, no.
00:23:17No, no, no.
00:23:18No, no, no.
00:23:19No, no, no.
00:23:20No, no, no.
00:23:21No, no, no.
00:23:22No, no, no.
00:23:23No, no, no.
00:23:24No, no, no.
00:23:25No, no, no.
00:23:26No, no, no.
00:23:27No, no, no.
00:23:28No, no, no.
00:23:29No, no, no.
00:23:30No, no, no.
00:23:31No, no, no.
00:23:32No, no, no.
00:23:33No, no, no.
00:23:34No, no, no.
00:23:35No, no, no.
00:23:36No, no, no.
00:23:37No, no, no.
00:23:38No, no, no.
00:23:39No, no, no.
00:23:40No, no, no.
00:23:41No, no, no.
00:23:42No, no, no.
00:23:43No, no, no.
00:23:44No, no, no.
00:23:45No, no, no.
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00:23:53No, no, no.
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00:23:56No, no, no.
00:23:57No, no, no.
00:23:58No, no, no.
00:23:59No, no, no.
00:24:00No, no, no.
00:24:01No, no, no.
00:24:02No, no, no.
00:24:03No, no, no.
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00:24:57No, no, no.
00:24:58No, no, no.
00:24:59No, no, no.
00:25:00No, no, no.
00:25:04No, no, no.
00:25:05No, no, no.
00:25:06No, no, no.
00:25:07No, no, no.
00:25:08No, no, no.
00:25:09No, no, no.
00:25:10No, no, no.
00:25:11No, no, no.
00:25:12No, no, no.
00:25:13We will go through memories through time.
00:25:14This is a picture of pieces that once tipped us over.
00:25:17So last time did not mean that we had to pick them up again.
00:25:24I know you know this.
00:25:27A picture of Munoz.
00:25:35Do you have any memory, any idea where it was?
00:25:39It looks like they took me to the Rio Claro.
00:25:41More or less, do you remember how many years you may have been there?
00:25:43Four or five years, right?
00:25:45What do you remember? Brothers, your parents were there, this was a walk.
00:25:50When my parents were together, they were tired of making panoramas and everything to get us out.
00:25:55I am the middle one, I have two sisters.
00:25:57What are their names?
00:25:58Marilyn and Martina.
00:25:59And how much age difference do they have?
00:26:01Four years each.
00:26:02And do you have a good relationship with them?
00:26:04Yes, yes.
00:26:05How do you remember? Did they play with you? Did they make fun of you?
00:26:07With my older sister, we were always naked and dirty, since we were kids.
00:26:13With my younger sister, she was always the one who didn't want to be like us, until today.
00:26:21How are your sisters-in-law, Anais?
00:26:29I have a good relationship with my older sister, but not with my younger sister.
00:26:33She doesn't talk much, so, as he says, it's like another thing.
00:26:39Would you say that the connection with art comes from childhood?
00:26:44It's from family.
00:26:45It's from family, because before I started singing, I danced huachiturro.
00:26:52Of course.
00:26:53I had a lot of vices.
00:26:55And did you record videos?
00:26:56Yes, because with my older sister, I didn't record a girl.
00:26:59And that's where all of this started, then?
00:27:03How did your family, from Chile, not knowing about you, all of Chile, know about you and your music?
00:27:10No, at first they didn't support me, because they thought I was just for fun.
00:27:16That's when I started with the perreo, with the borronca, because I was frustrated.
00:27:19I started singing louder, and I got the borronca.
00:27:22And when did your mom realize that this is serious, that you're doing well,
00:27:27and that you're ascending in the world of music?
00:27:30When I told her, you know what?
00:27:33There's no faith, I'm going to leave here.
00:27:35I'm going to come back with a fajo to leave it on the table.
00:27:37From that moment that you told your mom, I'm going to come back with that fajo and bill.
00:27:41How long did it take?
00:27:42It took me two years.
00:27:43I want to stop myself in that today, where we all want something so instantaneous,
00:27:49because we all want it now,
00:27:51suddenly there are things that obviously take a long time to come.
00:27:54You had the patience, and also the conviction that it was going to work out for you,
00:27:59because you could have abandoned it.
00:28:00The patience was persevering at all times,
00:28:02because even though it was little, I saw that it was working out for me.
00:28:06I no longer have faith, because if everything goes wrong, everything goes wrong.
00:28:10As Carla says, totally self-convinced that you were going to leave,
00:28:15and that you were going to come back to your house successfully.
00:28:18I think, forgive me my friend,
00:28:20that that impulse is one of the brave things I've heard in this story.
00:28:24So congratulations.
00:28:29For you.
00:28:31Thank you for sharing the story.
00:28:43That's my brother.
00:28:44That's a trip we did with my mom,
00:28:46and it was like a spiritual shock in the background,
00:28:50because I was there with my mom, we grabbed each other by the crotch,
00:28:52because obviously the two of us are alpha mothers.
00:28:56There was a breaking point between the two of us.
00:28:58I remember that photo, in fact, we were already fighting a little.
00:29:01I said, we are fighting in the best places in the world.
00:29:04Despite the conflict, do you have a good, bad, regular relationship today?
00:29:09We have a good relationship, because we also said things face to face,
00:29:12we had, we had a catharsis.
00:29:14The two of us are very bossy, and it was a little hard.
00:29:16Yeah, but leaving everything aside, that, Manu.
00:29:19Manu is my partner.
00:29:21His ability to ...
00:29:23Oh, I'm so sorry to talk.
00:29:26His ability to be super mature contains me.
00:29:29I love it because he is also an archer, a football player, a Messi fanatic.
00:29:34So now, today I saw that he had the tattoo of the Messi signature,
00:29:38and I swear to you that those little things make you think like ...
00:29:42Sorry to give juice for that, but a little.
00:29:45But what forgiveness.
00:29:46Hey, but the strange thing would be that nothing would happen to you.
00:29:50I think we have to cheer your mom up,
00:29:52to tell her that you are a huge mother.
00:29:57Give it to Manu.
00:29:58What a beautiful photo.
00:30:03Mayor's Recruit.
00:30:05Oh, how good, look at the photos.
00:30:09Tell us who are here, let's see.
00:30:11There are all my family.
00:30:12There is my dad, my mom, my two sisters on the right,
00:30:16my other younger sister on the left.
00:30:19My older brother up there.
00:30:21How do you remember those years?
00:30:24My childhood, I always tell.
00:30:25My childhood is like a fairy tale.
00:30:27It was a very, very cute childhood, really.
00:30:29Always my dad, he never had a fight, I never saw him fight.
00:30:32A very nice example that I have of family.
00:30:34My direct family, which in the background was my sister Paula Rey
00:30:38and my dad and my mom.
00:30:39Because the other three never came with me.
00:30:41I don't have the relationship I have with my other brother.
00:30:43In fact, I haven't spoken to my older brother in a lot of years.
00:30:46Sorry, because one thing is not to have a lot of relationship,
00:30:49because it happens to us, right?
00:30:51Like time, work.
00:30:53But another thing is not to talk anymore.
00:30:55I heard you say that, right?
00:30:56Yes, I have zero relationship.
00:30:57I don't even talk to him just in case.
00:30:59It's a conflict.
00:31:01He is a bad person.
00:31:03One does not choose his brothers.
00:31:04He shit on my dad a couple of times.
00:31:06I always admired him.
00:31:07Maybe he was my big brother.
00:31:09But he disrespected my mom once.
00:31:10And then he shit on my dad several times.
00:31:12What does your dad think?
00:31:13How does he live it?
00:31:14He says that one does not understand him until he is a father.
00:31:16But he has asked you or he has tried that you two reconcile?
00:31:19No, because he knows that I do not forgive him.
00:31:22Well, but your dad must be very calm.
00:31:25Because it has gone well for you on this path.
00:31:27So we give you an applause and I give it to you.
00:31:34How beautiful is this photo!
00:31:39How funny!
00:31:40It's the same!
00:31:41How atrocious!
00:31:43Well, context.
00:31:44I have repeated a hundred times pre-Kindergarten.
00:31:49I can't believe you.
00:31:50What happens is that my mom got me in trouble at school
00:31:53because I was hypercritical and hyperactive.
00:31:55And in the 90s, hypercritical and hyperactive was a problem.
00:31:58Yes, of course.
00:31:59So they did not accept me in the gardens.
00:32:01And there I had just turned three years old.
00:32:03I was almost four.
00:32:04And my mom always takes pictures of me because she was always ...
00:32:09Yes, and very ...
00:32:11She probably had combed my hair five minutes ago.
00:32:14But my mom, I send her a greeting, I love her very much
00:32:16because she always had a lot of patience.
00:32:18What is your mother's name?
00:32:20And I have her last name.
00:32:21My last name, Urtubias, is my mother's last name.
00:32:23But it doesn't mean that you cut off your relationship with your dad?
00:32:28I lived with my family, with my parents married until I was 14, 15, around.
00:32:33My dad always had another family.
00:32:34I found out because I started to realize things.
00:32:37I kept the secret a bit, so to speak.
00:32:40Sorry, how old were you when ...
00:32:43But you realize how?
00:32:44There were weekends when I wasn't there or I arrived cured.
00:32:47So when I arrived cured, I began to notice that there were things from other people in the car.
00:32:53When you say another family, was it another woman and children?
00:32:56Another woman and children.
00:32:57I had a sister of my own age.
00:32:58And I kept this secret for a long time.
00:33:00So when I told my mom, they broke up a bit.
00:33:04I mean, I had to make the decision whether to tell her or not.
00:33:06Powerful, right?
00:33:07How to deal with the issue, even more so trying to protect your mother.
00:33:10It's just that there was a lot of violence.
00:33:13And he was very punishing with me.
00:33:15For example, he always told me that if I wanted to do something, I wouldn't be able to do it.
00:33:18Because I was very crazy.
00:33:19Also, the decision was like, damn, I knew it was going to be difficult for us as a family to be alone.
00:33:23Because my mom didn't work.
00:33:25How were we going to support a house if he wasn't there?
00:33:27What a shit, they broke up.
00:33:29She believed you.
00:33:31I mean, and then everything was confirmed and he went to live with the other family.
00:33:34And what happens then?
00:33:35Well, we lost the house, obviously, because my mom didn't have the money to pay for it.
00:33:39I took care of my brother.
00:33:41I went to his power when I was just in college.
00:33:44Where did you get so much strength from, do you think?
00:33:47I made it up.
00:33:48But that still had consequences.
00:33:49Because later, when I lived alone, I kind of let myself go a lot because of that.
00:33:53Because I had a lot of depression, a lot of anger, a lot of anger contained.
00:33:56I could never live my teenage years in peace.
00:33:59Maybe I take responsibility for some of my faults.
00:34:01For example, my mom now lives with an aunt.
00:34:02And in fact, my desire to be here is because I want to buy a house for my mom.
00:34:12I get the impression that you have been super strong, very brave.
00:34:15It is an honor to be able to count on a person who has managed to get out of such a tangled situation.
00:34:20How does comedy get into this?
00:34:22For the people who may be watching this, most of the children we live with violence,
00:34:27we defend ourselves with comedy.
00:34:29It's a resource.
00:34:30It's a weapon.
00:34:32And now I take advantage of it and earn money, but ...
00:34:35But there are certain things that suddenly one says, like, you have to fill the void.
00:34:40I'm going to allow myself to give you a hug.
00:34:43It's good that you turned it around creatively.
00:34:53Recruits Figueroa.
00:34:55Who are here, Fer?
00:34:56My dad, my mom and my daughter.
00:34:58And how long ago was this?
00:35:00Last year.
00:35:01How old is he?
00:35:02Three years.
00:35:03Oh, how delicious!
00:35:04How is Lía?
00:35:05The best.
00:35:06And how has it been for you to have Lía?
00:35:11I think it's the best thing that has happened to me.
00:35:14It has helped me grow a lot.
00:35:16She is my cable to the earth.
00:35:19It's the first time I've separated from her.
00:35:21In three years.
00:35:23I live alone with my daughter.
00:35:24My father and my daughter do not exist at the moment.
00:35:26It is super difficult to be a single mother.
00:35:30My mom lives in Mexico, my dad lives in Nicaragua.
00:35:33And I don't have a network of support to get there and say,
00:35:37I'm tired, I need someone to help me.
00:35:39Or I'm wrong.
00:35:40At three years old, she has had to see me cry badly.
00:35:43And they grab my face and tell me, Mom, don't cry.
00:35:46How incredible the children can, despite what you say,
00:35:51at a young age, protect you, right?
00:35:54When you came in, you commented that what bothered you the most
00:35:57was when someone outside told you,
00:35:59hey, how are you going to leave your three-year-old daughter alone?
00:36:03It's like you arrive and, of course, you get rid of your daughter.
00:36:06You start to question yourself and say,
00:36:08am I really doing the right thing?
00:36:10Clearly now she is not alone, she is with my mom.
00:36:12I think it is more difficult for me than for her.
00:36:16I think now she must be having a hard time with her grandmother.
00:36:19Eating sweets, cookies.
00:36:21Yes, she must be giving a lot of love.
00:36:24I think it's more my thing.
00:36:27Can we give you a round of applause?
00:36:32How beautiful.
00:36:33And to the little one too.
00:36:35And to the grandmother too.
00:36:38Well, as you have proven, Fer,
00:36:40women can do that much more.
00:36:42So totally.
00:36:44Mom, we are guilty.
00:36:57Look how beautiful.
00:36:59Oh my God.
00:37:00The life of Bernal.
00:37:02Fer, tell us where, when, what moment, who is the can?
00:37:07There I am with the love of my life.
00:37:10I don't have children as such.
00:37:13Tomorrow I want to have it too.
00:37:15I've always had that feeling of wanting to be a father.
00:37:17But so far I have a hairy son.
00:37:20How old is he?
00:37:22Seven and a half years old.
00:37:24I love him madly.
00:37:25He is also my adventure companion.
00:37:27What's his name?
00:37:28His name is Kenzo.
00:37:30Kenzo, I put it and I like that name.
00:37:32How will Kenzo be now?
00:37:33Because they really miss him a lot.
00:37:35And then when he sees you again, excited.
00:37:38He will go crazy just like I do when I see him.
00:37:40Me more.
00:37:41I imagine.
00:37:42So that he has it.
00:37:43I'm going to thank this photo very much.
00:37:50Look, look, look.
00:37:52You went too far.
00:37:54Well, this is the mythical duo Kangri and Daje.
00:37:58Help us please.
00:37:59When, where, at what time, at what moment.
00:38:01Do you remember that?
00:38:03It looks like mid-afternoon, doesn't it?
00:38:05Yes, I remember that afternoon.
00:38:07It was one of the first chapters we recorded in the first series we recorded with Kangri, Perla.
00:38:11With Kangri we knew each other.
00:38:13He had his band, I had mine, at school.
00:38:16We weren't that close, but we were schoolmates.
00:38:20And Kangri has a lot of personality.
00:38:22On one side, me too, on the other side.
00:38:24And we saw each other in the streets of Cimarra.
00:38:26And since we were both on TV, Kangri and Daje,
00:38:28we started our friendship like that, but to the maximum.
00:38:32I remember when they released a song,
00:38:35in the Paseo Umar, thousands of people,
00:38:37tours everywhere.
00:38:39What happened to you in that powerful change?
00:38:42From neighborhood guys,
00:38:44ugly guys, as we say,
00:38:46to fame, money, women.
00:38:48I got a little cloudy.
00:38:50We got cloudy.
00:38:51It wasn't that we were bad guys,
00:38:53but that we were messy.
00:38:55Pure mess.
00:38:56Hey, how long were you partners with Kangri?
00:39:01Many years.
00:39:02We were always together, up and down.
00:39:05In fact, in the second season we met Malito too.
00:39:08He came to the series and we got together too.
00:39:10We were already the three of us.
00:39:12And we were inseparable.
00:39:13Events all over Chile, we traveled.
00:39:15But at some point they separated.
00:39:17It was mostly because of the ego.
00:39:19The ego, music problems,
00:39:21problems of opinions.
00:39:23But what I can learn from that is that
00:39:26pride and ego don't lead to anything.
00:39:28You don't have to spend so much time
00:39:30to talk and fix things,
00:39:32because life is very fragile.
00:39:34When Kangri died,
00:39:36you didn't talk to each other,
00:39:38you didn't have a relationship?
00:39:39Yes, we were apart.
00:39:42Several people wanted to get together,
00:39:44and the ego, the pride,
00:39:46made us not get together.
00:39:48Neither of us made the decision to talk to each other.
00:39:51And Kangri took it, God willing.
00:39:53And that was totally difficult for me.
00:39:55I could never assimilate well.
00:39:57All I wanted was for Kangri to show up
00:39:59and run to hug him.
00:40:01And to apologize to us
00:40:04and start again.
00:40:05In fact, that loss taught me to forgive.
00:40:09In fact, I was also fighting with Malito at that time.
00:40:11And at Kangri's funeral,
00:40:13Kangri's brother, Nico,
00:40:16told me,
00:40:17Brother, my brother is gone.
00:40:19Get along with Malito.
00:40:21Don't let anything bad happen
00:40:23and then regret each other.
00:40:25Malito, how was it for you?
00:40:27Because you were with Kangri.
00:40:29You were the last one to talk to him, right?
00:40:32I was with Kangri in Antofagasta
00:40:34and because of destiny, I came.
00:40:36Something told me that I had to...
00:40:39Sorry, were you going to make the trip too?
00:40:41I was there with him.
00:40:43I remember that we talked a lot at night.
00:40:45These are things that one never thinks
00:40:48that this is going to be the last conversation.
00:40:50And I told him,
00:40:51No, brother, you know I want to go home.
00:40:53I don't know what.
00:40:54And I took the flight at like five in the morning.
00:40:57Was that a superior impulse to you?
00:40:59It wasn't my time.
00:41:01I arrived in Santiago
00:41:03and I remember that two days later,
00:41:05Kangri was no longer there.
00:41:07I saw Kangri's little brother
00:41:09uploading a story that they were looking for.
00:41:11I called him and told him,
00:41:12Brother, don't worry.
00:41:13Kangri is fine.
00:41:15I remember that for all of us
00:41:17who were doing morning shows live,
00:41:19it was the news.
00:41:20And it was sad
00:41:21because it was news
00:41:23that everyone was talking about.
00:41:26They were everywhere,
00:41:27asking about Kangri.
00:41:28They didn't know what was going on with him.
00:41:30And nothing,
00:41:31then whatever happens,
00:41:32they find him dead.
00:41:33And nothing,
00:41:34we learned from that.
00:41:36That's where my desire to get together with Dutch came from.
00:41:39The day we saw each other,
00:41:40I thought we were going to talk to the Dutch
00:41:42about things like that
00:41:43or apologize.
00:41:44But nothing,
00:41:45we gave each other a hug
00:41:47and we only talked about
00:41:49everything we missed,
00:41:51about the adventures we had with Kangri.
00:41:53And from there we didn't separate anymore.
00:41:55That's why I care about him so much.
00:41:57I always tell him that I love him.
00:42:00And nothing,
00:42:01it's hard to see those things.
00:42:03I want to thank you both.
00:42:05We were not friends,
00:42:07but we lived together with you on the channel.
00:42:09We met many times.
00:42:11And of course it was,
00:42:12even for those of us who didn't have the pleasure of meeting him,
00:42:15a super unfortunate loss until today.
00:42:17The only thing I could tell you is
00:42:19that you have to continue taking care of the love,
00:42:21the true love.
00:42:22So we're going to send a hug to Kangri too.
00:42:26We're going to leave an applause here.
00:42:28We're going to say goodbye, friends.
00:42:30Keep making your stories,
00:42:31keep building your own path.
00:42:36Kangri is also here,
00:42:37in case the conversations come out.
00:42:39He's part of you.
00:42:40He's always with us.
00:42:41So a photo for both of you to share.
00:42:44And thank you for sharing, Chiquillo,
00:42:46because it's super painful.
00:42:48So thank you.
00:42:56Let's see.
00:42:58What a good photo.
00:43:00Who is the most handsome here?
00:43:04Take a minute, Facu.
00:43:08If you don't feel like it,
00:43:11or ready to talk.
00:43:18Let's give a round of applause to Facu.
00:43:26Facu, if you don't want to talk, no...
00:43:29No, I'd rather not.
00:43:30It's just that several years have passed,
00:43:32and it's like that's not...
00:43:35Well, he's your dad,
00:43:36for those who don't know the story,
00:43:37because we did have the opportunity
00:43:39to talk about
00:43:41the relationship you had with your dad,
00:43:43how close you were,
00:43:45that he's always with you,
00:43:46that somehow he advises you and accompanies you.
00:43:49And nothing, there are pains that are there,
00:43:52you learn to live with them,
00:43:53but they are there.
00:43:54So, calm down,
00:43:56and we're going to give you the photo,
00:43:58because your dad accompanies you in all of them.
00:44:08Fabio, what happened?
00:44:09Are you excited about Facu?
00:44:11Do you want to share?
00:44:12No, no.
00:44:13It's been an intense night,
00:44:15and I want to thank you.
00:44:16The desire to talk,
00:44:18the desire to tell us their stories,
00:44:20their experiences,
00:44:21the good things,
00:44:22the difficult things,
00:44:23the beautiful things.
00:44:24And there's always something
00:44:25that one can learn from the other.
00:44:26That's the best thing about sharing,
00:44:28and what we get from you
00:44:30is a lot of strength,
00:44:31a lot of desire.
00:44:32We're leaving full,
00:44:33with a tight heart,
00:44:35and with a lot of emotions,
00:44:37so thank you for the trust.
00:44:38Let's give another round of applause.
00:44:40Let's go.
00:44:41Let's go, guys.
00:44:44Thank you very much, guys.
00:44:50It was like in a random dream,
00:44:52I opened the door,
00:44:53and he was there,
00:44:54waiting for me like in paradise.
00:44:55And I ran,
00:44:56he ran,
00:44:57we hugged,
00:44:58we said a lot of things,
00:44:59we forgave each other,
00:45:00and I woke up crying that day,
00:45:02and my soul was at peace,
00:45:03because I could talk to him.
00:45:05Did you realize it was true?
00:45:06Yes, I know it was true,
00:45:08that he came to visit.
00:45:09And he must be very proud
00:45:10that his colleagues are here.
00:45:12Yes, of course.
00:45:13Of course.
00:45:15It gave me memories, too,
00:45:16when my father passed away,
00:45:18that he came to the border,
00:45:19we did shit.
00:45:20It gave me a lot of sadness,
00:45:21I suppose.
00:45:22It's always a strong theme.
00:45:24But we have to celebrate,
00:45:25because they are there waiting for you.
00:45:26Yes, yes, yes.
00:45:27Thank you, Sergio.
00:45:36I love you, dad.
00:45:39I love you, dad.
00:45:45They are a machine,
00:45:46these two meters.
00:45:47They are the biggest there are.
00:45:50This is the destiny I wanted here.
00:45:51I wanted to get very far here.
00:45:58Do you want to talk?
00:45:59Oh, I don't know.
00:46:01Because it's been several years.
00:46:03Why do you think I don't cry?
00:46:04I don't know,
00:46:05it touched me more this day,
00:46:06I don't know.
00:46:07It could be because of the photo,
00:46:08because of the image,
00:46:09because of seeing it, right?
00:46:10And more because I was coming
00:46:11with the other theme,
00:46:12the other side,
00:46:13everyone in Silviano,
00:46:14I was excited.
00:46:15You understand me,
00:46:16I think that's why.
00:46:20I love you.
00:46:25I love you, little brother.
00:46:26We are together,
00:46:27we are going to get through this,
00:46:28little brother.
00:46:30For our families,
00:46:31for us,
00:46:32we are going to get through this,
00:46:33little brother.
00:46:34We are going to make it.
00:46:35We are going to make it.
00:46:48How sensitive.
00:46:50You make fun of me all the time?
00:46:51How sensitive.
00:46:54There he is,
00:46:55crying under Fabio.
00:46:58Give him a hug,
00:46:59he's a friend,
00:47:00he's a brother.
00:47:01Should we call him?
00:47:03Are you two going to get ready now?
00:47:05Well, right now
00:47:06I don't feel sorry for him
00:47:08Well, yes,
00:47:09I don't feel sorry for the two of them.
00:47:11I used to be more sensitive,
00:47:12I think.
00:47:13I used to be more sensitive.
00:47:14One is going to become more sensitive.
00:47:21Come, come.
00:47:22No, wait a minute.
00:47:26The moment,
00:47:27this is the moment.
00:47:28Facu, come.
00:47:29I'm going to be alone,
00:47:30but don't worry.
00:47:32No, Antonella.
00:47:40This guy is so sensitive.
00:47:41I don't like it, man.
00:47:42The other story,
00:47:43telling another guy
00:47:44without being able to cry
00:47:45is also my story.
00:47:49I love you, man.
00:47:51I don't want to go, man.
00:47:54I don't want to go, man.
00:47:55I don't want to go, man.
00:47:57I'm happy for my little boy,
00:47:59They told me
00:48:00they were going to look for you for Lolo, man.
00:48:04They told me they were going to look for you for Lolo, man.
00:48:07A lot of emotional load
00:48:08with the whole story.
00:48:09It's over.
00:48:10But there are still videos of my father
00:48:11that I can't watch yet.
00:48:12Oh, how long ago?
00:48:13About six years already.
00:48:14He was crazy.
00:48:15Hey, but your father...
00:48:17And I talk to my father every day.
00:48:18I have my altar...
00:48:19I mean, I have a picture
00:48:20with my father and my saints.
00:48:21I'm very Catholic.
00:48:22And you felt it.
00:48:24Yes, yes, yes,
00:48:25I was very attached to my father.
00:48:26And it was very fast, dad.
00:48:27He fucked up in three months.
00:48:29What was it like?
00:48:31Cancer, yes.
00:48:32Yes, yes.
00:48:33He got sick.
00:48:34He got sick.
00:48:35I hate him with all my heart.
00:48:39You did it.
00:48:40I respect you.
00:48:42Really, I respect you.
00:48:43It's very nice what you told me.
00:48:46I didn't think they were going to take that out.
00:48:49If you feel it, say it.
00:48:50If you don't feel it, don't say it.
00:48:52No, yes.
00:48:53It's part of the story.
00:48:54It's a machine.
00:48:55Yes, it's a machine.
00:49:02What are we going to be like?
00:49:11I'm sorry for your father, brother.
00:49:12No, thank you.
00:49:13I can't be sensible with you, our little angel.
00:49:17Yes, thank you, brother.
00:49:28Four hours of vigil.
00:49:29Of vigil.
00:49:30But since when is it going to be vigil?
00:49:31Bring me the vigil.
00:49:32Don't you dare!
00:49:33Well, for the reiterative breach of order, you'll have to do a 4-hour vigil.
00:49:41Once your partners have fallen asleep, your partners will be watching over you.
00:49:46They can't sleep!
00:49:47I'm being loyal to you and I'm punishing you.
00:49:48Are you going to enter the mattress?
00:49:49Of course!
00:49:50If we don't enter it, we'll get out of it.
00:49:51Of course.
00:49:52We get out of this.
00:49:53What, no.
00:49:55Si nosotros nos lo entramos sacamos de esos mismos.
00:49:57Esos mismos lo pusieron pa' ajo.
00:49:59¿Dos veces?
00:50:00Y después no lo subimos.
00:50:01Si, dos veces.
00:50:01Y que hay con una aquí.
00:50:03Ya, aquí sobre.
00:50:04Si, si.
00:50:04Aquí, sobre a una.
00:50:05Si, si.
00:50:05Si, si.
00:50:06Si, po' hermano, te ayudamos.
00:50:09¿A dónde se quieren instalar, cabros?
00:50:11No, yo creo que...
00:50:12Pero no, ya cae del agua, po'.
00:50:14Mira, ahí está mojado, po'.
00:50:16O no.
00:50:16Le queda un restito pa' arregque.
00:50:19Si, si.
00:50:19Ou, ojo.
00:50:21What do you think?
00:50:23It's better like this.
00:50:25Yes, it's better like this.
00:50:27But you still have to do the exam.
00:50:30Make the bed, damn it.
00:50:33Do it, man, do it.
00:50:41No, between the two of us, we already know how to do it.
00:50:44It's better to stay in your hands.
00:50:46With the dash, we don't need to do it.
00:50:51Do it, man, do it.
00:50:55Come on, Camila.
00:50:57You're welcome.
00:50:59I'm sweating, I'm sweating.
00:51:01I'm sweating.
00:51:03Instead of saying I'm sweating, I'm sweating.
00:51:05How do you say that?
00:51:06I don't know, I'm from Andalusia, but where I'm from, I don't...
00:51:09I'm from Tata Z.
00:51:11He's from Andalusia, for God's sake.
00:51:13Hey, but the cat with the boots, you were talking about.
00:51:15Yes, but I'm from Andalusia.
00:51:17Antonio Banderas, man.
00:51:19I am the cat with the boots.
00:51:25Stop everything.
00:51:26Stop everything.
00:51:27Stop everything.
00:51:28What did he say?
00:51:32Don't look at him, don't look at him.
00:51:33I am the cat with the boots.
00:51:39The one that's being tied down.
00:51:43But it came out well, it came out well.
00:51:45A little more, a little more.
00:51:46It gives him something, it gives him something.
00:51:48For you.
00:51:49For you, baby.
00:51:50It would be Batman.
00:51:51Tell him, tell him.
00:51:53For you, baby.
00:51:54It would be Batman.
00:52:00They've been here all day to hit the table,
00:52:03and we're going to hit them at one thirty in the morning.
00:52:05No, no, no, no, it's twelve, eleven forty-five.
00:52:08Ah, well, I'm sweating three times.
00:52:12He's the cat with the boots, he's the cat with the boots.
00:52:15He's the cat with the boots.
00:52:17Tomorrow you're going to put on your underwear and your boots.
00:52:20That's all.
00:52:21That's all.
00:52:22That's all.
00:52:30We're still sleeping.
00:52:31We have to be awake for four hours
00:52:33if the commander takes us to the office.
00:52:35Let's investigate, to the rectorate.
00:52:41Did you see? He's going to make himself a coffee too.
00:52:45They said that if we kept up the attitude,
00:52:47they wouldn't nominate us at once.
00:52:51It's already been seven rounds, nothing more.
00:52:55The weight of the law has fallen on us.
00:52:57Anyway, to give it early.
00:52:59The weight of the law.
00:53:12We had to go down, brother.
00:53:15Here, until the lights go down,
00:53:17we turn around and go down.
00:53:20The next day
00:53:38I'm going to take a nap.
00:53:40I'm going to take a nap.
00:53:49The next day
00:54:09A lot of coffee, a lot of milk.
00:54:11This is perfect.
00:54:20I want to save myself, right?
00:54:22I'm going to save myself.
00:54:25Tomorrow there will be a briefing at the martial court.
00:54:28All those who have said that they are going to vote,
00:54:31they are going to vote for them.
00:54:33It's the same for me, right?
00:54:35If you have the ball,
00:54:37it's fine.
00:54:38I told you the truth.
00:54:40Yes, Martirante.
00:54:41He said everything.
00:54:43No, I like Cañole.
00:54:45It's good.
00:54:46I respect him.
00:54:47We get along well.
00:54:49He has his hobbies.
00:54:51His death.
00:54:52Of course.
00:54:53His bike.
00:54:54Of course.
00:54:55It's weird that you vote for him.
00:54:57All the best men have been with him.
00:54:59Of course.
00:55:00All the best men have been with him.
00:55:02As I said, they are going to vote for him.
00:55:05It's good.
00:55:15What's over there?
00:55:17A kitten.
00:55:19A cat.
00:55:21It went over there.
00:55:26What time is it?
00:55:27Can we go to sleep now?
00:55:35It's time to count, brother.
00:56:30How are you, sir?
00:56:31How are you?
00:56:35Hey, another day in bed with Mel, and he doesn't even caress me, or a goodnight kiss, nothing.
00:56:48Did you wash the bed?
00:56:50No, nothing.
00:56:55Have you been here four hours?
00:56:57I don't know.
00:56:59Who knows, in the face-to-face we are not doing well, we have to prepare.
00:57:05Do you know?
00:57:07No, I don't know what's going to happen, because applying logic, I don't know why the group won't leave.
00:57:19I have the whole band behind me.
00:57:21I have the whole band behind me.
00:57:24I have the whole band and more.
00:57:26And more.
00:57:28And more.
00:57:41Beautiful, right?
00:57:43Well, they came to me, they painted me, they sent me a few stretches, and that's it.
00:57:58And more.
00:58:08First day I'm waiting for you here.
00:58:10I wake up.
00:58:12How are you, Toti?
00:58:14No, please.
00:58:19Hello, good morning.
00:58:21I have news for you, kids, I want you to listen to me.
00:58:24Today is going to be a very heavy day.
00:58:26Very heavy.
00:58:28Yes, really.
00:58:30Very, very, very heavy.
00:58:32So heavy that it's going to be heavy metal!
00:59:21Today, these guys are going to have a bad time.
00:59:27Because we are in Palabra de Honor!
00:59:35Good morning, kids!
00:59:39There's the hair you need, put it on.
00:59:43That's it, that's it.
00:59:45Oh, look!
00:59:48Just like Gabriela and Suzuka!
00:59:52How are you, good morning.
00:59:54It hurt, didn't it?
00:59:55Why did it hurt?
00:59:56A lot of strength.
00:59:57Who won yesterday?
00:59:59Me, Tota, and Cojo.
01:00:01And Corrales.
01:00:04Fallon and I are going to win this show.
01:00:07Get ready.
01:00:08You can all go now, because we're going to win.
01:00:10Isn't that right?
01:00:11That's right.
01:00:12We're going to win.
01:00:13I mean, what do you have that the others don't have?
01:00:15Because I see here that both have two hands, two legs.
01:00:19Well, apart from having a butt, both of you,
01:00:21there are times when Fallon's butt hurts you.
01:00:24That's right.
01:00:25There are times when the butt is on one side and she's already gone.
01:00:30Fallon's butt is over there.
01:00:35The time starts in 3, 2, 1.
01:00:40Come on, 15 minutes, little ones, so you can get up,
01:00:42get your things in order.
01:00:43Good morning there.
01:00:45Let's get up, little ones.
01:00:53How are you?
01:00:55How have you been these days that you've been in here?
01:00:57Did you like the group?
01:00:58I liked the group.
01:00:59How did the competition go yesterday?
01:01:02I was in fourth place.
01:01:03You were saved.
01:01:04I was saved, yes.
01:01:05And have you been doing well?
01:01:06Yes, it's just that she got used to me making her bed.
01:01:09Oh, no, well, she already put on some clothes.
01:01:10But she doesn't even give me a little affection.
01:01:12I can't.
01:01:13Not even a little kiss on the cheek, good night.
01:01:15So, no, no, thank you very much.
01:01:17And I think that today I'm going to leave her.
01:01:19Oh, no.
01:01:20Maybe she doesn't want to show her affection because of Yuli.
01:01:22No, she's having a hard time.
01:01:23Oh, maybe.
01:01:25She gets a little uncomfortable.
01:01:26No, no.
01:01:28The blessings?
01:01:29Of course.
01:01:30Here are some tips.
01:01:31Yuli, I have to tell you.
01:01:32Get together with your ex so she can give you tips to fall in love.
01:01:39There are four minutes left, guys.
01:01:41Look, Oriana making the man's bed.
01:01:43And they're angry.
01:01:45No, we've already made the bed.
01:01:49But what do you think I am, masochist?
01:01:54Fabio, please, put on your boots.
01:01:56There are two minutes left.
01:01:57Come on, Fabio.
01:01:58Get dressed, man.
01:01:59Remember Palo, don't remember me, remember her.
01:02:01Remember what you said to me.
01:02:04And now that you're next to her, you act like this.
01:02:06No, come on.
01:02:19Sergeant Fox, I need you to give me the report of today morning and that everything has been in order.
01:02:25The report is that everyone got up.
01:02:27They are already in their beds.
01:02:29They are just waiting for you to arrive.
01:02:31The beds are also made and everyone has a very good disposition.
01:02:35So today we will not have news.
01:02:37Today we will not have news.
01:02:41Except what?
01:02:42I had to do a vigil or step with your company.
01:02:47And recruit González.
01:02:48And recruit González.
01:02:49And I had to do the four hours of which they completed an hour and a half.
01:02:54There you make the decision, Commander.
01:02:56We'll see what we do.
01:02:58Accompany me, please.
01:03:02Good morning.
01:03:03Good morning.
01:03:06I don't hear good morning today.
01:03:09Good morning.
01:03:11Good morning.
01:03:15Very good, very good.
01:03:17Good morning, Sergeant.
01:03:19Something here doesn't fit me.
01:03:20Something here doesn't fit me.
01:03:25What are you doing, Roja?
01:03:27You, please.
01:03:28Get out.
01:03:30Where did you get this from?
01:03:31A person, a girl who arrived, a girl who arrived in the morning.
01:03:35What does this mean?
01:03:36A show.
01:03:37A show.
01:03:38A magazine.
01:03:39Very good.
01:03:41Very good.
01:03:42They surprise me more and more.
01:03:44It means that day by day we are progressing.
01:03:46I am very happy for you.
01:03:48They are surprising me today, I must say.
01:03:50Now, let's go down.
01:03:55Go down, go down, go down.
01:04:01Take your place, which is the usual place, as you know.
01:04:05Stand up correctly.
01:04:08Today I want to congratulate you.
01:04:11Because today I got a big surprise.
01:04:14I came with another predisposition.
01:04:16As always.
01:04:17Today, really, you surprised me.
01:04:19I congratulate you.
01:04:24Gonzalez and Opasso, here.
01:04:28How was yesterday?
01:04:29The vigil?
01:04:30The vigil.
01:04:31Super good?
01:04:33Everyone slept quietly.
01:04:34No news?
01:04:35No news.
01:04:36Did you fulfill it?
01:04:38I think so.
01:04:40They told you that you were going to come to warn us, but you never came back.
01:04:41I told them that they were going to come to warn you, not me.
01:04:43Nobody warned me.
01:04:44And then ...
01:04:45Did you make the decision to go to rest?
01:04:47Yes, otherwise they would still be standing here.
01:04:49But if he was not going to warn us?
01:04:50I think they lacked my confidence again.
01:04:54So our agreement no longer exists.
01:04:57No, you, commander, don't be like that.
01:05:00So I will inform you of my decision during the day.
01:05:03Of course.
01:05:04And the guys are doing things right, old man.
01:05:05You do not include me.
01:05:06Why are they punishing them?
01:05:07Taking advantage of the fact that they are all there and those who are not.
01:05:09Rebel, rebel.
01:05:10Do not pay attention, old man.
01:05:11You have to see the times to be able to train.
01:05:14If not, you will end up all injured.
01:05:16Do you have time?
01:05:17If there is time to sleep ...
01:05:18It is not believed that we have time.
01:05:20We don't have that much time.
01:05:22In fact, before the arrival of Sergeant Fox, some can already train.
01:05:26Only when Sergeant Fox enters ...
01:05:29Enter what is on my side.
01:05:30You are ready.
01:05:32Red ear, you are very conversational.
01:05:33Come, come here.
01:05:34Come on, so we can start shooting in the morning with energy.
01:05:38How did you get up today?
01:05:39Twenty arms, twenty arms.
01:05:40I have my knees peeling.
01:05:41That's why you're going to pay by arm.
01:05:43By arm.
01:05:44No, by arm.
01:05:45It is to strengthen your body.
01:05:46Ah, by arm.
01:05:48Two, count.
01:05:49Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
01:05:57To your position.
01:05:58And do not speak more.
01:05:59Eighteen, nineteen.
01:06:02To have breakfast.
01:06:04Break bad rows.
01:06:06In order, in order, as I told you.
01:06:11Do you want an avocado?
01:06:13The shell of the lion.
01:06:14Do you want an avocado?
01:06:15Now, now, take it, do not worry.
01:06:16Everyone has eaten an egg, right?
01:06:17Let me take what we have first.
01:06:18Hey, but I asked, friend.
01:06:19I asked someone else.
01:06:20I and Dash have not eaten.
01:06:21Ah, well, I'll answer you.
01:06:22I'm not a diva.
01:06:23But if I answered you, you ate a live lion.
01:06:24Calm down, calm down.
01:06:25You took out the claws.
01:06:26Calm down.
01:06:27Calm down.
01:06:28Calm down.
01:06:29Calm down.
01:06:30Calm down.
01:06:31Calm down.
01:06:32Calm down.
01:06:33Calm down.
01:06:34Calm down.
01:06:35Calm down.
01:06:36Calm down.
01:06:37Calm down.
01:06:38Calm down.
01:06:39Calm down.
01:06:40Calm down.
01:06:41And you, Fabio, why would you vote?
01:06:42I have not decided yet.
01:06:43But did you have someone in mind?
01:06:44Discarding Facundo?
01:06:46It may be that Vico and Uli.
01:06:47For the same reason.
01:06:48They are very good guys, but they are off.
01:06:49How are we?
01:06:51Asleep yet.
01:06:52Here, thinking about the vote.
01:06:53Yes, no, no.
01:06:54Because, in addition, you have to argue.
01:06:55Well, for example.
01:06:56We are going to vote.
01:06:57We are going to vote.
01:06:58We are going to vote.
01:06:59We are going to vote.
01:07:00We are going to vote.
01:07:01We are going to vote.
01:07:02We are going to vote.
01:07:03We are going to vote.
01:07:04We are going to vote.
01:07:05We are going to vote.
01:07:06We are going to vote.
01:07:11And then, when time passes, it gets worse.
01:07:13No, it can be a mess.
01:07:15Because you have.
01:07:16Less, you know?
01:07:18Of course.
01:07:19You have more affinity with one.
01:07:23Here there are several that.
01:07:24Not a chance to vote for Vico.
01:07:26Ah, Vico too.
01:07:27He voted for me.
01:07:28Hey, I can vote.
01:07:29So what?
01:07:30Ah, I'm sick of it.
01:07:31I'm the only one who can put on the face you want.
01:07:33We want to vote for the bitch.
01:07:34But we are seeing that no one is going to wet his ass.
01:07:36No, I'm going to explain one thing to you.
01:07:38It's going to be either Antonella or Angela.
01:07:40That's the reality.
01:07:41I think we have to vote for her.
01:07:43There is no other option.
01:07:53Sergeant Fox.
01:07:54Yes, commander.
01:07:55Gather all the recruits at the front of the reformatory.
01:08:01He is Fabio Agostini.
01:08:03Guido, let's go to the front.
01:08:06Let go, the woman is there, please.
01:08:10I'll lend it to you.
01:08:11The same thing I tell you, the woman is out there.
01:08:15I can always bring you a gift, but if you come with me to the front.
01:08:20Come on.
01:08:21All right?
01:08:22Still sleepy.
01:08:23How are you going to be sleepy?
01:08:24You didn't sleep?
01:08:26You're not going to sleep?
01:08:27I'll be there.
01:08:28He's going to be sleepy.
01:08:29He didn't sleep?
01:08:30I slept late.
01:08:31And what were you doing?
01:08:33I was at the gala.
01:08:34I couldn't sleep.
01:08:35So, Recluta Caldirola is the problem.
01:08:36It's my big problem.
01:08:37It takes away your sleep?
01:08:39Look, it's good to know.
01:08:40Commander, I wanted to tell you that Recluta Bernal imitates Shrek's cat.
01:08:41Let's see, imitate it.
01:08:42It's the cat with boots.
01:08:43Wait for everyone to arrive.
01:08:44Turn around.
01:08:45I just got notified that Recluta Bernal has a very good imitation of Shrek.
01:08:46It's the cat with boots.
01:08:47Wait for everyone to arrive.
01:08:48Turn around.
01:08:49I just got notified that Recluta Bernal has a very good imitation of Shrek.
01:08:50It's the cat with boots.
01:08:52Wait for everyone to arrive.
01:08:53Turn around.
01:08:54I just got notified that Recluta Bernal has a very good imitation of Shrek.
01:08:55We want to see it in action.
01:08:56Wait for everyone to arrive.
01:08:57Turn around.
01:08:58I just got notified that Recluta Bernal has a very good imitation of Shrek.
01:08:59We want to see it in action.
01:09:00Now, aunt.
01:09:01I am the cat with boots.
01:09:02Someone else imitate someone.
01:09:03Today we will start training.
01:09:04Speaking of commitment.
01:09:05You don't think I'm doing it?
01:09:06You think you don't know how to do it?
01:09:07At least you know how to do it?
01:09:08At least you know how to do it.
01:09:09Well, if you're ready, let's start doing it!
01:09:10Then I won't be able to do it.
01:09:11That's it.
01:09:12Hey, Sergeant Foco...
01:09:14No, no, no.
01:09:15Today we'll start this training
01:09:18by talking about commitment.
01:09:21And this is about the dedication and loyalty
01:09:25that you should have for each other.
01:09:27So today we'll have general cleaning.
01:09:30Very good.
01:09:31Sergeant Foco, please go get the items.
01:09:35I don't know.
01:09:37There you go.
01:09:39I'm sorry.
01:09:41Let's go.
01:09:43I got it all.
01:09:51I realize that a lot of people are very talkative.
01:09:53And are you chewing gum?
01:09:57I have a problem with my jaw.
01:09:59Where did you get the gum?
01:10:03You can't speak.
01:10:04Up, down, now.
01:10:05We're talking.
01:10:06On one side or the other.
01:10:07I have it stuck in my throat.
01:10:09Where do you bite it?
01:10:11Are you chewing gum?
01:10:13No one is eating.
01:10:14Why are you looking at Sergeant Fox?
01:10:17Did you give him gum?
01:10:18Yes, my commander.
01:10:20I gave the boys some gum because I have to give them some motivation gifts, especially for these activities.
01:10:28But not to everyone.
01:10:29I'll bring you some tomorrow.
01:10:31You know you shouldn't bring anything to the recruits.
01:10:34So I hope it's the last time he gives something without my authorization.
01:10:38Perfect, Commander.
01:10:39I hope it's clear to him.
01:10:40Very clear.
01:10:44So now we're going to delegate the spaces that will be given to each pair and we're going to give them the cleaning items.
01:10:52Caldirola, Bernal, Cañulez and Rojas will be in charge of cleaning the casino.
01:11:00Recruit Agostini and Recruit Larraguivel.
01:11:05You will be in charge of the clear area.
01:11:08Include La Barberia, the Vilches and Muñoz recruits.
01:11:13You recruits will be in charge of the Mercado Libre room.
01:11:17Recruit Alcalde and Recruit Figueroa.
01:11:19You will have the stairs and the whole hall.
01:11:23Marsoli and González.
01:11:25You will have the cleaning of the dungeon.
01:11:29You will be in charge of the bathroom of the barracks.
01:11:34You will be in charge of the barracks.
01:11:39Rubier and Cañas, the frontis of our reformatory.
01:11:45To do the cleaning, we're going to get a little excited.
01:11:48So Sergeant Fox is going to teach you a song.
01:11:55To teach you the song.
01:11:57You are very tired.
01:11:59Don't take your place.
01:12:00Come on Marsoli, get active.
01:12:02Come on Diana.
01:12:03Clean the windows.
01:12:05All up.
01:12:06You have to repeat after me.
01:12:09We march together with pride and courage.
01:12:12We march together with pride and courage.
01:12:15In every step the word is honor.
01:12:18In every step the word is honor.
01:12:22In every step the word is honor.
01:12:25In companionship we are going to clean.
01:12:30I can't hear you.
01:12:32Let's march together with pride and courage.
01:12:46All good?
01:12:47Ten out of ten.
01:12:49Now you can start cleaning the designated places.
01:12:53Clothes, rows, bar.
01:12:56How did you hide the gum?
01:13:01Let's go.
01:13:08Felix, let's do this sector first.
01:13:11You have to take this food out of here.
01:13:15It's a mess.
01:13:17It's super dirty here.
01:13:18I'm throwing this back.
01:13:20This is the example.
01:13:23No, it's dirty here.
01:13:25You have to run it a little further.
01:13:32Here in the light area, as I told you,
01:13:35move the furniture, clean the barbershop.
01:13:37There are some bottles in the windows.
01:13:39You have to take them out.
01:13:40These flowers have to be taken out.
01:13:43Because they are already dead.
01:13:45Commander, I tried to get the shine out of this painting.
01:13:48No, leave it there.
01:13:49I tried to clean this painting, but it doesn't have any shine.
01:13:52Look, but everything has to be in order.
01:14:02That's my boy, come on.
01:14:04It was good for SEO, right?
01:14:06It's not what I like the most.
01:14:09Marzoli, what are you doing here?
01:14:11Are you going to help your partner?
01:14:13He's going to clean and do a lot of things.
01:14:15We all know how to do a lot of things.
01:14:18There are some that are very useless.
01:14:20They don't like to do anything.
01:14:22Hey, are you working alone?
01:14:24No, my wife is coming.
01:14:25She's going to clean.
01:14:26We divide things well.
01:14:28Tell him to come help you.
01:14:30How are you working alone?
01:14:32I'm fine, love.
01:14:33Marzoli, I'm waiting for you.
01:14:35She's coming, she's coming.
01:14:39I'm here to do a magazine for SEO.
01:14:49I'm here to do a magazine for SEO.
01:15:01So they can see, so they can see.
01:15:04The cat with boots.
01:15:05Kitty with soft paws.
01:15:06I'm Kitty.
01:15:07I'm Fiona.
01:15:08I'm Fiona.
01:15:09The falcon.
01:15:10And Mel, the brave prince.
01:15:12Hey, you in your color, we in ours.
01:15:14Go and conquer your wife instead of looking at us.
01:15:18Ready, love.
01:15:19And this one.
01:15:21No, no.
01:15:23Let me do it.
01:15:28I'm going to tell you something.
01:15:30I've had a lot of fights.
01:15:33I've had a lot of fights with Sergio.
01:15:35He's talked about me.
01:15:36Very rude things.
01:15:37Very ugly things.
01:15:38But there's always a real support for what you say.
01:15:40For better or for worse.
01:15:42It's based on the truth.
01:15:44You don't believe that because he's my friend,
01:15:46he hasn't done anything to me.
01:15:47Because he has.
01:15:48Now it's going to be your turn.
01:15:50Because now you're on the other side.
01:15:52When did you become a reality boy?
01:15:54No, Gala.
01:15:56Are you a reality boy?
01:15:58Do you like it or not?
01:15:59Do you like it or not?
01:16:00We're all reality boys.
01:16:02I'm participating in a real experience.
01:16:09I love it when people are honest with me.
01:16:11I'm like that too.
01:16:13You what?
01:16:14I take a lot of my time.
01:16:16Take it.
01:16:18I don't take any.
01:16:20It's just to know how you think, what you feel and that's it.
01:16:25I'm not insinuating anything.
01:16:27It's clear.
01:16:29In case you're thinking badly.
01:16:32I'm not thinking badly, Fabio.
01:16:33No, no.
01:16:34I'm an adult woman.
01:16:35Yes, I know.
01:16:36A lot of things have happened in life.
01:16:38I know.
01:16:39I've realized that you're not a child.
01:16:41But I don't want to have a relationship either.
01:16:44I don't want to get involved with anyone either.
01:16:48I'm coming out of a super long relationship and what I want now...
01:16:51And I've just come out of the most toxic relationship in my life.
01:16:54And you want to be alone, I imagine.
01:16:56I've been alone for eight months and I've loved it.
01:16:58But you never know who you might meet.
01:17:03Give a hand to Natu.
01:17:05Yes, I do that, Natu.
01:17:06I told you.
01:17:07Brute force is mine.
01:17:10But why?
01:17:11Because you're stepping on it.
01:17:12But why are you throwing it?
01:17:13Because you can go through there.
01:17:14No, take it out.
01:17:15You see I have a lot of shit.
01:17:16If you stained me, take it out.
01:17:17But take it out.
01:17:18I'll take it out.
01:17:19What's so hard for you to do that, Fabio?
01:17:21And what's so hard for you to go through there?
01:17:22I'm staining you, man.
01:17:24You're doing it on purpose.
01:17:25No, but if you sweep my feet, Fabio.
01:17:26On top of that, bad luck.
01:17:27Because you know I have all the shit here and you just come to step on it.
01:17:31Yes, brother, yes.
01:17:36How are you doing?
01:17:37You moved the furniture, right?
01:17:40Did you clean here?
01:17:41I don't think so, right?
01:17:42We're going, we're going.
01:17:43I told you, girl.
01:17:44I can't stand it.
01:17:45Did you lift the carpet to sweep?
01:17:46We were on that for a while.
01:17:47My Commander Arratia.
01:17:48Commander Arratia.
01:17:49That's it.
01:17:50Very good.
01:17:51Do you see that he learns fast?
01:17:52How are you doing here?
01:17:53There we go.
01:17:55So that you can move your hands faster, let's go.
01:17:56Let's go.
01:17:57Let's go.
01:17:58Let's go.
01:18:00Let's start with the hands faster, let's set the timer to start finishing in 20 minutes.
01:18:02Let's start.
01:18:03In 3, 2, 1, now.
01:18:04But Commander, you're ruining our cleaning.
01:18:05Look, I'm avoiding it.
01:18:06I'm not dirtying your cleaning.
01:18:07Oh, tremendous change here.
01:18:08Here it was stuck.
01:18:09As he always carries the hand, he carries the hand to us.
01:18:10How am I going to carry your hand?
01:18:11It's true, Commander.
01:18:12Let's see, how are you?
01:18:13Can you see anything?
01:18:15I am opening my eyes.
01:18:16I am opening my eyes.
01:18:17I am opening my eyes.
01:18:18I am opening my eyes.
01:18:19I am opening my eyes.
01:18:20I am opening my eyes.
01:18:21I am opening my eyes.
01:18:22I am opening my eyes.
01:18:23I am opening my eyes.
01:18:24How am I going to carry your hand?
01:18:26It's true, Commander.
01:18:28Let's see, do you think I have preferences?
01:18:32There are people who are more comfortable with my commander than others, right?
01:18:35Hey, but here you have, this is a shoe shop.
01:18:40But friends, they are not cleaning yet.
01:18:45This is a tremendous change.
01:18:47A million squirrels together.
01:18:48Those who have already finished can help the rest.
01:18:51Very good.
01:18:55The best of the best.
01:18:58Pass me the Borseos, Che.
01:19:00The Borseos, of course.
01:19:01The Borseos are like boots, very good.
01:19:03How do you know?
01:19:04Almost five years exploring with a cordobel.
01:19:06Hotio, he was very handsome, Hotio.
01:19:08You wanted to eat him, love.
01:19:10No, wait.
01:19:11It was not that I said I want to eat him.
01:19:13He says how handsome.
01:19:14Of the almost five years we were, I think I shit on him.
01:19:16No, they were pure chat, never anything.
01:19:20I have photos of the mines in his bed.
01:19:25When he did not want me to go to his house, it was because he was doing some evil.
01:19:29And I get into Snapchat and the mine had uploaded photos with him in his room.
01:19:35Knowing that he was dating you.
01:19:37God, how cool, and you forgave him.
01:19:40I always forgave him everything, good.
01:19:44I forgave him everything.
01:19:45But when we finished, he said that I had been unfaithful.
01:19:47I do not believe you.
01:19:49And it was a lie.
01:19:52I mean, I shit on the whole relationship.
01:19:54Do you think that after the last day I was going to shit on him?
01:19:56Andy always spoke very well of you and he was very in love with you.
01:20:00Yes, I'm not saying that he was not in love, just that he had his ...
01:20:04No, falls.
01:20:05In fact, I told him, let's talk, I have a friend.
01:20:08And he said no.
01:20:09Oh, what a liar.
01:20:11I mean, that's not good at all.
01:20:13But why do you think he's defending him?
01:20:15Because maybe he was misbehaving with him.
01:20:21Gala, and if Rai comes in?
01:20:27It is concluded.
01:20:28If it comes in, I'm going to tell you a few truths too, for Gala.
01:20:31No, it's not inconclusive.
01:20:32Wait a minute.
01:20:33Good vibes.
01:20:34But would you like?
01:20:35I don't care.
01:20:36You know, we've been together for three months.
01:20:38But you never talk to us again.
01:20:41Sometimes we even talk about spitting on each other, but in the end it never happened.
01:20:44And like she died with the flowers.
01:20:45What? And you will never get together in life?
01:20:47No, I've run into him a couple of times at an event and such, but we never get together.
01:20:50And do you talk?
01:20:52No? You don't even say hello?
01:20:53I mean, good vibes, but no.
01:20:54He's not my friend.
01:20:55He was a person I knew in here, but good vibes.
01:20:58But no.
01:20:59He was a piece of shit.
01:21:00I mean, I don't have anything.
01:21:02Oh, that's it.
01:21:04It shows that there was a good cleaning here.
01:21:07A good cleaning.
01:21:08Clean as you wanted, my commander.
01:21:10What do you think?
01:21:11Let me see.
01:21:12Let me see.
01:21:13Don't make me dirty, huh?
01:21:14The cushions are very well organized.
01:21:16Everything is placed.
01:21:17All the details are fine.
01:21:21I think it's perfect.
01:21:22Let's see here.
01:21:27Return this photo there.
01:21:28If you know what corresponds there, not here.
01:21:35Search, search, because you won't find anything dirty.
01:21:37No, it surprises me.
01:21:38It surprises me that they left the bread clean.
01:21:41Congratulations to Raggy Bell and Agostini.
01:21:43They surprised me.
01:21:44Very good, that duo.
01:21:45I loved it.
01:21:46Over here, very good.
01:21:47No, but very good.
01:21:51Marzoli, González, come here.
01:21:53Join me.
01:21:54We're done.
01:21:55Let's see.
01:21:56Very good work, both recruits.
01:21:59You two work very well.
01:22:01It shows.
01:22:02Thank you very much.
01:22:03Get up, Río.
01:22:04Very good.
01:22:05I'm not going to ruin the floor here, but very good work.
01:22:08Go train outside.
01:22:09Go train.
01:22:10Let's go.
01:22:12Let's go.
01:22:21Oriana is not there.
01:22:22Oriana, your planes.
01:22:29Oriana is going to pay for them.
01:22:30If one is the other.
01:22:35Respect the man.
01:22:36How beautiful.
01:22:38How beautiful is the love.
01:22:41Shut up, shut up, shut up.
01:22:44To all my followers from all countries, thank you.
01:22:47What a job.
01:22:49That's for the reconciliation.
01:22:51You can't be so busted, man.
01:22:53Although they are my fans, thank you.
01:22:56Although they are my fans who send it to Facu, but thank you.
01:22:5950% of your salary goes to the planes.
01:23:02I work a month in Falun.
01:23:03Koreans earn it in a day.
01:23:04This week I'm going to send a plane to Falun.
01:23:07Marzoli, shut up, your master.
01:23:10Agostini, shut up.
01:23:11He's getting out of his hands.
01:23:12Shut up, your master.
01:23:14Listen to me.
01:23:15You are here thanks to Pamela.
01:23:18They don't want to see people well.
01:23:19What a bad habit.
01:23:20Who starts to bother?
01:23:22You start to bother.
01:23:23Take out whatever you want.
01:23:24Take out whatever you want.
01:23:25Then silence.
01:23:26Take out whatever you want.
01:23:28But you are looking bad, Falun, because you look busted.
01:23:32Hashtag busted.
01:23:33Don't say that because you look bad.
01:23:36Hashtag busted.
01:23:37Hashtag envy of the strong.
01:23:38I understand it.
01:23:39But what is that?
01:23:40But I advise you.
01:23:41But I advise you.
01:23:42But I advise you.
01:23:43It's back.
01:23:44It's back.
01:23:45It's back.
01:23:46It's back.
01:23:47It's back.
01:23:48It's back.
01:23:49Hashtag polyoperated.
01:23:50Hashtag benefited.
01:23:55Hashtag busted.
01:23:56Hashtag in class.
01:23:57To keep crying.
01:23:58Hashtag respect.
01:23:59To cry.
01:24:00Hashtag copyright.
01:24:01Hashtag polypocket and abolit.
01:24:02Hashtag copyright.
01:24:03Shut up.
01:24:04Shut up.
01:24:05Shut up.
01:24:06Marzoli, silence.
01:24:07That's enough.
01:24:08Nothing, my love.
01:24:10Shut up.
01:24:11Shut up.
01:24:12Shut up.
01:24:14Shut up.
01:24:15That was a good detail.
01:24:17We were congratulating the love detail.
01:24:18Silence, La Raguivel.
01:24:19Cut it.
01:24:20Despite this bad moment, I still want to congratulate you.
01:24:25Because the work ...
01:24:27Shut up.
01:24:28Because the work they did inside the reforms college is impeccable.
01:24:35I can't say anything.
01:24:36This is how they should work.
01:24:38In team, in team, in team, in team,
01:24:40in team, in team,
01:24:41in team, in team,
01:24:42of the scuffles that may arise, teamwork is fundamental.
01:24:47I congratulate you.
01:24:48Break ranks.
01:24:55We have brought a series of ideas, questions, adjectives
01:25:00that you are going to give away to others.
01:25:03For example...
01:25:04Oriana, please, go ahead.
01:25:07Okay, who do you think likes to get attention the most?
01:25:14But why?
01:25:15I mean, I think...
01:25:16Look, I'm going to be the protagonist when I don't want to be.
01:25:20Trying to get attention is ridiculous.
01:25:24No, no, no.
01:25:25What happens is that I think Oriana has realized that this is not her reality
01:25:28and she is very upset to finally have such a secondary role.
01:25:33Who would you give the prize to the most unfaithful?
01:25:35I think they know it.
01:25:36Even in Russia, I give it to Facundo.
01:25:38It hurt me a lot of things he did.
01:25:40And I apologize, brother.
01:25:41Look, I'm quite a man to apologize.
01:25:43If I talk more than usual, I think I went a little too far.
01:25:46But I also felt very hurt by the things you did.
01:25:49But hey, I speak for myself and I apologize.
01:25:53You have to give five people a little bit.
01:25:57You have 30 minutes.
01:25:59In five, four, three, two, one.
01:26:06The chocolates are waiting for you.
01:26:08Wait, one thing.
01:26:16What's up, Follon?
01:26:17Very good here, Armando Follon.
01:26:19A three-kiss, a three-kiss.
01:26:20Okay, a three-kiss.
01:26:25And you saw it in the foreground.
01:26:29Stop flirting with everything.
01:26:31Why? I love kissing people.
01:26:33Would you give me a little bit?
01:26:35No, because my friend was my friend.
01:26:38Don't tell her, don't tell her.
01:26:41What if they don't fuck with me?
01:26:44Giving kisses.
01:26:45Ah, yes.
01:26:49Pedro, what's wrong? What's wrong with you?
01:26:52Hey, Pampu, give me a kiss.
01:26:54No, no, no.
01:27:05I love you.
01:27:14All of you are welcome to this,
01:27:16the second martial court in words of honor, loyalty or betrayal.
01:27:20I don't like chivata people.
01:27:22If something didn't seem right to you,
01:27:24why didn't you say it at that moment?
01:27:26I think you should get out of there a little bit,
01:27:28show yourself who you are,
01:27:29not live like a working sheep in the shadow
01:27:32of someone who has clearly lost all his shine.
01:27:35I feel like you want to grab the camera in some other way.
01:27:40But I told him in his face when I had to confront him.
01:27:42You don't know me at all.
01:27:44You're never going to know me.
01:27:46You said I was a ghost,
01:27:47and you also told me on the stairs.
01:27:49And before going to the team competition,
01:27:51you told me, come on, ghost.
01:27:52I think I wasn't such a ghost for you a couple of years ago
01:27:55when you wrote to me on Instagram,
01:27:57which by the way, I didn't open.
01:28:00Why are you laughing, fool?
01:28:01Do you look like an idiot laughing like a kid?